
Sherlock Holmes

Gold Member
Jul 1, 2024
I'm propose use of the term "ultrasemitism" to denote the unjustified abuse of falsely labelling a non-Jewish person of being an antisemite.

Jews who are ultrasemitic must be called out, exposed for everyone to see the levels to which they are willing to stop in order to discredit critics of Jewish state nationalism as it operates in Israel.

There's been lots of ultrasemitic posting in this form and I'd venture to wager these far outnumber the number of genuinely antisemitic posts of which I've seen no examples frankly.
GFY. Israel is the nationalist Jewish state and will always be the nationalist Jewish state.

Just as America should be the nationalist American state, Germany should be the nationalist German state, and Russia should be the nationalist Russian state.

Globalism can go straight to hell.
GFY. Israel is the nationalist Jewish state and will always be the nationalist Jewish state.

Just as America should be the nationalist American state, Germany should be the nationalist German state, and Russia should be the nationalist Russian state.

Globalism can go straight to hell.
It was a Nationalist German State that cruelly and systematically exterminated six million Jews, perhaps you've not heard of the holocaust?
I'm propose use of the term "ultrasemitism" to denote the unjustified abuse of falsely labelling a non-Jewish person of being an antisemite.

Jews who are ultrasemitic must be called out, exposed for everyone to see the levels to which they are willing to stop in order to discredit critics of Jewish state nationalism as it operates in Israel.

There's been lots of ultrasemitic posting in this form and I'd venture to wager these far outnumber the number of genuinely antisemitic posts of which I've seen no examples frankly.
This can't be applied usefully until there is an agreed upon definition of anti-semitism. That way there is a standard against which a statement or action can be compared.
GFY. Israel is the nationalist Jewish state and will always be the nationalist Jewish state.

Just as America should be the nationalist American state, Germany should be the nationalist German state, and Russia should be the nationalist Russian state.

Globalism can go straight to hell.
The Zionist state has chosen to live under the threat of revenge for their regime's genocide against the Palestinian people. Decent Jews will gradually move away so as not to have to live under constant threat of revenge.

The change from past practice has come about now that the balance of power in the ME has shifted to Iran and the other Brics. Warnings to the Zionist regime have been issued but that's never been enough to stop their and US aggression.
Now their aggression is going to have a cost.

Having said that, it's clear that Iran and it's many proxies don't want war. The Zionist regime is being given an opportunity to heed the warning!

See rt.com for more details on the story.
It was a Nationalist German State that cruelly and systematically exterminated six million Jews, perhaps you've not heard of the holocaust?
We were always a nationalist nation until the politicians sold us all out. The Democratic Party is near total, and the Republican has a fair percentage who have. Nationalism has been turned by propaganda as something evil. When the real evil are the people who sold us out to globalism. The United States must be reduced a few pegs as to fit into the world government. And it slowly is.
This can't be applied usefully until there is an agreed upon definition of anti-semitism. That way there is a standard against which a statement or action can be compared.
You want to have a rational discussion about the meaning of "ultrasemitism" when Zionists feel entitled to accuse people of antisemitism on the tiniest of pretexts?

Sorry, but when the Jewish nationalists and male rape advocates and genocide apologists cavalierly throw "antisemite" around with impunity then they can expect the same treatment.
I'm sure sorry that your hatred of Jews is being called antisemitic.
Likewise, I'm sorry your hatred of non-Jews is now being called ultrasemitic.
Perhaps if you gave them a fair shake, you would not be getting these responses.
Perhaps if you gave them a fair shake, you would not be getting this response.
I'm propose use of the term "ultrasemitism" to denote the unjustified abuse of falsely labelling a non-Jewish person of being an antisemite.

Jews who are ultrasemitic must be called out, exposed for everyone to see the levels to which they are willing to stop in order to discredit critics of Jewish state nationalism as it operates in Israel.

There's been lots of ultrasemitic posting in this form and I'd venture to wager these far outnumber the number of genuinely antisemitic posts of which I've seen no examples frankly.
You referred to Israel not only as the “Zionist Regime,” but as the “Jew Supremacist state” - and then suggested we have another Third Reich.

Nobody but a stark-raving antisemite would refer to Israel that way. You don’t get to smear Israel with phrases like that and then feign righteous indignation when you’re called out on your Jew hate.
I'm sure sorry that your hatred of Jews is being called antisemitic.

Perhaps if you gave them a fair shake, you would not be getting these responses.
That Jew-hater just said upthread that he would want to see another Holocaust applied to the entire state of Israel - and then gets indignant when he’s called out for what he is. He’s actually worse than your run-of-the mill antisemite: He approves of what the Nazis did and wants it done again.

