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Ukrainian government passes law to be able to seize control of companies

Putin's thieving crony Yanukovych decided to drag the Ukraine further under Russian control by turning away from an EU agreement at the last minute and promising to join a "union" with Russia. Anyone who has lived in the former Soviet Union knew what that would mean. More oppression, corruption and limited prospects for the future.
It is impossible to say better.

France's National Front nationalist party today receives over twenty (20) percent of the vote in local and national elections.
Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) is getting over ten (10) percent of the vote and has even won seats in the European Parliament.
If you are worried about the Nazis coming to power you can look a lot closer to home.
In addition to that I can say about Russian International Conservative Forum held in St. Petersburg on March 22. It was organised by Rodina Party whose head Dmitry Rogozin is deputy prime minister of Russia. The forum gathered a bunch of representatives of far-right parties from all over Europe. Among them there were Greece’s Gold Dawn, the National Democratic Party of Germany, and the Freedom Party of Austria. Some dubbed the forum ‘The Congress of Nazis’.
But everyone cares only about Ukrainian Nazis. Of course, Russian Nazis and those who come to Russia at their invitation are good guys.

I absolutely agree with you. Russia has been funding nationalist and ultra-nationalist parties throughout western Europe.

What no one is talking about is that Russia's Zhirinovsky and his Liberal Democratic Party received over eleven (11) percent of votes in Russia's last election (2012) and his party has more than 50 representatives in the Duma. Zhirinovsky wants to nuke anyone opposing Russia which is as extreme as things can get.

Sadly Russian propaganda has sought to destroy the image and reputation of Ukrainians in order to justify Putin's aggression.

The fact that anyone believes Russian propaganda is truly tragic.

In 1986 Chernobyl was still part of the Soviet Union. Are you trying to say that the disaster is proof that Ukrainians are a danger to others? If so you are expressing an irrational dislike of Ukrainians and it explains your view of present events.
Can you put your shit into the toilet, please?

The fact is that Ukrainians wanted a better life and that the success of new member EU states pointed to this being possible and was motivation to aspire for something more. The simple facts are that salaries are higher and life in the EU seems to be governed by the rule of law and not subject to the chronic corruption found in some countries in Eastern Europe.

As an independent and sovereign country, Ukrainians staged an Orange Revolution in 2004 that was meant to drive out corruption but sadly that failed much to the frustration of the Ukrainian people. Corruption in fact got worse under Yanukovych and by the end of 2013 Ukrainians were fed-up. Given that they couldn't trust their own politicians to reform the country many felt that closer relations with the EU could help to assure that desired reforms were carried out and that the Ukraine could then become a stronger and more competitive nation..

I am not denying that ultra-nationalists participated in the revolt, however they were a minority of the participants at Euromaidan in Kiev. Russian propaganda found advantage in crafting the story that it was a "Nazi" uprising and went back to the history books to prove that some Ukrainians had even sided with the Nazis during WWII (Bandera), to give credence to the Russian claims.

The nationalist party you seem to feel is controlling the Ukraine is called Svoboda. The fact is that these nationalists received less than five (5) percent of the vote in the last parliamentary elections in 2014:

"In the late October 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election the party won constituency 6 seats; the party came 0,29% short to overcome the 5% threshold to win seats on the nationwide list.[12] The parties election results thus halved compared with the 2012 election because of negative assessments of the activities of the local governments that included Svoboda members."

In Svoboda's supposed stronghold it didn't win anything:

"In its former stronghold Lviv Oblast Svoboda won no constituencies."

Svoboda political party - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

France's National Front nationalist party today receives over twenty (20) percent of the vote in local and national elections.

Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) is getting over ten (10) percent of the vote and has even won seats in the European Parliament.

If you are worried about the Nazis coming to power you can look a lot closer to home.

I have to wonder if you are East German. There are some that miss the drab, dark days of the Soviet Union but the vast majority wouldn't go back if given the choice.

