Ukrainian "Skinheads" in large quantities perish in the ATO

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
A year ago in the center of Kiev "Maidan" jumped. "Ultras", "Skinheads" and “Bandera neo-Nazis”were the frame, soul and an internal core of "Maidan". How do you think the present government has thanked them? Memorable alleys? The award-winning? Money? Or maybe the great adaptation of "War and Maidan"?

Strangely enough, but the Kiev Junta returned thanks, and thanks to this day all those on whose backs it came to power. All the "Ultras", "Skinheads" and “Bandera Neo-Nazis” has their own graves by now on Donbas or are on their way. Their award is six feet under of the native land in use and a monument with the stiffened hero's Full Name on it. 05.03.2015 .
What wes their were their purpose anywhere, dumb youngsters wanted to be the heroes. So they/ve got it, posthumously! The fanatics have always been the best instruments in the hands of tyrans. Whole World history prooves it.
Those that are described in the OP were not the internal core of "Maiden". They were a small part and elections that followed proved that they were only a small influence. The majority of those described as Nazi's were and are more concerned with nationalism than the concepts of skinheads and Nazi's. They were tolerated because of their patriotic fervor and willingness to fight on the front lines. More often than not, they supply their own weapons and supplies. Unlike the Russian conscripts or mercenaries, they go for love of their country with the willingness to sacrifice themselves to hold back the Putin thugs and criminals, terrorist and paid assassins. At least the Ukrainians and the mothers of the fallen Ukrainians soldiers know why their brothers and sons are dying. All over Russia mothers are asking why their boys are coming home in boxes to be buried secretly and hidden from view without the normal respect given to fallen soldiers. You will not see the pages of photo's and names of the fallen Russian boys in the newspapers the way the fallen Ukrainian boys are shown and respected.
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