Ultra Right/MAGA/White Supremacy?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Book: Amerikas Gotteskrieger / Americas Warriors of God

"They propagate White Supremacy" and they blame it on Trump.

I think MAGA doesnt propagata White Supremacy, but Americaness, but the norm by which Americaness is measured is White because that is just the history and foundation of America. But it doesnt mean everyone in the movement or who supports them and their outlook is fully white or must be fully white. There are Hispanics, Blacks, Asians who support MAGA.

Book: Amerikas Gotteskrieger / Americas Warriors of God

"They propagate White Supremacy" and they blame it on Trump.

I think MAGA doesnt propagata White Supremacy, but Americaness, but the norm by which Americaness is measured is White because that is just the history and foundation of America. But it doesnt mean everyone in the movement or who supports them and their outlook is fully white or must be fully white. There are Hispanics, Blacks, Asians who support MAGA.


Book: Amerikas Gotteskrieger / Americas Warriors of God

"They propagate White Supremacy" and they blame it on Trump.

I think MAGA doesnt propagata White Supremacy, but Americaness, but the norm by which Americaness is measured is White because that is just the history and foundation of America. But it doesnt mean everyone in the movement or who supports them and their outlook is fully white or must be fully white. There are Hispanics, Blacks, Asians who support MAGA.


MAGA is "America First" or "American nationalism", which is not a bad thing. For too long we've been catering to the interests of other countries, giving them concessions, and allowing them to take advantage of our generosity and good nature.

Of course, the Biden administration is aligned 180 degrees opposite. They are globalist shitstains.
Of course, the Biden administration is aligned 180 degrees opposite. They are globalist shitstains.

It isn't only that. . . it is in leagues with global oligarchs and billionaires, which seek to divide the nation. . . I have actually noticed them doing it in Europe too. They pander to specialized markets. The corporations will promote LGBTQ crap, or different ethnic crap, and play these groups off of each other, as they financialize local community assets, causing entire communities and nations to become poorer, while everyone fights with each-other, the corporations get more rich.

Like that BLM. The corporation profited off of that, the politicians used that to gain power, but the communities were burned to the ground, and folks were agitated and divided, while police department got de-funded, crime skyrocketed, and the oligarchs and investment firm made the profit.

. . . here is another small example. So sad I will miss it, I don't have Showtime. lol I heard that the SuperBowl half-time show is going to be a banger too. lol

(I recommend reading the comments on this video to get America's reaction to corporate America whoring on the hate. :rolleyes: )

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