We know that Svoboda was part of the initial regime and because it is a Nazi party, that destroyed the stability in Ukraine with the West´s help, it suffered a decline in votes quickly. That does not change that Svoboda and its Nazis were the "revolution".
Ukraine s Nazi party in the government. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you weren't talking about Chernobyl when you wrote in post #14: "Russian natural resource´s prices will increase and the crazy freaks in Kiev put incompatible fuel rods into Europe´s largest nuclear power plant.", what were you referring to? What crazy freaks in Kiev are you talking about and where is this nuclear power plant?

Sorry but what "destroyed the stability" as you say, was the failed attempt to address corruption in the 2004 Orange Revolution and that over the following nine (9) years corruption only got worse under Yanukovych (he literally stole billions from the Ukraine). It is understandable that Ukrainians were fed-up and took to the streets to demand change.

As we both agree, Svoboda represents few Ukrainians and to continue to try and portray the present government as "Nazi" is very dishonest.

Ukrainians are a good people that have the courage to try and create a better country for their children. Don't you wish that citizens everywhere would rise up and throw out their corrupt politicians?

By the way, you never told me what part of East Germany you are from. Do you miss the old Soviet Union?

The current government is illegitimate, it arose from murder and destruction and still carries out murder and destruction, puts craze before sanity (incompatible fuel rods), and excludes the former legitimate government from elections.

Just one more example for Kiev´s unlimited madness:
Toxic risk as missiles strike Ukraine s biggest chemical plant - The Ecologist
What no one is talking about is that Russia's Zhirinovsky and his Liberal Democratic Party received over eleven (11) percent of votes in Russia's last election (2012) and his party has more than 50 representatives in the Duma. Zhirinovsky wants to nuke anyone opposing Russia which is as extreme as things can get.
To say the truth, I wouldn’t exaggerate the role of Zhirinovsky in Russian politics. His main role is to attract the votes of radical disoriented people. These people don’t have far-right or far-left views or something like that. They simply want to have an outspoken leader who can show Kuzma’s mother to every enemy within country or abroad. Such leaders usually speak about things which are attractive for these people. Today it may be a nuclear blow against America; tomorrow it may be the rights of sexual minorities. There is not any ideology at all. As usual, such parties and their leaders are part of so-called systemic opposition. At least in the countries such as Russia or Ukraine.
In Ukraine there is Oleg Lyashko and his Radical Party who use a similar tactic.

The fact that anyone believes Russian propaganda is truly tragic.
Yes, but I have to admit that they work well. Just take a look at this forum.

I have found a link to a site in English which describes the so-called Congress of Nazis in Russia.
Russian European Far-Right Parties Converge in St. Petersburg News The Moscow Times
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What no one is talking about is that Russia's Zhirinovsky and his Liberal Democratic Party received over eleven (11) percent of votes in Russia's last election (2012) and his party has more than 50 representatives in the Duma. Zhirinovsky wants to nuke anyone opposing Russia which is as extreme as things can get.
To say the truth, I wouldn’t exaggerate the role of Zhirinovsky in Russian politics. His main role is to attract the votes of radical disoriented people. These people don’t have far-right or far-left views or something like that. They simply want to have an outspoken leader who can show Kuzma’s mother to every enemy within country or abroad. Such leaders usually speak about things which are attractive for these people. Today it may be a nuclear blow against America; tomorrow it may be the rights of sexual minorities. There is not any ideology at all. As usual, such parties and their leaders are part of so-called systemic opposition. At least in the countries such as Russia or Ukraine.
In Ukraine there is Oleg Lyashko and his Radical Party who use a similar tactic.

The fact that anyone believes Russian propaganda is truly tragic.
Yes, but I have to admit that they work well. Just take a look at this forum.

I have found a link to a site in English which describes the so-called Congress of Nazis in Russia.
Russian European Far-Right Parties Converge in St. Petersburg News The Moscow Times

Zhirinovsky may well be a showman and charged with the task of keeping other countries guessing as to the true intentions of Russia, but he preaches an ultra-nationalist sermon and receives over 11% of the vote. Millions of Russians support the hard-right xenophobic views he has been expressing for years.

