Ulysses S. Grant gets a promotion in 2023 defense bill


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
US Grant promoted to General of the Armies of the United States. Even in death Sam Grant continues to kick butt!
More than a century after his death, the Army general hailed for saving the United States during the Civil War is being promoted a final time.

Ulysses S. Grant, the Union commander who led the defeat of the Confederacy, only to be later derided because of scandals during his presidency, is set for a posthumous appointment to general of the armies of the United States in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act.

The measure was introduced by Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, where Grant was born, and Sen. Roy Blunt and U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner, both Missouri Republicans.

General of the armies of the United States is the highest rank in the Army. It has been conferred only twice previously.

The first recipient was John J. Pershing in 1919, for his command during World War I. In 1976, the title was given posthumously to George Washington during the bicentennial celebrations.

Historians mostly agree that Grant, who accepted the surrender of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox, Va., in 1865 to end the Civil War, was a skilled commander who harnessed the Union’s superior resources and attacked relentlessly.

“Many Union generals temporized and put off battles until their troops were better trained and equipped,” according to Grant biographer Ron Chernow. “Grant recognized that such delays would benefit equally his Confederate opponents and preferred to strike quickly and capitalize on the element of surprise even when his troops weren’t perfectly ready.”

But his reputation as president, from 1869 to 1877, has shifted remarkably over the past century. Scandals in his administration, which had placed him in the lower rungs of presidential rankings, have receded in importance for some historians.

His efforts to protect and empower newly freed African Americans have garnered more attention as Confederate monuments erected during the early 20th century are being taken down.
Awesome, thank your fellow brownshirts for me!
Interesting tidbit, the Nazi Party used brown uniforms because they bought a bunch of surplus uniforms from the Austrian postal service at a cheap price. Imagine if the Austrians had pink uniforms!
Are you sure?

Wasn't he President around the time the US Army started beating the snot out of the plains and Southwest Native Americans?
But he wasn't a Confederate general, meaning he was a Republican who helped the blacks gain freedom from the Democrat slave owners.
Makes perfect sense, right?
Interesting tidbit, the Nazi Party used brown uniforms because they bought a bunch of surplus uniforms from the Austrian postal service at a cheap price. Imagine if the Austrians had pink uniforms!
And interesting the Reich today utilizes the same Gestapo tactics but now also accept a rainbow of colors.

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