Un-Qualified, Incompetent, Inept Commander & Chief: 'Biden's Insistence On Full Withdrawal Made It Impossible To Hold Bagram

But the Fucktard told us it was all rainbows and unicorn farts, and everything was going well....

As a matter of fact, he called the President of Afghanistan, and asked HIM to tell us everything was fine!!!

Are you trying to tell us that Biden KNEW the Taliban was overrunning Afghanistan, and knowingly LIED to the American public????

And then turned down the Taliban's offer to let us control Kabul until the evacuation was complete, and surrendered that city to them too????
No more than Trump lied when he told us he trusted the Taliban and made a deal with them.

Biden played the hand he was dealt. Get us out with only 2500 US troops on the ground.

He evacuated over 120,000…..a miracle
No more than Trump lied when he told us he trusted the Taliban and made a deal with them.

Biden played the hand he was dealt. Get us out with only 2500 US troops on the ground.

He evacuated over 120,000…..a miracle
While stranding several hundred Americans (along with thousands of allies) when the State Department grounded evacuation flights...

But don't worry...

Reports are that the Taliban are cooperating by pulling people off the planes and killing them on the tarmac!!!!

But I'll give credit where credit is due...

Biden DID fight the terrorists by droning a US aid worker and his family for handling out water!!!
For giving terrorists near $100 Billion in weapons like Obama gave Hezbollah and Iran $150 Billion?

You would applaud that.

What's next a back door deal for Clinton to give Chinese Missile guidance technology that they will give to North Korea who will give it then to Iran? Or maybe a sweetheart backroom deal to sell US Uranium through the acquisition of Uranium One by Rosatom, which is owned by Putin so he can give that to Iran to build Obama Bombs with our own Uranium and our own money?

Obama Bin Lying and Faux Joe Xiden has armed Islamic Radicals to the teeth for Armageddon!


Applaud that shit for brains!
That number keeps getting inflated when will it stop?
What was the plan when Trump drew down from 13,000 to 2500?
The plan was to support Afghan troops with AirPower and intelligence which is why, until Cabbage Patch changed direction, the Taliban was holding back and Afghan forces were effective. Pull the rug out from underneath them and the walls come tumbling down. The question as to if and when the Taliban would assume total control is a mute point, how and what intelligence assets were required to be deployed and in place prior to total withdrawal is an issue only the CIA can address. At this point we have not only armed terrorists but compromised future international Cooperation with our allies, and American security. Do not forget our soon to be former allies outnumbered US forces 7-1 on the ground. Regardless of what the cluster-F in DC, CNN, CNBC…. claim it is impossible to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. As I understand it we are now blind in a country ruled by terrorists.
The plan was to support Afghan troops with AirPower and intelligence which is why, until Cabbage Patch changed direction, the Taliban was holding back and Afghan forces were effective. Pull the rug out from underneath them and the walls come tumbling down. The question as to if and when the Taliban would assume total control is a mute point, how and what intelligence assets were required to be deployed and in place prior to total withdrawal is an issue only the CIA can address. At this point we have not only armed terrorists but compromised future international Cooperation with our allies, and American security. Do not forget our soon to be former allies outnumbered US forces 7-1 on the ground. Regardless of what the cluster-F in DC, CNN, CNBC…. claim it is impossible to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. As I understand it we are now blind in a country ruled by terrorists.

By bombing?

Don't you think the Taliban can establish a government?

What do you mean blind in a country ruled by terrorists. We're out of Afghanistan.
What do you want now? You can't force any of the Afghan -Americans to leave.
You can give them a chance by not pulling your entire security force out in the middle of the night. You can ensure a slower, safer more organized pull back to the most secure airbase in the country. You can keep the terrorists at arms length while methodically pulling back. You can verify who gets to leave and who doesn’t. You bring your equipment back or destroy it as you go. Interesting side bar, if an enlisted man loses his rifle he gets court martialed, what should the penalty be for leaving 80 million bucks worth be?

The fact is any fucking 12 year old gamer on call of duty could and would have had a better expat strategy than Bidumb and the turfs that followed him over the cliff.
By bombing?

Don't you think the Taliban can establish a government?

