UN: Obama’s Drone Program Violates International Law

Like we have been dropping bombs and missiles on terrorist for the past 15 years. What is the difference?

Oh'yes we're not risking pilots and special forces to do it.

... and?

I think it's effing awesome!

I agree with you ;) Sadly the republicans have to score political points with our troops lives. See they believe every plane needs a pilot to be blown out of the sky with.

Please provide a quoted, in context, link to any gop leader saying such
Ok with all of you who are ok with drone strikes.

Let's look at it from this perspective. Pakistan gets the capability to launch drone strikes against suspected terrorists in America.

You're just having a bbq when Billy Bob your neighbor a suspected terrorist gets nuked beside you taking out you, your trailer and your family.

Surely you wouldn't be a happy camper would you now?

Since when does it become the right thing to do to blow up wedding parties because there might be one suspected terrorist among the guest list?

Oh, when the President is a Democrat.

Pardon me.

apples to car jacks

We police ourselves in America, Pakistan doesn't.

recall; Osama was killed in Pakistan, within sight of a base
Tiny idiot,

I don't think the innocent people of Iraq liked shock and awe either. Done by piloted airplanes and missiles.

If any of this is true then George Bush belongs in a prison cell as he is no better then Hitler.

You fool. The actions against Afghanistan and Iraq were sanctioned. Afghanistan by the UN, Iraq by many countries but most importantly by a united House and Senate in America.

Drone strikes are wild card actions against shadow men in foreign nations with no power authorizing this killing of men accused in the darkness of a room in the White House and sadly their families dying along with them.

No judge. No jury. Just villains like Obama and simpletons like you who are willing to buy into their murderous games.

Pity you cannot understand this.
I have no problem with the drone strikes against suspected terrorist I will go after Obama on things I feel he has messed up on but I will give him credit on things I feel he has gotten right and the drone program is one of those.

If Putin decided that America had terrorists and he needed to drone strike certain locations in America would you be cool with it? I don't think so. Think about any foreign power just deciding to drone strike the US.


What we are looking at with the heavy drone strikes in Pakistan are barbaric and unjustified kills.

I cannot support this. I shall not support this.
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Here is my take on the drone strikes if you want to go after terrorist or suspected terrorist without putting boots on the ground the drones are your best option there will always be civilian deaths no matter if you use drones, maned aircraft, or boots on the ground there is no such thing as a clean war. I supported the Drone program when Bush used it I won't be two faced and turn against now that the same program is being used by Obama.
I have no problem with the drone strikes against suspected terrorist I will go after Obama on things I feel he has messed up on but I will give him credit on things I feel he has gotten right and the drone program is one of those.

If Putin decided that America had terrorists and he needed to drone strike certain locations in America would you be cool with it?


What we are looking at with the heavy drone strikes in Pakistan are barbaric and unjustified kills.

I cannot support this. I shall not support this.
If there were suspected terrorist in America attacking Russia I rather suspect we would turn them over to Russia if asked since as a rule we don't harbor terrorist and I really doubt Putin would risk war over it. The main reason we use the drones is because many of the countries we strike in either have governments that do harbor terrorist or have no central government at all which makes sending in ground forces dubious at best. What method would you use to go after terrorist in these countries if your against using drones?
Here is my take on the drone strikes if you want to go after terrorist or suspected terrorist without putting boots on the ground the drones are your best option there will always be civilian deaths no matter if you use drones, maned aircraft, or boots on the ground there is no such thing as a clean war. I supported the Drone program when Bush used it I won't be two faced and turn against now that the same program is being used by Obama.

I rarely find anything to disagree with you on. Your posts are stellar. But on drone strikes by the Obama administration and please read my words carefully are wild card strikes.

You have a President who says "I'm really good at killing people".

I think that says it all.
I have no problem with the drone strikes against suspected terrorist I will go after Obama on things I feel he has messed up on but I will give him credit on things I feel he has gotten right and the drone program is one of those.

If Putin decided that America had terrorists and he needed to drone strike certain locations in America would you be cool with it?


What we are looking at with the heavy drone strikes in Pakistan are barbaric and unjustified kills.

I cannot support this. I shall not support this.
If there were suspected terrorist in America attacking Russia I rather suspect we would turn them over to Russia if asked since as a rule we don't harbor terrorist and I really doubt Putin would risk war over it. The main reason we use the drones is because many of the countries we strike in either have governments that do harbor terrorist or have no central government at all which makes sending in ground forces dubious at best. What method would you use to go after terrorist in these countries if your against using drones?

Who are these terrorists that you kill daily along with 20 or 30 or 40 innocents?