It's not about one man, but rather how many people are subscribing to those views. Even more mainstream ideology in Russia is driven by some very nationalistic Russian views and a seeming longing to rebuild a Russian empire.

Russian propaganda is simply the very best......nobody is capable of twisting the truth like the Russians. Putin is now going to increase the effectiveness of his own propaganda at home by killing off any opposing views expressed in the media:

"The newspaper, which partners the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, reported today that Russia’s communication minister Nikolai Nikiforov will present a recommendation to impose new regulatory measures on Russian internet as soon as 2 April, in a move which could bring Russia’s state control of the internet in line with China."


Russian propaganda is simply the very best
The truth is that Russia has a lot of enemies.
And a lot of people like you =) Who do not love Russia. And talk about it a lot of lies.
I can totally refute everything you wrote here.
It's easy.

1) Here is a Muslim holiday in Moscow.

Xenophobes? =)))

2) Zhirinovsky is not a politician. He is a showman, comedian.
It is difficult to translate all his words. But no one refers to it as a politician. 11% voted for him - those who are "against all". Do not believe any political party and as a joke vote for Zhirinovsky =)

You can see Putin's reaction at the end of the video

He's like George Carlin
Russian propaganda is simply the very best
The truth is that Russia has a lot of enemies.
And a lot of people like you =) Who do not love Russia. And talk about it a lot of lies.
I can totally refute everything you wrote here.
It's easy.

1) Here is a Muslim holiday in Moscow.

Xenophobes? =)))

2) Zhirinovsky is not a politician. He is a showman, comedian.
It is difficult to translate all his words. But no one refers to it as a politician. 11% voted for him - those who are "against all". Do not believe any political party and as a joke vote for Zhirinovsky =)

You can see Putin's reaction at the end of the video

He's like George Carlin

Sorry to disappoint you but I don't hate Russians. The propaganda inside Russia is that the West has plotted or is plotting to destroy Russia. It seems effective because Russians like yourself believe it.

The fact is that Russians have been screwed by a handful of their own people. Russian resources were stolen and billions were pocketed by your oligarchs. Putin has only gone after those billionaires that have shown a lack of loyalty to him. The others he supports only so long as they are useful to him. All Russians know this to be true but fatalistically accept that this, as well as so many other injustices, are simply facts of life.

Putin is an adept politician and knows that playing to Russian pride turns the attention away from the corruption and other internal problems Russia faces. Start a war, take some territory and boost Russian morale. By telling Russians there are enemies everywhere Putin can blame all of Russia's problems on it's "enemies". In doing so Putin creates a siege mentality and convinces peoples to accept greater hardship in order to protect Mother Russia.

The average Russian (never the elites) have endured great hardships throughout history. Putin knows that he can play on their love of country and patriotism and the average Russian will endure whatever is asked of them.

The real showman is Putin, I'm just not sure why the Russian people don't see it.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I don't hate Russians."
Oh do not start. Another lie.
"All Russians know this to be true"
Learn it
Russell s teapot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I am asking you - where is the proof of this statement?
I am Russian. I do not think so. My friends do not think so. My relatives do not think so.
And who thinks so? Do You?
Where do you live?

"By telling Russians there are enemies everywhere Putin"
You're confusing. It is a tactic the US.

"The average Russian (never the elites) have endured great hardships throughout history. Putin knows that he can play on their love of country and patriotism and the average Russian will endure whatever is asked of them."
I average Russian. Explain to me exactly what I endure?
Free medical care for me and my family? Or the fact that I received 100 000 rubles for the birth of my first child? (this is under Western sanctions).
"Sorry to disappoint you but I don't hate Russians."
Oh do not start. Another lie.
"All Russians know this to be true"
Learn it
Russell s teapot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I am asking you - where is the proof of this statement?
I am Russian. I do not think so. My friends do not think so. My relatives do not think so.
And who thinks so? Do You?
Where do you live?

