Ukraine wants in to NATO

If nukes weren't in play

Absolute rubbish. Putin has yearned for its return for 20 years. You'll say anything to blame Biden. Griw up.

no. He told putin it was wrong and they would defend a democracy like Ukraine. You know nothing.

you do carry on with some bullshit. Trumps j6 riots was the only fascist takeover in America. Nothing to do with Biden comrade.

You need medication for your delusions. That has never been considered and you know it.

Both those ridiculous scenarios can only be achieved by an ally of putin and Iran. That's Trump. He loves fascists and dictators. He gets love letters from Kim fuk wit.

So cut the silly predictions and lies.
Actually you're the one that knows nothing.
Actually you're the one that knows nothing.
Actually, I'm not wrong. His whole legacy is around re forming the motherland.
Nato was there when he invaded crimea. Dluhhhhh
Absolute rubbish. Putin has yearned for its return for 20 years. You'll say anything to blame Biden. Griw up.

no. He told putin it was wrong and they would defend a democracy like Ukraine. You know nothing.

you do carry on with some bullshit. Trumps j6 riots was the only fascist takeover in America. Nothing to do with Biden comrade.

You need medication for your delusions. That has never been considered and you know it.

Both those ridiculous scenarios can only be achieved by an ally of putin and Iran. That's Trump. He loves fascists and dictators. He gets love letters from Kim fuk wit.

So cut the silly predictions and lies.
You're totally lost in the propaganda, almost all are now at this late stage, but no, Ukraine is not a democracy, nor should it ever be one.... The USA is a constitutional republic, which fascist democrats perverted over the course of 100 years or so, into a multi-cultural democracy, which is exactly what the founders denounced. Ukraine is an autocracy, just as Russia is, Zelensky has every one of his most serious political opponents locked away in prison.... The rest of your spiel is pure fascist democrat street trash rage hate!
You're totally lost in the propaganda, almost all are now at this late stage, but no, Ukraine is not a democracy, nor should it ever be one....
In case it slipped your tiny mind, the president was elected. The USA normally doesn't call to arms to protect communism.
The USA is a constitutional republic,
a democracy also regardless of your ignorance about the meaning of the word.
which fascist democrats perverted over the course of 100 years or so, into a multi-cultural democracy,
you can always return to Britain if you don't like the democracy
which is exactly what the founders denounced.
you are a liar and a racist. It does not say that in the constitution.
Ukraine is an autocracy, just as Russia is, Zelensky has every one of his most serious political opponents locked away in prison..
no. he has stopped them parading as voices of Ukraine when they are communist mouthpieces.
Its no different to republicans wanting democrats eliminated. Thats a fact.
.. The rest of your spiel is pure fascist democrat street trash rage hate!
Wrong. What you mean is you don't like the truth you communist arsehole.
Under normal circumstances you would defend freedom and democracy but since you are still rusted on to Trump who will never be potus, you have now wedged yourself and can't see it. Both of you now support putin because you want Biden to fail. You're prepared to sacrifice everything the country stands for purely for political reasons. You're no more an American patriot than my dog. You have the political principles of an ally cat. You are a treasonous dog.
In case it slipped your tiny mind, the president was elected. The USA normally doesn't call to arms to protect communism.

a democracy also regardless of your ignorance about the meaning of the word.

you can always return to Britain if you don't like the democracy

you are a liar and a racist. It does not say that in the constitution.

no. he has stopped them parading as voices of Ukraine when they are communist mouthpieces.
Its no different to republicans wanting democrats eliminated. Thats a fact.

