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Unanswered, you can go no further

It's only in this section because the cowardly moderators won't allow a free and open discussion of the facts about 911

No it is in this section because it is the same tired subject that has been brought up over and over for ten years by folks like yourself who have never actually been there like I was. You have done no actual investigation of your own. You just copy and paste other people's nonsense.

If you have a theory prove it. Go to New York. Speak to the people who were there. When you do your own documented scientific tests and research we will be glad to discuss the subject with you.


I've never copied and pasted anyone. Since you made the accusation why don't you prove it.

Same tired subject? Really? The greatest crime in our history and you're just bored with it? Or too invested in the Official Conspiracy Theory and afraid to find out you've been duped all these years.
Controlled demolition was improbable; violating the Laws of Physics was impossible.
Hundreds of conspirators would have been required to wire all three towers.
Less than a dozen would have been required to know the full plan.
Think Manhattan Project.
Those towers were white elephants with entire floors vacant, meaning it is possible teams of professionals with their own (government?) security could have placed the explosives and the electronics necessary to fire them. One possible reason debris from such a project hasn't been found is the fact the crime scene was cleaned before it could be examined. This OP is calling for an independent investigation into WTC7, which is something anyone concerned with US democracy should endorse.

You think that hundreds of conspirators would just keep quiet for the less than dozen who know the whole story? You can keep them quiet when they set it up but what of after, when they find out what the whole story was? Not a chance.
Technically, you are right. Wiring all three towers to go isn't "impossible" but doing it and doing it without being detected is so highly improbably that it is for all intents and purposes impossible. The buildings collapsed from the point of impact downward. How did the demolition team know exactly where the planes would hit?

No, this conspiracy theory is even more easily debunked than the official version.
I think it's more likely a couple hundred (foreign) hired killers would keep quiet about their role in wiring the towers than your belief the laws of nature were suspended on 911.

So they are hired killers AND demolition experts?:cuckoo:

I think it's more likely a couple hundred (foreign) hired killers would keep quiet about their role in wiring the towers than your belief the laws of nature were suspended on 911.

I don't believe that the laws of nature were suspended on 9-11.

Why don't we give the 46% of US citizens who haven't seen the collapse of WTC7 since the day of the attacks a chance to watch the 2.25 seconds of free fall acceleration and then call for an independent investigation into those terror attacks before Dick and Dubya die of old age?


Dude. Just like the other guy, you have no theory of your own. All you can do is poke holes in the official version which we all know has inconsistencies. Blah blah blah, you don't have anything to offer that hasn't been thoroughly debunked many times over.

Come up with a theory, support it, or there's nothing to discuss.
No you are the Conspiracy Theorist. You are insisting that the Official Conspiracy Theory is true even though B7 proves it wrong.

B7 doesn't disprove anything. That only exists in your truther mind.

I agree, they were not suspended. The impossible did not happen. And the OCT is not a lie, it is a theory based on the facts as we know them to be.

I have watched it collapse many many times. It looks like a building collapsing and no, it looks nothing like the many controlled demolitions that I've seen before. Those have multiple mini explosions that occur in a controlled pattern. The towers showed none of that.

You have no facts at all.

Look, here's your problem. You either don't bother to read posts you don't write, or you skim over them formulating your response instead of paying attention to what you are reading, or you have reading comprehension problems. I never ever stated that the OCT is true. I clearly said that there are problems with it. "Holes" and "inconsistancies" I believe I said. this is because the investigators were examining the evidence after the fact. It was the best they could do with what they had as far as tools and evidence. no one has been able to come up with a different explanation.

I'm not afraid of an impartial investigation, I just don't believe it's necessary since no new evidence has come to light. It would be a waste of money because the investigators would come to the same conclusions.

America has been living a lie these past thirteen years, we will only redeem ourselves by facing the truth. If seeking the truth makes me a "Truther" so be it, better than defending a lie, which of course makes one a Lier.

Whatever man. All of this nonsense has been debunked already in at least one thread here. You bring nothing new to the table. Now, since you refuse to propose and support a theory different than the one we all know to be as close to the truth as possible, then there really isn't any point in discussing this any more. you truthers cannot and will not see reason. You think that poking holes in the official version proves something. It ONLY proves what the investigators will already admit to: that they don't have all of the answers.

You however, have no answers at all. Good luck with your conspiracy theory.

Your are the one with a theory about a conspiracy, you know the one about nineteen hijackers? It has never been tested in a court of law to determine fact.

But here are indisputable facts, B7 was not hit by a plane, no modern steel framed high rise building has ever collapsed from fire anywhere in the world, B7 did collapse suddenly, straight down, symmetrically into its own footprint in under seven seconds at free fall acceleration. Now since you're all about reason and logic, answer how it fell if it wasn't controlled demo. You can't because that is the ONLY EXPLANATION!
Hundreds of structural steel connections can't possibly fail at precisely the same moment by accident. That is impossible and you know it. At this point you're just lying to yourself.

Ok, I just watched WTC 7 fall several times from several angles. Anyone at any time can watch it on YouTube. I have seen many buildings brought down my controlled demolition, it looked nothing like this. Where were the explosions? It was surreally calm, like the building just laid down. I'm more convinced than ever that it happened because of damage from the other buildings, and the heat from the fires.

