UN Rears Its Ugly Head, Again



your point?

And to quote the part I did again:

Hamas, unlike the Fatah, refused to accept Israel's existence. Its charter calls for an end to Israel, though during the 2006 election campaign, Hamas did not mention its call for the destruction of Israel in its electoral manifesto.[37] On 25 January 2006, after winning the Palestinian elections, Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar gave an interview to Al-Manar TV denouncing foreign demands that Hamas recognize Israel's right to exist.

Note, thats the interview it talks about. AFTER Hamas WON the elections.
So when did you become a mind reader?

when did you develop an incessant need to defend terrorosts? you're reminding me of one of the insane neo-cons who keeps saying "prove to me that Bush lied about WMD's".

Hamas was created in 1987 and has ALWAYS been known for its terrorist attacks.... has always said it's goal was to drive israel to the sea. Do you really think that the palestinians are so stupid that they don't know that?

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the CFR which, for some inexplicable reason, doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization says:

Hamas combines Palestinian nationalism with Islamic fundamentalism. Its founding charter commits the group to the destruction of Israel, the replacement of the PA with an Islamist state on the West Bank and Gaza, and to raising "the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine." Its leaders have called suicide attacks the "F-16" of the Palestinian people. Hamas believes "peace talks will do no good," Rantisi said in April 2004. "We do not believe we can live with the enemy."

Hamas - Council on Foreign Relations
Can we please bulldoze turtle bay and be done with this?

It won't last very much longer. Israel is going in and wiping out the cancer that is Hamas. Fatah will follow soon and Hamas will collapse. Too bad we can't take out their leader in exile who is living among the Syrians. Israel has gone into Syria before and for good reason, I suggest they do it again to take him out.
That was when they were elected in 2006. When they were founded about 20 years ago, the covenant of the manifesto calls for the destruction of israel.


The Covenant of the Hamas still contends, written in 1988:

...Goals of the HAMAS:


'The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian

movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is

Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of

Palestine.' (Article 6)

On the Destruction of Israel:


'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will

obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)


They were supposed to rewrite the charter, ever seen it done?
The Covenant of the Hamas still contends, written in 1988:

They were supposed to rewrite the charter, ever seen it done?

No, but this is a very good lesson for us all here in the civilized world. If Pakistan or any other Muslim country somehow elected Al Queda, would we tolerate it? The answer would be no, because we see what a terrorist group that has been elected can do.
How many civilians are in the land known as Palestine? If they voted for Hamas, a terrorist organization, wouldn't the majority of them be considered terrorists or terrorist sympathizers? People say Hamas uses civilians as human shields, but maybe these 'civilians' want to be human shields to support Hamas. And if you didn't support Hamas, wouldn't you leave?

No problems with the first part of your post, Xisted but this:

And if you didn't support Hamas, wouldn't you leave?

presumes that these people CAN leave, doesn't it?

FYI very few people living in Gaza can just pack up and leave.

Where are they going to go?

Do you suppose the people living in extreme poverty are welcome anywhere?

The Palestinians with the resources to leave, (and the heart to leave, too) probably never lived in Gaza.

Be realistic.

Telling people they ought to leave is boneheadedly ignorant.
No problems with the first part of your post, Xisted but this:

presumes that these people CAN leave, doesn't it?

FYI very few people living in Gaza can just pack up and leave.

Where are they going to go?

Do you suppose the people living in extreme poverty are welcome anywhere?

The Palestinians with the resources to leave, (and the heart to leave, too) probably never lived in Gaza.

Be realistic.

Telling people they ought to leave is boneheadedly ignorant.

There is no question but that at least some of the Palestinian civilians in Gaza have gotten screwed by their leaders, as Palestinians have been getting screwed by their leaders and other Arab leaders for generations, should Israel have just stood by passively while Hamas accumulated rockets that could Israel's major population centers and then waited until these rockets were raining down on Tel Aviv and have responded only by asking the UNSC for a resolution urging Hamas to stop firing these rockets out of concern for the collateral damage border closings or military responses may cause among Palestinian civilians? Should the Allies not have invaded Hitler''s Germany out of concern that the invasion might cause collateral damage among German civilians? Should FDR not placed an embargo on shipping goods to Japan in protest of Japan's actions in the Pacific Rim out of concern that Japan might get angry and then have no other choice, as some claim the Palestinians have no other choice than violence, but to bomb Pearl Harbor?

Of all the people speaking out now, the Israelis and their supporters have the least responsibility for what is happening now to Palestinian civilians because they have to crying the alarm to an indifferent world for many months while many of those who now claim to be concerned about Palestinian civilians and knew this was inevitable, did nothing and said nothing to end Hamas' rocket firing and end it's weapons smuggling. Is there any sight more disgusting than the Secretary General of the UN wringing his hands is supposed concern over the violence in Gaza when he did nothing to prevent it from happening during all those months Israel warned Hamas' actions were approaching a tipping point? How can Ban or the UN possibly expect to have any credibility now when it did nothing at all to prevent to end Hamas' provocations even as it became clear time was growing short to act?
when did you develop an incessant need to defend terrorosts? you're reminding me of one of the insane neo-cons who keeps saying "prove to me that Bush lied about WMD's".

Hamas was created in 1987 and has ALWAYS been known for its terrorist attacks.... has always said it's goal was to drive israel to the sea. Do you really think that the palestinians are so stupid that they don't know that?

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the CFR which, for some inexplicable reason, doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization says:

Hamas - Council on Foreign Relations

Jeez, don't you learn your lesson? I'm not defending terrorists.

But goodness gracious you actually have to admit that Israel might have to be wrong at some point huh?

Because lets remember, Israel is never wrong. :cuckoo:

If you already read my other posts, I already said Israel should of invaded long ago and gotten it over with.

But you JUST WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU WANT Jill as always.

The major thing that makes me say wtf is people like you, Annie, David, and a couple others who I think would fight for Israel over America at a certain point. Hell, David already admitted his loyality is to Israel first.
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The Covenant of the Hamas still contends, written in 1988:

They were supposed to rewrite the charter, ever seen it done?

Still waiting for you to answer for David back on Page 2.

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