Wrong. What you mean is you don't like the truth you communist arsehole.
Under normal circumstances you would defend freedom and democracy but since you are still rusted on to Trump who will never be potus, you have now wedged yourself and can't see it. Both of you now support putin because you want Biden to fail. You're prepared to sacrifice everything the country stands for purely for political reasons. You're no more an American patriot than my dog. You have the political principles of an ally cat. You are a treasonous dog.
o_O You just keep proving self, totally disconnected from reality, Yes, they had a pseudo democracy, and then he turned right around and locked up all of his political opposition, they have elections in Russia, and Iran too, and they are no more believable than those in Ukraine! Both Russia & Ukraine are autocracies. Further, in the USA we only come together in "democratic caucus" so as to elect political leadership, once every two and four years, you fascist democrats have perverted that into a mirror image of Canadian "multi-cultural" democracy, which means "mob rule!"

The reason we lasted as long as we have, was because we are/were a constitutional republic, you will never hear this spoken, by any politicians, or propaganda venue, ever! You ideas on democracy are sick and twisted, blm/antifa rioting in twelve major American cities is exactly the democracy you embrace, that was democracy, and it is also precisely why the fascist ruling elite encouraged it, including both the fraudulent president & VP actively bailing out all such rioters, and then fucking boasting of having done so!

You're in way over your head dumb ass, you do not know what you think you know, its all chimera, you are just a tool of the fascist elite, you are not on their team, they hate you more than they hate me, though they fear me greatly, they fear you and your ilk not at all.....:banana:
How did they train gorillas for warfare?

I hope you didn't cut and paste that literary abortion.\
I don't thing we did
America, a country that can defend itself way better than Russia, would never accept the presence of a military alliance in Mexico and the Caribbean under the pretext of protecting Latin America from american aggression. AT THE VERY LEAST, America would demand a buffer zone between its borders and the foreign alliance troops.

As a result of Nato expansion, you have a military force three times the size of Russia's, bordering the west of the country (the heart of the nation, where 90% of the population lives). It's pretty obvious who poses the greater threat. And Napoleon and Hitler (among many other less known invaders) are here to prove Western Europe may pose a threat to Russia in the future.

Why is the presence of a foreign military alliance bordering the US unacceptable for America and "the only game in town" for Russia?

Why is Russia's security less important than America's?
It's an Apples and Oranges Comparison. There has been no need for Mexico to join military alliances. They were a member of the Rio Alliance till 2004 when they decided it was unnecessary. Mexico and the US have not had a military confrontation in 110 years and US forces have never occupied Mexico for more than few months back 1847.

By contrast the Russia forces or Russian operatives occupied Eastern Block countries such as Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania for decades. Whenever there were cry's for free elections, independent media, etc, Russia acted quickly and often brutally putting down any opposition. And if protests got out hand, Russia tanks and troops were there to insure the status quo. So when the Soviet Union fell apart and these countries were free, almost all chose to join NATO. Why? Because it was the only way to insure that they would never again see Russian tanks rolling across their borders.
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You don't understand what NATO really is. It is no longer what it was originally formed as.
It now only masquerades as a defense pact. If you watch closely you will observe that NATO is always involved in the interests of the European Banks but not the interests of the people they claim to protect.

Ukraine wants to join NATO so they can dodge their massive debt to Russia. Basically they're looking for the permission to become international freeloaders. Now that Russia has exacted a massive toll on them maybe that debt will be canceled.

If they had joined NATO, Russia would not have sent 190,000 troops to collect.

Claims huge debt that Ukraine refuses to pay is a false statement that has been part of Russia’s information war for decades. We just have to accept that Russia lives in a parallel reality of ‘alternative facts’ and 0% truths. ‘Ukrainians siphon Russian gas’ ‘Ukraine owes Russia so much, and that’s why Russia has cut gas deliveries to Ukraine several times in the middle of winter causing humanitarian crises.’

In fact, when Russia invaded in 2014 and Ukraine understood that playing nice just doesn’t work, it sued Russia over ONE of the past disputes, and it turned out that Russia, not Ukraine, is in major debt over gas.
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Actually you're the one that knows nothing.
I love to see Commie hating conservatives siding with Putin against Biden. It just shows how seriously fractured the country is. If there were fighting between the US and Russia, I wonder which side these guys would be on.
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