UN: Obama’s Drone Program Violates International Law

Look it's the old lib in me showing but left or right we have no and I really believe this right to go bombing the shit out of a wedding party because may be even a suspected terrorist might be there.

I'm sorry as sorry as can be.This is why I rioted in the 60's. YOU CAN'T DO THIS.

I have often thought that I wish instead of going to the Navy to avoid VN I would have been a war protestor instead.

I must admit though, for the most part left and right seem to be united in their desire to allow the CIA to blow people away in countries that are our allies. I wonder if we would do the same in Israel, I seriously doubt it. If I were al quada I would move to Israel.

I really don't understand how so many can be happy with blowing up wedding parties, or blowing up first responders, or the killing of Americans, I really have to wonder why we are so scared. I really have to wonder if there is a limit on the innocent people that we kill for those in support.
Here is my take on the drone strikes if you want to go after terrorist or suspected terrorist without putting boots on the ground the drones are your best option there will always be civilian deaths no matter if you use drones, maned aircraft, or boots on the ground there is no such thing as a clean war. I supported the Drone program when Bush used it I won't be two faced and turn against now that the same program is being used by Obama.

I rarely find anything to disagree with you on. Your posts are stellar. But on drone strikes by the Obama administration and please read my words carefully are wild card strikes.

You have a President who says "I'm really good at killing people".

I think that says it all.
This same President also said if you like your insurance you can keep it period that is a bit off from the topic at hand I use it to highlight how little of what he says I now take serious for the record at least as far as I know the man has never killed anyone in his life I for one don't consider giving a order for someone else to kill count as you killing them.

Adolf Hitler then was an innocent man.
Here is my take on the drone strikes if you want to go after terrorist or suspected terrorist without putting boots on the ground the drones are your best option there will always be civilian deaths no matter if you use drones, maned aircraft, or boots on the ground there is no such thing as a clean war. I supported the Drone program when Bush used it I won't be two faced and turn against now that the same program is being used by Obama.

Wrong then and wrong now, on this subject.
Look it's the old lib in me showing but left or right we have no and I really believe this right to go bombing the shit out of a wedding party because may be even a suspected terrorist might be there.

I'm sorry as sorry as can be.This is why I rioted in the 60's. YOU CAN'T DO THIS.

I have often thought that I wish instead of going to the Navy to avoid VN I would have been a war protestor instead.

I must admit though, for the most part left and right seem to be united in their desire to allow the CIA to blow people away in countries that are our allies. I wonder if we would do the same in Israel, I seriously doubt it. If I were al quada I would move to Israel.

I really don't understand how so many can be happy with blowing up wedding parties, or blowing up first responders, or the killing of Americans, I really have to wonder why we are so scared. I really have to wonder if there is a limit on the innocent people that we kill for those in support.

I don't understand this at all. And I am balls to the wall if I believe we have a right to go in like Afghanistan and even initially Iraq.

But to unleash drone kills with no oversight is beyond the pale to me.

And that we have posters like a Matthew going "ok just kill them because they might be and a 3 year old baby gets caught in the crossfire" is absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE to me.

Many don't understand why we rioted on the 60's. Take away the Bernie and the Billies. They were really the ones who wanted North Vietnam and Cuba and the Commies could win.

The rest of us were only trying to hold the government at the gate. *sigh* You really just had to be there.
Its like I'm fighting against myself. Trying to explain that you cannot you must not just blow people away because maybe even there might be a terror suspect amongst them.

Hells bells this sucks because some conservatives are going just fucking wipe them out. This is nuts. This is crazy.

If, IF they used some sort of checks and balance, like the rule of law then maybe this could be supported but as it stands no one should be for what we are doing. The method of using drones is a good method if used correctly. But paying someone who doesn't have two rocks to rub together a large bounty for placing GPS sensors so we can blow up whatever it is they tagged is wrong dead, dead wrong.
Look it's the old lib in me showing but left or right we have no and I really believe this right to go bombing the shit out of a wedding party because may be even a suspected terrorist might be there.

I'm sorry as sorry as can be.This is why I rioted in the 60's. YOU CAN'T DO THIS.

I have often thought that I wish instead of going to the Navy to avoid VN I would have been a war protestor instead.

I must admit though, for the most part left and right seem to be united in their desire to allow the CIA to blow people away in countries that are our allies. I wonder if we would do the same in Israel, I seriously doubt it. If I were al quada I would move to Israel.

I really don't understand how so many can be happy with blowing up wedding parties, or blowing up first responders, or the killing of Americans, I really have to wonder why we are so scared. I really have to wonder if there is a limit on the innocent people that we kill for those in support.

I don't understand this at all. And I am balls to the wall if I believe we have a right to go in like Afghanistan and even initially Iraq.

But to unleash drone kills with no oversight is beyond the pale to me.

And that we have posters like a Matthew going "ok just kill them because they might be and a 3 year old baby gets caught in the crossfire" is absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE to me.

Many don't understand why we rioted on the 60's. Take away the Bernie and the Billies. They were really the ones who wanted North Vietnam and Cuba and the Commies could win.

The rest of us were only trying to hold the government at the gate. *sigh* You really just had to be there.

I was there only on the other side, I guess. They trained me in riot control because they thought the base was going to be attacked by a bunch of hippies in a May day riot. I was all of 19 and weighed about 150 lbs, a big threat. No riot.

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