"By telling Russians there are enemies everywhere Putin"
You're confusing. It is a tactic the US.

"The average Russian (never the elites) have endured great hardships throughout history. Putin knows that he can play on their love of country and patriotism and the average Russian will endure whatever is asked of them."
I average Russian. Explain to me exactly what I endure?
Free medical care for me and my family? Or the fact that I received 100 000 rubles for the birth of my first child? (this is under Western sanctions).

I'll make this simple for you. Answer one question:

Where did the Russian oligarchs (and most are billionaires) money come from?

Does the term prikhvatizatsiya ring a bell?

Zhirinovsky may well be a showman and charged with the task of keeping other countries guessing as to the true intentions of Russia, but he preaches an ultra-nationalist sermon and receives over 11% of the vote. Millions of Russians support the hard-right xenophobic views he has been expressing for years.

It's not about one man, but rather how many people are subscribing to those views. Even more mainstream ideology in Russia is driven by some very nationalistic Russian views and a seeming longing to rebuild a Russian empire.

I have heard the saying ‘A Russian liberal ends at the point where a territorial issue begins’. I hope my translation is more or less understandable.

The issue of rebuilding the Russian Empire –in one form or another- is quite popular among the grass roots. For years quasi-patriotic sentiments have been cultivated in Russian society. Every patriot of Russia must believe that his country always was and still is the greatest centre of the world’s morality, culture, economy, and science; that his country is surrounded by enemies who are the very cause of all Russia’s setbacks; that the Russian authorities are the sacred caw and no one has a right to bring their legitimacy into question. Everyone who disagrees over some of these axioms is ‘fifth column’.

And of course, every true patriot sincerely believes that widening Russian sphere of influence is the only option to drive back the enemies. Unfortunately, in their opinion the only option to do it is to use the army. They don’t want to hear anything about reforming their country by rooting out endemic corruption, lawlessness, and economic ineffectiveness in order to increase its attractiveness. Of course not! Their country is the best without all of that and if someone thinks otherwise he is an enemy. And at that point talks about nuking someone begin.

"The newspaper, which partners the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, reported today that Russia’s communication minister Nikolai Nikiforov will present a recommendation to impose new regulatory measures on Russian internet as soon as 2 April, in a move which could bring Russia’s state control of the internet in line with China."

I have heard about it. I can hardly wait to see them behind the Iron Curtain II.
Zhirinovsky may well be a showman and charged with the task of keeping other countries guessing as to the true intentions of Russia, but he preaches an ultra-nationalist sermon and receives over 11% of the vote. Millions of Russians support the hard-right xenophobic views he has been expressing for years.

It's not about one man, but rather how many people are subscribing to those views. Even more mainstream ideology in Russia is driven by some very nationalistic Russian views and a seeming longing to rebuild a Russian empire.

I have heard the saying ‘A Russian liberal ends at the point where a territorial issue begins’. I hope my translation is more or less understandable.

The issue of rebuilding the Russian Empire –in one form or another- is quite popular among the grass roots. For years quasi-patriotic sentiments have been cultivated in Russian society. Every patriot of Russia must believe that his country always was and still is the greatest centre of the world’s morality, culture, economy, and science; that his country is surrounded by enemies who are the very cause of all Russia’s setbacks; that the Russian authorities are the sacred caw and no one has a right to bring their legitimacy into question. Everyone who disagrees over some of these axioms is ‘fifth column’.

And of course, every true patriot sincerely believes that widening Russian sphere of influence is the only option to drive back the enemies. Unfortunately, in their opinion the only option to do it is to use the army. They don’t want to hear anything about reforming their country by rooting out endemic corruption, lawlessness, and economic ineffectiveness in order to increase its attractiveness. Of course not! Their country is the best without all of that and if someone thinks otherwise he is an enemy. And at that point talks about nuking someone begin.

