Ukraine 10 Cities Under Siege, President Threatens Force After Death

Wasn't there some sort of arangement made with the Ukraine that if they gave up
some weapons or something we and other nations would have their back?....

Is that agreement negated the first time it's needed?

That's if they were attacked. The UN isn't about to battle Ukranians in Ukraine to stop them from voting.
Wasn't there some sort of arangement made with the Ukraine that if they gave up
some weapons or something we and other nations would have their back?....

Is that agreement negated the first time it's needed?

The Budapest Memorandum. During Clinton's administration, they convinced them to give up their wmd, which they did, we would back them up, if ever threatened. And on Dec. 4, 2009, the US reconfirmed that commitment. So much for that.
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That's what makes a civil war. You may SAY that in YOUR OPINION the majority of Ukrainians want to stay Ukrainian, but the facts do not back that up.

It is not a civil war. It is an invasion of Russian troops into a sovereign nation. Nobody believes those militants are Ukrainian, Everyone knows they are Russian's, the same as they were in Crimea. I could be wrong. I did not visit Ukraine, but I spoke to many Ukrainian, both ethnic Ukraine and ethnic Russian Ukrainians while visiting some nearby countries last week.

Where's the pictures of the invasion? Where are the dead and wounded? Come on you aren't really buying into the bullshit from Kiev are you?

You know the goons and thugs in the illegal government are pretty good at spinning tales but you wouldn't be buying into them would you?
Wasn't there some sort of arangement made with the Ukraine that if they gave up
some weapons or something we and other nations would have their back?....

Is that agreement negated the first time it's needed?

The Budapest Memorandum. During Clinton's administration, they convinced them to give up their wmd, which they did, we would back them up, if ever threatened. And on Dec. 4, 2009, the US reconfirmed that commitment. So much for that.

Where is the invasion? I keep asking this question and no one can give an answer. Just people posting that the Ukraine has been invaded.

Let's see it was AOK and believable that the people pulling off the coup in Kiev were pro EU and that was fine and dandy. And all Ukrainians were behind the coup. :lol:

But apparently no one is supposed to believe that there are Ukrainians who hate the sons of bitches in Kiev who threw out their guy. You know. The President and the government they voted for.

Un freaking real.
Wasn't there some sort of arangement made with the Ukraine that if they gave up
some weapons or something we and other nations would have their back?....

Is that agreement negated the first time it's needed?

The Budapest Memorandum. During Clinton's administration, they convinced them to give up their wmd, which they did, we would back them up, if ever threatened. And on Dec. 4, 2009, the US reconfirmed that commitment. So much for that.

Where is the invasion? I keep asking this question and no one can give an answer. Just people posting that the Ukraine has been invaded.

Let's see it was AOK and believable that the people pulling off the coup in Kiev were pro EU and that was fine and dandy. And all Ukrainians were behind the coup. :lol:

But apparently no one is supposed to believe that there are Ukrainians who hate the sons of bitches in Kiev who threw out their guy. You know. The President and the government they voted for.

Un freaking real.

Russian special operations were parachuted into eastern Ukraine a few weeks ago.

I know this because I know a guy who owns a port in Donetsk. The guy who runs it for him owns land around the area, and he said that ~60 Russian ops parachuted on his land. They are operating in Ukraine doing two things - they are stirring up trouble (those protests aren't spontaneous), and offering pensioners a nearly triple increase in their pensions if they vote in favour of more autonomy towards Russia in the referendum.

And the government in Kiev isn't fascist.
That's what makes a civil war. You may SAY that in YOUR OPINION the majority of Ukrainians want to stay Ukrainian, but the facts do not back that up.

It is not a civil war. It is an invasion of Russian troops into a sovereign nation. Nobody believes those militants are Ukrainian, Everyone knows they are Russian's, the same as they were in Crimea. I could be wrong. I did not visit Ukraine, but I spoke to many Ukrainian, both ethnic Ukraine and ethnic Russian Ukrainians while visiting some nearby countries last week.

Where's the pictures of the invasion? Where are the dead and wounded? Come on you aren't really buying into the bullshit from Kiev are you?

