Ukraine sucks big time, as Russia bans oil, coal and anything made out of it

Something tells me that this approval will be granted for some companies.
In 2018, 31 % of Ukrainian oil imports came from Russia. Litwin, there are certainly good bicycles around.
Any product can still be imported but needs separate approval.

Russia banning oil, petroleum product, coal exports to Ukraine – Medvedev

A very great news!
Bravo Putin!

Friggin Hitler admirers receive nothing from Russia.
Ask Merkel for oil!

I saw your Belarus thread...
" things have changed , your ulus promised literally the oil blockade to Belarusian state today . if Miensk ´d stop work of pipeline "friendship" for 3 m.
I saw your Belarus thread...
" things have changed , your ulus promised literally the oil blockade to Belarusian state today . if Miensk ´d stop work of pipeline "friendship" for 3 m.
Belarus better complies.
Belarus moves toward EU and NATO , as far as possible from Muscovite plague
Lukashenko has gone too far with his plays with Russia. I hope that the point of no return hasn't passed yet. Belarus, once an integral part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, should return to its roots.
Lukashenko has gone too far with his plays with Russia. I hope that the point of no return hasn't passed yet. Belarus, once an integral part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, should return to its roots.


Chuhon was the right name for troglodytes and cannibals lived in these areas before 1600s.
Lukashenko has gone too far with his plays with Russia. I hope that the point of no return hasn't passed yet. Belarus, once an integral part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, should return to its roots.


Chuhon was the right name for troglodytes and cannibals lived in these areas before 1600s.
Dude, Chuhonsi was a name of Finnic tribes which lived on North-West of contemporary Russia.
Lukashenko has gone too far with his plays with Russia. I hope that the point of no return hasn't passed yet. Belarus, once an integral part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, should return to its roots.
1) muscovy has 0 chance to occupy Belarus 89 % Belarusians are against 33% are ready to fight (official statistic) s , even Lovrov mentioned this
2) about Belarus returns to its the roots, its already happens today , maps of GDL on billboards everywhere, history books, monuments , etc.
""Europe´s last dictator", that´s how EU calls Lukaschenko, should dare a careful view at Ukraine how it is working out." you have to listen your experts, Ukraine didn´t have an army when you attacked it . Belarus has the powerful army , weapons for any form of war with you mongols for years
""Europe´s last dictator", that´s how EU calls Lukaschenko, should dare a careful view at Ukraine how it is working out." you have to listen your experts, Ukraine didn´t have an army when you attacked it . Belarus has the powerful army , weapons for any form of war with you mongols for years
You didn´t have an army to overthrow the elected and legitimate government. You imply the Ukrainians were somehow anti-russian but that´s bs. Your Svoboda flew out of the parliament in their first new elections after the nazi coup. The Party of Regions wasn´t allowed to run.

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