Ukraine asks Bibi to mediate

I read about this in Ukrainian news some time ago. Maybe Netanyahu wont directly refuse this offer, if he really was invited to this mission. But he wont be too active in it, obviously. Why to have one more reason of headache?
I read about this in Ukrainian news some time ago. Maybe Netanyahu wont directly refuse this offer, if he really was invited to this mission. But he wont be too active in it, obviously. Why to have one more reason of headache?
Netanyahu has got his own problems.
I read about this in Ukrainian news some time ago. Maybe Netanyahu wont directly refuse this offer, if he really was invited to this mission. But he wont be too active in it, obviously. Why to have one more reason of headache?
Why are they asking Bibi not Joe Biden? I do not know.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has been asked mediate between russia and Ukraine.
I read about this in Ukrainian news some time ago. Maybe Netanyahu wont directly refuse this offer, if he really was invited to this mission. But he wont be too active in it, obviously. Why to have one more reason of headache?
The Ukrainians are trying to Jew-bag the Russians.
I read about this in Ukrainian news some time ago. Maybe Netanyahu wont directly refuse this offer, if he really was invited to this mission. But he wont be too active in it, obviously. Why to have one more reason of headache?
Why are they asking Bibi not Joe Biden? I do not know.
Dont expect too much from this proposal. Maybe someone in Ukrainian government decided that Netanyahu having good personal relations both with Putin and Zelensky can help to pave a path to some agreement. But this hope is futile because two warring sides have opposite demands.

Also, I don't exclude that it was just formal proposal with no real consequences intended. Kind of 'our diplomats are intensely working'.

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