Un-Qualified, Incompetent, Inept Commander & Chief: 'Biden's Insistence On Full Withdrawal Made It Impossible To Hold Bagram

It was an unconditional surrender agreement. Trump required no concessions from the Taliban and didn't consult the government or the Afghan Security forces.

Your contacts inside the Pentagon are amazing!
A lack of US Troops on the ground (2500) made it impossible to hold Bagram

I applauded when Trump ordered full withdrawal and supported our President when he finished it
no, a lack of leadership made it impossible.

the withdrawal has never been a problem with most. the way it was done as a complete cluster fuck is the problem.
Evidently they didn’t respect the deal they made with Trump

After Trump lost the election, he no longer cared. If his withdrawal was so important to him, he would have transitioned to Biden on the critical aspects of the deal.
They didn't respect the moron that took over. They absolutely respected Trump.

And it takes a special kind of stupid to think Trump left and just took all kinds of secrets with him regarding this deal and withdrawal. But typically people who support Biden and this stuttering cluster fuck of an administration are indeed a special kind of stupid.
Biden ignored his military and CIA/Intel advisors. He relied, instead, on his own dementia-ravaged mind and the advice given to him by his handlers, whoever they maybe. This latest report by one of our Top Generals, who was ignored by Biden, makes it clear that Biden was most responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal clusterfu@k and for leaving Americans behind.

If the top guy in Afghanistan was telling the White House that they didn’t have much as time to evacuate as they hoped and and that there weren’t enough troops left to evacuate in the optimal way, what the hell was Biden thinking in pressing ahead?

I am sure Biden's handlers have made it clear that this question is one they definitely don't want him answering.

One thing is for sure now. There will be no more deaths of Americans in Afghanistan under Biden. He was the only one with the guts to do it.
Biden ignored his military and CIA/Intel advisors. He relied, instead, on his own dementia-ravaged mind and the advice given to him by his handlers, whoever they maybe. This latest report by one of our Top Generals, who was ignored by Biden, makes it clear that Biden was most responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal clusterfu@k and for leaving Americans behind.

If the top guy in Afghanistan was telling the White House that they didn’t have much as time to evacuate as they hoped and and that there weren’t enough troops left to evacuate in the optimal way, what the hell was Biden thinking in pressing ahead?

I am sure Biden's handlers have made it clear that this question is one they definitely don't want him answering.

I'll bet that Milley and Austin crafted this plan after consulting with the CCP Masters
Bush jr. failed in his negotiations with the Taliban to have a pipeline from the Stans to India so he invaded.

Do you realize you’re on a massive leftist rant that has nothing to do with the original subject?
Do you realize you’re on a massive leftist rant that has nothing to do with the original subject?

Starting and stopping the withdrawal makes no sense.

We had no business in Afghanistan to begin with. Remember? We left right after the Soviets and weren't concerned about the Taliban from 1994-2001.
Starting and stopping the withdrawal makes no sense.

We had no business in Afghanistan to begin with. Remember? We left right after the Soviets and weren't concerned about the Taliban from 1994-2001.
They must have been the JV team the Community Organizer was talking about.
Wanna bet?

Yes. Biden will never send troops in there again. Why would he?
To kill them again?
It's you who hasn't learnt a lesson.

But isn't it typical of republicans to want war to flex their egos and let people die because if it. The power of American military and egotistical fools running it is a recipe for any defeat. Again and again.
Grow up fool. Leave them alone. They will self distruct naturally.
Yes. Biden will never send troops in there again. Why would he?
To kill them again?
It's you who hasn't learnt a lesson.

But isn't it typical of republicans to want war to flex their egos and let people die because if it. The power of American military and egotistical fools running it is a recipe for any defeat. Again and again.
Grow up fool. Leave them alone. They will self distruct naturally.

You don’t even know what we’re talking about and learnt isn’t a word. Happy Valentimes day.
A lack of US Troops on the ground (2500) made it impossible to hold Bagram

I applauded when Trump ordered full withdrawal and supported our President when he finished it
I don’t disagree with the premise of withdrawing ground forces, however, removing the entire support, intelligence, apparatus for Afghan forces was a mistake. Abandoning massive amounts of munitions, technology, aircraft, armor, vehicles….. was stupid, plane and simple, inexcusable. Removing air support that assisted Afghan forces singled capitulation and the beginning of the end. Withdrawal without first insuring every American and Afghan asset that assisted in the conflict against terrorism was removed from harms way was unforgivable. Orderly withdrawal is one hell of a lot different than what Cabbage Patch doll pulled off, rather his handlers. A disgrace to say the least. Now welcome to the new world and you had better be prepared to fight terrorism on our own soil. It’s coming and you can bet the farm on that.
I don’t disagree with the premise of withdrawing ground forces, however, removing the entire support, intelligence, apparatus for Afghan forces was a mistake. Abandoning massive amounts of munitions, technology, aircraft, armor, vehicles….. was stupid, plane and simple, inexcusable. Removing air support that assisted Afghan forces singled capitulation and the beginning of the end. Withdrawal without first insuring every American and Afghan asset that assisted in the conflict against terrorism was removed from harms way was unforgivable. Orderly withdrawal is one hell of a lot different than what Cabbage Patch doll pulled off, rather his handlers. A disgrace to say the least. Now welcome to the new world and you had better be prepared to fight terrorism on our own soil. It’s coming and you can bet the farm on that.

What was the plan when Trump drew down from 13,000 to 2500?
I don’t disagree with the premise of withdrawing ground forces, however, removing the entire support, intelligence, apparatus for Afghan forces was a mistake. Abandoning massive amounts of munitions, technology, aircraft, armor, vehicles….. was stupid, plane and simple, inexcusable. Removing air support that assisted Afghan forces singled capitulation and the beginning of the end. Withdrawal without first insuring every American and Afghan asset that assisted in the conflict against terrorism was removed from harms way was unforgivable. Orderly withdrawal is one hell of a lot different than what Cabbage Patch doll pulled off, rather his handlers. A disgrace to say the least. Now welcome to the new world and you had better be prepared to fight terrorism on our own soil. It’s coming and you can bet the farm on that.
Afghanistan was a 20 year cluster fuck
It was never going to work out the way we wanted

When the Afghan forces refused to fight, we had to change our priorities. Getting our “stuff” out of there was not one of them. We did manage to get 120,000 out which was a heroic effort.
A lack of US Troops on the ground (2500) made it impossible to hold Bagram

I applauded when Trump ordered full withdrawal and supported our President when he finished it
But the Fucktard told us it was all rainbows and unicorn farts, and everything was going well....

As a matter of fact, he called the President of Afghanistan, and asked HIM to tell us everything was fine!!!

Are you trying to tell us that Biden KNEW the Taliban was overrunning Afghanistan, and knowingly LIED to the American public????

And then turned down the Taliban's offer to let us control Kabul until the evacuation was complete, and surrendered that city to them too????

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