You know the goons and thugs in the illegal government are pretty good at spinning tales but you wouldn't be buying into them would you?

Did you miss that thing in Crimea? Russian's have no legal authority to be there. Elections were fake and not recognized by the world as legitimate. Crimea is an occupied region of Ukraine.
It is not a civil war. It is an invasion of Russian troops into a sovereign nation. Nobody believes those militants are Ukrainian, Everyone knows they are Russian's, the same as they were in Crimea. I could be wrong. I did not visit Ukraine, but I spoke to many Ukrainian, both ethnic Ukraine and ethnic Russian Ukrainians while visiting some nearby countries last week.

Where's the pictures of the invasion? Where are the dead and wounded? Come on you aren't really buying into the bullshit from Kiev are you?

You know the goons and thugs in the illegal government are pretty good at spinning tales but you wouldn't be buying into them would you?

Did you miss that thing in Crimea? Russian's have no legal authority to be there. Elections were fake and not recognized by the world as legitimate. Crimea is an occupied region of Ukraine.
Where's the pictures of the invasion? Where are the dead and wounded? Come on you aren't really buying into the bullshit from Kiev are you?

You know the goons and thugs in the illegal government are pretty good at spinning tales but you wouldn't be buying into them would you?

Did you miss that thing in Crimea? Russian's have no legal authority to be there. Elections were fake and not recognized by the world as legitimate. Crimea is an occupied region of Ukraine.

Nonsense? Perhaps you can clue us in, or at least clue me in as to which countries and international organization have recognized the elections in Crimea as legitimate. Wouldn't be the UN. The Security Council consisting of 15 countries voted on 15 March, a month ago. 13 of those countries voted the election was not legitimate. Only Russia voted it to be legitimate. China didn't even vote it to be a legitimate election. They abstained.
Maybe you can use the vote of the entire UN and it's member nations. No, can't do that. They voted on 24 March. Only garnered 11 votes for recognition of a legitimate election. 100 of them voted no, the election was invalid and not recognized as legitimate. 58 countries abstained from voting, but the 100 that refused to support the fake election were an overwhelming majority.
So, the majority of the world says that Crimea had a fake election that doesn't count, but Putin sez it's real, and maybe you.
The 1997 Treat
It is not a civil war. It is an invasion of Russian troops into a sovereign nation. Nobody believes those militants are Ukrainian, Everyone knows they are Russian's, the same as they were in Crimea. I could be wrong. I did not visit Ukraine, but I spoke to many Ukrainian, both ethnic Ukraine and ethnic Russian Ukrainians while visiting some nearby countries last week.

Where's the pictures of the invasion? Where are the dead and wounded? Come on you aren't really buying into the bullshit from Kiev are you?

You know the goons and thugs in the illegal government are pretty good at spinning tales but you wouldn't be buying into them would you?

Did you miss that thing in Crimea? Russian's have no legal authority to be there. Elections were fake and not recognized by the world as legitimate. Crimea is an occupied region of Ukraine.

First and foremost I couldn't give a rats ass what when who or how the UN votes. Ever.

Ok now twith that rant out of the way let me address the legality of the Russian troops being in Crimea.

There is a treaty that was not only signed in 1997 between Ukraine and Russia that allows for the troops but the treaty was recently renewed so that the lease on the port continues to the year 2042.

This is all on record. This isn't bullshit hype. It's the real deal. Hell's bells even your own CIA Director Brennan is on record with the LA times recognizing this Treaty.

Up to 25,000 Russian troops were allowed. Russia was paying the Ukraine handsomely for the use of the ports for their Black Sea Fleet.

How on earth can you claim they had no legal right to be there? Note: the Wiki page hasn't been updated but I can throw the update of the lease being extended to 2042 at you at any time.

I'm loaded for bear on this shit. :D

Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet

The Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet was a treaty signed between Russia and Ukraine on 28 May 1997 whereby the two countries established two independent national fleets, and divided armaments and bases between them.

Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Unfortunately that treaty said nothing about those allowed troops not being able to take over Ukraine's govt. buildings.

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