UK: "We need to hunt for everything - money, oil, stop gas, ships - everything that allows the Muscovite war machine to work!" Do our MAGA CREW AGREE?

Do our MAGA CREW AGREE WITH British Foreign Secretary Cameron?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • no

    Votes: 2 66.7%

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Your distorted view and fixation on MAGA is almost as absurd as your desire to risk nuclear war.

Putin is obviously an evil man. A true cocksucker.

But, even so, there is a real world limit to how much value we need to place on Ukraine.
Putin is obviously an evil man. A true cocksucker.

But, even so, there is a real world limit to how much value we need to place on Ukraine.

putin (and his empire ) must be stopped do we agree on this ?


putin (and his empire ) must be stopped do we agree on this ?
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I think your rhetoric is overwrought.

Putin’s Russia is a lot of things. “Empire” isn’t one of them.

What PUTIN had the Russian military do to Ukraine is depraved and criminal. That’s quite clear. But, even so, Russia isn’t an “empire” and the claim that we “must” act and intervene militarily is not very well articulated. It may not even be true.
Putin’s Russia is a lot of things. “Empire” isn’t one of them.
did RT tell it to you?

back to reality :
🇷🇺 tsar´s fav philosopher and ideologist Mr . dugin :

any comment on this ? tell me just that you were wrong , be a gentleman
did RT tell it to you?
No, you retard. Unlike you, I don’t have to be told what to think and what to say.

It isn’t a surprise that you suck dick as a paid troll propagandist. You are peddling shit and get upset when actual people don’t buy your product. :laughing0301: :9: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh::abgg2q.jpg:

back to reality :

You can’t go back to a place you’ve never been, troll.
No, you retard. Unlike you, I don’t have to be told what to think and what to say.

It isn’t a surprise that you suck dick as a paid troll propagandist. You are peddling shit and get upset when actual people don’t buy your product. :laughing0301: :9: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh::abgg2q.jpg:

You can’t go back to a place you’ve never been, troll.
commie Han-China’s claims to Moscow’s Far East (Outer Manchuria) are fact-based and indisputable. The thoughts of Chinese imperialists are focused on a particular Siberian city (Vladivostok) —one famous for its sea cucumbers, a popular Chinese delicacy.
with friends like these who needs enemies? China take advantage of Mongol- Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

The future Han- Muscovite wars will be around water resources and the reclaiming of Manchuria to settle an unequal treaty.
China has ALREADY declared part of Mongol - Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.

I am something of a historian and am fascinated by a lot of world history and its changing geography, but I haven't had much education on China/Russia relations, conflicts, disputes etc. Your thread is inspiring me to read up on that more though. I do know that the CCP has definitely taken Russia's side in the current conflict. So far Chinese support in the conflict has been non lethal but of a more technological nature to help Russia in manufacturing weaponry but Iran and North Korea are supply weapons to Russia.

Any direct aggression by the EU or America or any other Ukraine allies in this conflict must be weighed against the very real possibility of lighting the fuse to WWIII.

I am something of a historian and am fascinated by a lot of world history and its changing geography, but I haven't had much education on China/Russia relations, conflicts, disputes etc. Your thread is inspiring me to read up on that more though. I do know that the CCP has definitely taken Russia's side in the current conflict. So far Chinese support in the conflict has been non lethal but of a more technological nature to help Russia in manufacturing weaponry but Iran and North Korea are supply weapons to Russia.
you can start here :

Any direct aggression by the EU or America or any other Ukraine allies in this conflict must be weighed against the very real possibility of lighting the fuse to WWIII.
between us (60 % of the world GDP) and Nigeria with snow? you must be joking ...

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between us (60 % of the world GDP) and Nigeria with snow? you must be joking ...

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WWIII will likely include an axis of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea as the primary bad actors likely joined by other anti-west factions. And when you add their combined GDPs and their hatred of western values plus no moral compass to follow the Geneva Convention, a WWIII however lopsided would be long, bloody, costly, and horrible.

View attachment 963807
WWIII will likely include an axis of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea as the primary bad actors likely joined by other anti-west factions. And when you add their combined GDPs
1) the thugs are incapable to form and hold in such formations , and good example : Hitler - Stalin´s pact
2) GDP...

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