"The newspaper, which partners the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, reported today that Russia’s communication minister Nikolai Nikiforov will present a recommendation to impose new regulatory measures on Russian internet as soon as 2 April, in a move which could bring Russia’s state control of the internet in line with China."

I have heard about it. I can hardly wait to see them behind the Iron Curtain II.

I entirely agree with you.

What is remarkable is that from the time of the Tsars to now, that the Russian elite have been able to live so well at the expense of the general population. Will Russians ever get fed-up and say they've had enough of this garbage?

What is remarkable is that from the time of the Tsars to now, that the Russian elite have been able to live so well at the expense of the general population. Will Russians ever get fed-up and say they've had enough of this garbage?

I have little hope for it, to say the truth. A grovelling behaviour before powerful people is at a DNA level already.
"Sorry to disappoint you but I don't hate Russians."
Oh do not start. Another lie.
"All Russians know this to be true"
Learn it
Russell s teapot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I am asking you - where is the proof of this statement?
I am Russian. I do not think so. My friends do not think so. My relatives do not think so.
And who thinks so? Do You?
Where do you live?

"By telling Russians there are enemies everywhere Putin"
You're confusing. It is a tactic the US.

"The average Russian (never the elites) have endured great hardships throughout history. Putin knows that he can play on their love of country and patriotism and the average Russian will endure whatever is asked of them."
I average Russian. Explain to me exactly what I endure?
Free medical care for me and my family? Or the fact that I received 100 000 rubles for the birth of my first child? (this is under Western sanctions).

I'll make this simple for you. Answer one question:

Where did the Russian oligarchs (and most are billionaires) money come from?

Does the term prikhvatizatsiya ring a bell?


Because I may have to log-off soon, I don't want to be rude, leaving my question to you unanswered.

Every Russian knows how Russia's wealth was stolen from them because it was a national scandal. This is a report from 1996 - 3 years before Putin became Prime Minister. Russians and the world were shocked by this blatant theft and the scandal helped bring Putin to power:

"Privatization is deeply unpopular with voters, who cynically refer to it as "prikhvatizatsiya," or "grabification," the giving away of government wealth to a few well-connected and unscrupulous businessmen and bankers."

""It was disgusting," said Boris G. Fyodorov, a liberal member of Parliament who, when he was Minister of Finance in 1993, helped Oneksim Bank get the Government licenses it needed to go into business."

"Mr. Fyodorov described the bank he helped start as a well-run, aggressive institution that got too greedy as it cozied up to the state. "When you can make a billion-dollar deal in one coup, it's difficult to pass up," he said. "Oneksim Bank could never have grown so big so fast without easy money coming from the Government.""

Russian Banking Scandal Poses Threat to Future of Privatization - NYTimes.com

Do you still want to deny that Russians know that their country's wealth was stolen?

What is remarkable is that from the time of the Tsars to now, that the Russian elite have been able to live so well at the expense of the general population. Will Russians ever get fed-up and say they've had enough of this garbage?

I have little hope for it, to say the truth. A grovelling behaviour before powerful people is at a DNA level already.

A little hope is better than nothing. Some Russians are still trying and they are very courageous for doing so.

A little hope is better than nothing. Some Russians are still trying and they are very courageous for doing so.

I wrote it incorrectly, I am afraid. When I wrote ‘I have little hope’, I meant that I don’t have any hope at all. A handful of people are unable to change much.
USA Today partly acknowledged what other presstitutes entirely ignore. Instead of explaining illegitimate US-installed fascists run Ukraine, it only discussed what it called "(a) volunteer brigade with self-proclaimed Nazis fighting alongside government troops against Russian-backed separatists."

Azov Brigade in USA Today's report is the tip of the iceberg. Other Nazi government forces, volunteer ones, cutthroat mercenaries and fascist government officials infest Ukraine.

It's Nazified for the first time since WW II. Dangerously confronting Russia - blaming it irresponsibly for its own high crimes.

USA Today Reveals Ukrainian Forces Include Nazis

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