Can’t get much worse than that. I also believe he’s a sock for George Philip. Same Jew-hating venom; same false British type name. He’s probably a Muslim immigrant.
You referred to Israel not only as the “Zionist Regime,” but as the “Jew Supremacist state” - and then suggested we have another Third Reich.

Nobody but a stark-raving antisemite would refer to Israel that way. You don’t get to smear Israel with phrases like that and then feign righteous indignation when you’re called out on your Jew hate.
Your ultrasemitism is so deeply entrenched that logic and reason have no meaning for you, they are just inconveniences.

If a Jew can call Israel "Jew supremacist" and the government as a "Zionist regime" then so can I. I have no less rights to say such things than has Noam Chomsky, or Norman Finkelstein and many many other Jews.
That Jew-hater just said upthread that he would want to see another Holocaust applied to the entire state of Israel
Except that you're making stuff up, will stop at nothing in order to feel justified in calling me an "antisemite" even blatant lies are considered legitimate in your universe, this is why I started using the word, it represents a fanatical, nationalism that is a threat to many - Jews included, we need to see the ultrasemite exposed for what they are, afraid of free speech and free expression except when they are doing the talking.
You want to have a rational discussion about the meaning of "ultrasemitism" when Zionists feel entitled to accuse people of antisemitism on the tiniest of pretexts?

Sorry, but when the Jewish nationalists and male rape advocates and genocide apologists cavalierly throw "antisemite" around with impunity then they can expect the same treatment.
No, if you read what I wrote you will see that I don't think you can have any discussion until you agree on a definition of anti-semitism. But if your method is to misrepresent what I said then there is no chance of any conversation.
I'm propose use of the term "ultrasemitism" to denote the unjustified abuse of falsely labelling a non-Jewish person of being an antisemite.

Jews who are ultrasemitic must be called out, exposed for everyone to see the levels to which they are willing to stop in order to discredit critics of Jewish state nationalism as it operates in Israel.

There's been lots of ultrasemitic posting in this form and I'd venture to wager these far outnumber the number of genuinely antisemitic posts of which I've seen no examples frankly.
Lisa is someone who comes to mind. She accuses everyone who criticizes Israel as being a Jew hater. She does that, because she has no defense for Israeli atrocities.

And when you ask her and her ilk as to why one would hate Jews, she can't answer!
No, if you read what I wrote you will see that I don't think you can have any discussion until you agree on a definition of anti-semitism.
Ask Lisa558 for the definition of antisemitism, she uses it in almost every post, go on, ASK her and let me see how you both conduct that discussion or are you afraid to ask her?
But if your method is to misrepresent what I said then there is no chance of any conversation.
The only definition of antisemitism that matters is the one that's in the mind of the person using it, else they wouldn't use it, so you're speaking to the wrong person, I am just a victim of personal abuse and I'm done allowing people to get away with that.
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Ask Lisa558 for the definition of antisemitism, she uses it in almost every post.

The only definition of antisemitism that matters is the one that's in the mind of the person using it, else they wouldn't use it, so your speaking to the wrong person, I am just a victim of personal abuse and I'm done allowing people to get away with that.
I'm speaking to you because you are proposing a term that labels based on whether a statement is anti-semitic or not. How do you define anti-semitism to know that something doesn't qualify?
Lisa is someone who comes to mind. She accuses everyone who criticizes Israel as being a Jew hater. She does that, because she has no defense for Israeli atrocities.

And when you ask her and her ilk as to why one would hate Jews, she can't answer!
Idiot. He didn’t merely criticize Israel. He called it a Jew Supremacy state and that “we” should have another Third Reich to wipe Isrsel off the map.

HAMAS just murdered six Jewish hostages, and the antisemites are praising Hitler’s approach to the Jews.

You’re the dumbest one of the forum. You are in no position to judge what is antisemitic, but I’ll give you a hint: when someone says we should bring back Hitler - and says so in the very day that Jew-hating terrorists just killed six more Jewish hostages - he’s an antisemite.
Lisa is someone who comes to mind. She accuses everyone who criticizes Israel as being a Jew hater. She does that, because she has no defense for Israeli atrocities.

And when you ask her and her ilk as to why one would hate Jews, she can't answer!
Also….the fact that you focus on Isrsel’s so-called atrocities without a WORD about the true atrocities committed by the Muslim terrorists is the double standard that “outs” you as an antisemite.
I'm speaking to you because you are proposing a term that labels based on whether a statement is anti-semitic or not. How do you define anti-semitism to know that something doesn't qualify?
You mean to avoid using it incorrectly? If that's a concern then tell me how do you avoid using "antisemite" incorrectly? Does Lisa558 concur? should she concur? do you care either way?

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