Ukrainian girl is just 9 years old

They need cannon fodder.....Literally, given the Russian belief on the God of War.....Artillery.

I have a solution:

Turn this.....


Into this:


Then give the survivors Uke citizenship.
Well Ukraine are already recruiting from the drug cartels.
I didn´t expect this topic to get a Part II but here it is. A very sad one.

The wife of a father who serves at the front lines in Ukraine got herself a lover in Germany, a foreigner who then murdered their nine years old daughter. He will come to Germany to receive her body. She will be buried in Ukraine.


That is not allowed in Ukraine. Father who lets his 9 years old daughter drive a car in public and puts a video of her driving on the internet faces legal charges. It will be failure to raise children and transferring control of a vehicle to a person that does not have a driving licence.

At a police station in Liviv:


Maybe I should apply for asylum there, what do you think? After all, it seems to be a rich country where people can afford raising children and even owning cars. Plus, there is a police working that will not accuse the victims, for example the mayor for providing a road to drive on, thus enabling the father to make this video.
And is this really that terrible? Can´t we assume the girl has enough practice to drive the car in public?

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What vexes me most about this video is the language the Ukropithecus speaks. I'd ban it if it were up to me. What's Americans' pet hate in accents?

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