Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army

Quit being a crybaby! Think about it when you’re calling people libtards and libturds. I don’t see many on the right standing up for Ukraine. Russia seems to be a favorite, however. No collusion? Who can tell, but you are known by who you hang out with.
You are confused Moon Bat.

You aren't seeing the ones on the Right being anti Putin and Russia because you don't want to see it.

The dishonest Leftest mantra during Trump's administration was Russia Russia Russia so that has distorted your reality.

We Conservative Boomers have no love for the Russia assholes.

You Libtards must love them. You didn't see anything wrong with them owning the Clintons lock, stock and barrel or giving the Biden crime family millions of dollars.
You are confused Moon Bat.

You aren't seeing the ones on the Right being anti Putin and Russia because you don't want to see it.

The dishonest Leftest mantra during Trump's administration was Russia Russia Russia so that has distorted your reality.

We Conservative Boomers have no love for the Russia assholes.

You Libtards must love them. You didn't see anything wrong with them owning the Clintons lock, stock and barrel or giving the Biden crime family millions of dollars.
If that’s the truth, why is the right standing with Russia and calling Ukraine fascist?
The OP is correct:thup:

Ukraine is not the country fighting Russia, it's Biden's corrupt, stolen, Globlalist, Administration , plus those sick idiots in NATO who are fighting Russia, along with the mercenary armies or losers, you can call them, who by the way, are killed by the hundreds daily....those are the ones fighting Russia.
NATO is fuckimg evil and wants to destroy the world Einstein.:rofl:they are getting their asses kicked by Russia.:2up:
Russia invaded and started this shit, not the other way around. And Russia is retreating because they can't even take a shit country like Ukraine.

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.
Russia invaded and started the war. NATO is helping Ukraine defend itself. Give Putin a kiss for me as they retreat.
Putin-love rears it’s ugly head again! No matter how much they deny it, the MAGA crowd and Russia go hand-in-hand. No collusion?!?! :rolleyes-41:

Again, Russia has never been the enemy, the colonial imperialist, the one invading other countries, etc.
With China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc., the US has been the bad guy trying to install dictators.
Russia gained nothing by defending these countries, but did it anyway.
Russia invaded and started this shit, not the other way around. And Russia is retreating because they can't even take a shit country like Ukraine.

Moscow negotiated that the Ukraine would never try to join NATO in the 1992 treaties.
Moscow against warned the Ukraine in 2006 that trying to join NATO would require an invasion.
Moscow warned the Ukraine just months before the 2022 invasion that trying to join NATO would mean an invasion.
It was the Ukraine that cut off negotiations and deliberately caused the invasion.
It was a way for the US to test weapons on Russian forces.
It was illegal for Biden to give all those missile to Zelenski.

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.
Well, this was years in the making, and Putin continually provoked, but it wouldn't have happened under Trump, hence much of the Swampsteria aimed at him.

If "Her Time" Hillary had won, the invasion would have occurred in 2018.
Quit being a crybaby! Think about it when you’re calling people libtards and libturds. I don’t see many on the right standing up for Ukraine. Russia seems to be a favorite, however. No collusion? Who can tell, but you are known by who you hang out with.

Real liberals support Russia as not being a colonial imperialist like the US obviously is.
The Ukraine obviously is the bad guy, the remaining Polish aristocracy, selling out to the US, who wants to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, so we can launch a successful first strike attack on Russia.
The OP is correct:thup:

Ukraine is not the country fighting Russia, it's Biden's corrupt, stolen, Globlalist, Administration , plus those sick idiots in NATO who are fighting Russia, along with the mercenary armies or losers, you can call them, who by the way, are killed by the hundreds daily....those are the ones fighting Russia.
Skye, how much do you get paid by Putin?
Moscow negotiated that the Ukraine would never try to join NATO in the 1992 treaties.
Moscow against warned the Ukraine in 2006 that trying to join NATO would require an invasion.
Moscow warned the Ukraine just months before the 2022 invasion that trying to join NATO would mean an invasion.
It was the Ukraine that cut off negotiations and deliberately caused the invasion.
It was a way for the US to test weapons on Russian forces.
It was illegal for Biden to give all those missile to Zelenski.
What weapons are we testing on Russian forces? Most of the shit we are giving Ukraine is 30 year-old technology and equipment.

How was it illegal to supply Ukraine, dumbass?

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.
Thanks for Putin's propaganda

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.

And now we see who you REALLY are. Lying Russian scum.
Real liberals support Russia as not being a colonial imperialist like the US obviously is.
The Ukraine obviously is the bad guy, the remaining Polish aristocracy, selling out to the US, who wants to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, so we can launch a successful first strike attack on Russia.

For about the 10th time, what fucking nukes can NATO put on Russia's border? The nukes from your overactive imagination?
Again, Russia has never been the enemy, the colonial imperialist, the one invading other countries, etc.
With China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc., the US has been the bad guy trying to install dictators.
Russia gained nothing by defending these countries, but did it anyway.
Fuck a bunch of Russian trolls like this guy
Moscow negotiated that the Ukraine would never try to join NATO in the 1992 treaties.
Moscow against warned the Ukraine in 2006 that trying to join NATO would require an invasion.
Moscow warned the Ukraine just months before the 2022 invasion that trying to join NATO would mean an invasion.
It was the Ukraine that cut off negotiations and deliberately caused the invasion.
It was a way for the US to test weapons on Russian forces.
It was illegal for Biden to give all those missile to Zelenski.

It's not Moscow's decision whether the Ukraine joins NATO or not.

Russia is in no position to issue ultimatums to the Ukraine or any other nation.

Russia is in no position to dictate to another nation what it can and cannot do.

Why are you defending Russia? What they did was unconscionable.

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