And the fact that you could even ask the question "what method do you use to go after terrorists in these countries"

Whether we like it or not, we have no right to. It's really that simple. Or the tables can be turned.

What if Assad decides he's going after an anti Syrian enclave in Michigan? He begins launching from a location in Canada to wipe out his version of terrorists in Michigan.

You want this to be the norm? I don't.
Here is my take on the drone strikes if you want to go after terrorist or suspected terrorist without putting boots on the ground the drones are your best option there will always be civilian deaths no matter if you use drones, maned aircraft, or boots on the ground there is no such thing as a clean war. I supported the Drone program when Bush used it I won't be two faced and turn against now that the same program is being used by Obama.

I rarely find anything to disagree with you on. Your posts are stellar. But on drone strikes by the Obama administration and please read my words carefully are wild card strikes.

You have a President who says "I'm really good at killing people".

I think that says it all.
This same President also said if you like your insurance you can keep it period that is a bit off from the topic at hand I use it to highlight how little of what he says I now take serious for the record at least as far as I know the man has never killed anyone in his life I for one don't consider giving a order for someone else to kill count as you killing them.
Look it's the old lib in me showing but left or right we have no and I really believe this right to go bombing the shit out of a wedding party because may be even a suspected terrorist might be there.

I'm sorry as sorry as can be.This is why I rioted in the 60's. YOU CAN'T DO THIS.
Its like I'm fighting against myself. Trying to explain that you cannot you must not just blow people away because maybe even there might be a terror suspect amongst them.

Hells bells this sucks because some conservatives are going just fucking wipe them out. This is nuts. This is crazy.
Here is my take on the drone strikes if you want to go after terrorist or suspected terrorist without putting boots on the ground the drones are your best option there will always be civilian deaths no matter if you use drones, maned aircraft, or boots on the ground there is no such thing as a clean war. I supported the Drone program when Bush used it I won't be two faced and turn against now that the same program is being used by Obama.

I rarely find anything to disagree with you on. Your posts are stellar. But on drone strikes by the Obama administration and please read my words carefully are wild card strikes.

You have a President who says "I'm really good at killing people".

I think that says it all.
This same President also said if you like your insurance you can keep it period that is a bit off from the topic at hand I use it to highlight how little of what he says I now take serious for the record at least as far as I know the man has never killed anyone in his life I for one don't consider giving a order for someone else to kill count as you killing them.

He takes it so. Little notches.
Its like I'm fighting against myself. Trying to explain that you cannot you must not just blow people away because maybe even there might be a terror suspect amongst them.

Hells bells this sucks because some conservatives are going just fucking wipe them out. This is nuts. This is crazy.

This is what we have done every day for the past 10 fucking years with AIRPLANES. Heck, you'd think less innocents die from drones being that they get close enough to see who they're getting at.

Yet you don't BITCH about the piloted planes dropping BOMBS or MISSILES FROM SHIPS.

O'nooo's that's fucking alright!!!! As we typically understand what war is.

Grow the fuck up!:mad:
Its like I'm fighting against myself. Trying to explain that you cannot you must not just blow people away because maybe even there might be a terror suspect amongst them.

Hells bells this sucks because some conservatives are going just fucking wipe them out. This is nuts. This is crazy.

This is what we have done every day for the past 10 fucking years with AIRPLANES. Heck, you'd think less innocents die from drones being that they get close enough to see who they're getting at.

Yet you don't BITCH about the piloted planes dropping BOMBS or MISSILES FROM SHIPS.

O'nooo's that's fucking alright!!!! As we typically understand what war is.

Grow the fuck up!:mad:

You are going into territory that is not yours.

Matthew, do you even have a clue on what international boundaries you are breaking with your drone program?

You are now killing innocents big time in Pakistan. We all know it. One suspect. It's target practice and we know it.

But you just keep killing. That's your peace President.
Its like I'm fighting against myself. Trying to explain that you cannot you must not just blow people away because maybe even there might be a terror suspect amongst them.

Hells bells this sucks because some conservatives are going just fucking wipe them out. This is nuts. This is crazy.

This is what we have done every day for the past 10 fucking years with AIRPLANES. Heck, you'd think less innocents die from drones being that they get close enough to see who they're getting at.

Yet you don't BITCH about the piloted planes dropping BOMBS or MISSILES FROM SHIPS.

O'nooo's that's fucking alright!!!! As we typically understand what war is.

Grow the fuck up!:mad:

Just for fun.

If I start to fire at you from Windsor because you have pissed me off for decades, do I get a pass?

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