What do you mean blind in a country ruled by terrorists. We're out of Afghanistan.
The Taliban can form a loosely knitted government, however, Afghanistan is a Muslim tribal country. The only marginally binding factor is their faith which translates into ruling by fear and repression, terrorism is the tool employed to enact fear and obedience but that in its own has a habit of coming back against you. As you are aware there are many interpretations, extremes and methods of followers of the Koran.
When one does not have reliable intelligence assets on the ground they are blind. You are correct in that Cabbage Patch capitulated and withdrew. Now assuming, with such short notice , assets were in place, begs the question can one assume they would be willing to cooperate knowing full well they would become pawns of Cabbage Patch until deemed disposable for political gain?
The Taliban can form a loosely knitted government, however, Afghanistan is a Muslim tribal country. The only marginally binding factor is their faith which translates into ruling by fear and repression, terrorism is the tool employed to enact fear and obedience but that in its own has a habit of coming back against you. As you are aware there are many interpretations, extremes and methods of followers of the Koran.
When one does not have reliable intelligence assets on the ground they are blind. You are correct in that Cabbage Patch capitulated and withdrew. Now assuming, with such short notice , assets were in place, begs the question can one assume they would be willing to cooperate knowing full well they would become pawns of Cabbage Patch until deemed disposable for political gain?

The Taliban are Deobandi.. They came out of British Colonial India.. and oppose colonialism. They are also Pashtun which is the majority in Afghanistan.

Why do you think we need intelligence assets on the ground?

The Chinese have built a railroad, power plants and mining operations. ... while Afghanistan is landlocked Port Gwadar opens up many opportunities for getting their natural resources to market.

I don't know what Cabbage Patch means. What do YOU want in Afghanistan?

Where have you lived in the Muslim world?
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You can give them a chance by not pulling your entire security force out in the middle of the night. You can ensure a slower, safer more organized pull back to the most secure airbase in the country. You can keep the terrorists at arms length while methodically pulling back. You can verify who gets to leave and who doesn’t. You bring your equipment back or destroy it as you go. Interesting side bar, if an enlisted man loses his rifle he gets court martialed, what should the penalty be for leaving 80 million bucks worth be?

The fact is any fucking 12 year old gamer on call of duty could and would have had a better expat strategy than Bidumb and the turfs that followed him over the cliff.
So true…
Ya know why we couldn't hold Bagram?

Because Trump had reduced our troop level to 2500.

We had to bring in another 2500 just to hold Kabul Airport
Ya know why we couldn't hold Bagram?

Because Trump had reduced our troop level to 2500.

We had to bring in another 2500 just to hold Kabul Airport
If it took a few more to ensure that we could get all of our people out safely, I'm sure we could spare them now...

After months of making sure people didn't march through the Capitol waving flags again, Congress and the Fucktard finally let the 25,000 troops stationed in DC go home!!!!
I agree. Should held that air base till all of our people and friendlies were out. Since he wasn't smart enough to do that he should have bombed the hell out of Bagram and destroyed the billions of dollars worth of military equipment we left there for the Afghan army. The army and leaders who all ran like hell when the Taliban invaded.
Your tactical and strategic knowledge is greater than that of our military leaders.

When the military leaders are more interested in CRT training and diversity goals than they are war planning and come up with ideas like abandoning Bagram then the answer is yes.

You have to remember that these top military yokels are the ones that survived Obama's massive purge. They are Left leaning yes men and they have neither the inclination or the courage to do the right thing.
Ya know why we couldn't hold Bagram?

Because Trump had reduced our troop level to 2500.

We had to bring in another 2500 just to hold Kabul Airport

We were holding Bagram quite well, you moron, until President Potatohead abandoned it.

It was not Trump that fucked this up you dimwit. It was President Potatohead and his Left Wing loonie cohorts. It really gets old to see you stupid uneducated Moon Bats trying to blame Democrat failures on somebody else.

You filthy ass Moon Bats will say anything to justify the failures of the Democrats, who always fuck up everything. Even another Democrat, The Worthless Negro, knew Potatohead was a going to screw up everything. He said "never underestimate the abilty of Joe to screw something up".

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