Anyone who is on the fence on this, just watch the videos. Then watch videos of other buildings that were brought down by controlled demolition. No further investigation is needed.

Sorry truthers, you guys are off your rockers.
No it is in this section because it is the same tired subject that has been brought up over and over for ten years by folks like yourself who have never actually been there like I was. You have done no actual investigation of your own. You just copy and paste other people's nonsense.

If you have a theory prove it. Go to New York. Speak to the people who were there. When you do your own documented scientific tests and research we will be glad to discuss the subject with you.


I've never copied and pasted anyone. Since you made the accusation why don't you prove it.

Same tired subject? Really? The greatest crime in our history and you're just bored with it? Or too invested in the Official Conspiracy Theory and afraid to find out you've been duped all these years.

And the same parroting goes on. Again show us the research you've done or move on.
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B7 doesn't disprove anything. That only exists in your truther mind.

I agree, they were not suspended. The impossible did not happen. And the OCT is not a lie, it is a theory based on the facts as we know them to be.

I have watched it collapse many many times. It looks like a building collapsing and no, it looks nothing like the many controlled demolitions that I've seen before. Those have multiple mini explosions that occur in a controlled pattern. The towers showed none of that.

You have no facts at all.

Look, here's your problem. You either don't bother to read posts you don't write, or you skim over them formulating your response instead of paying attention to what you are reading, or you have reading comprehension problems. I never ever stated that the OCT is true. I clearly said that there are problems with it. "Holes" and "inconsistancies" I believe I said. this is because the investigators were examining the evidence after the fact. It was the best they could do with what they had as far as tools and evidence. no one has been able to come up with a different explanation.

I'm not afraid of an impartial investigation, I just don't believe it's necessary since no new evidence has come to light. It would be a waste of money because the investigators would come to the same conclusions.

Whatever man. All of this nonsense has been debunked already in at least one thread here. You bring nothing new to the table. Now, since you refuse to propose and support a theory different than the one we all know to be as close to the truth as possible, then there really isn't any point in discussing this any more. you truthers cannot and will not see reason. You think that poking holes in the official version proves something. It ONLY proves what the investigators will already admit to: that they don't have all of the answers.

You however, have no answers at all. Good luck with your conspiracy theory.

Your are the one with a theory about a conspiracy, you know the one about nineteen hijackers? It has never been tested in a court of law to determine fact.

But here are indisputable facts, B7 was not hit by a plane, no modern steel framed high rise building has ever collapsed from fire anywhere in the world, B7 did collapse suddenly, straight down, symmetrically into its own footprint in under seven seconds at free fall acceleration. Now since you're all about reason and logic, answer how it fell if it wasn't controlled demo. You can't because that is the ONLY EXPLANATION!
Hundreds of structural steel connections can't possibly fail at precisely the same moment by accident. That is impossible and you know it. At this point you're just lying to yourself.


Hello? Hello? It's time to wake up now. Wake yourself from your nice warm slumber. Tear yourself from your dream that it was all because of those bad Muslims.
Come on man, try at least to dispute a fact I listed. You can't because as I said they are indisputable.

I've never copied and pasted anyone. Since you made the accusation why don't you prove it.

Same tired subject? Really? The greatest crime in our history and you're just bored with it? Or too invested in the Official Conspiracy Theory and afraid to find out you've been duped all these years.

And the same parroting goes on. Again show us the research you've done or move on.

Who's doing the parroting?

Dispute the facts I've listed.
Was B7 hit by a plane?
Has a modern steel framed high rise building anywhere in the world ever collapsed due to fire?
Did B7 collapse on 911?
Was the collapse sudden?
Was the collapse symmetrical?
Was the collapse straight down through the path of greatest resistance?
Was the collapse at free fall speed?

I'm waiting...
You think that hundreds of conspirators would just keep quiet for the less than dozen who know the whole story? You can keep them quiet when they set it up but what of after, when they find out what the whole story was? Not a chance.
Technically, you are right. Wiring all three towers to go isn't "impossible" but doing it and doing it without being detected is so highly improbably that it is for all intents and purposes impossible. The buildings collapsed from the point of impact downward. How did the demolition team know exactly where the planes would hit?

No, this conspiracy theory is even more easily debunked than the official version.
I think it's more likely a couple hundred (foreign) hired killers would keep quiet about their role in wiring the towers than your belief the laws of nature were suspended on 911.

So they are hired killers AND demolition experts?:cuckoo:

I think it's more likely a couple hundred (foreign) hired killers would keep quiet about their role in wiring the towers than your belief the laws of nature were suspended on 911.

I don't believe that the laws of nature were suspended on 9-11.

Why don't we give the 46% of US citizens who haven't seen the collapse of WTC7 since the day of the attacks a chance to watch the 2.25 seconds of free fall acceleration and then call for an independent investigation into those terror attacks before Dick and Dubya die of old age?


Dude. Just like the other guy, you have no theory of your own. All you can do is poke holes in the official version which we all know has inconsistencies. Blah blah blah, you don't have anything to offer that hasn't been thoroughly debunked many times over.

Come up with a theory, support it, or there's nothing to discuss.

B7 isn't a hole in the Official Conspiracy Theory it is a gaping chasm right in the middle of it. A virtual Grand Canyon ripping the OCT apart. But you can't see it because you're looking the other way. Worse you refuse to turn around and look.

You want me to explain every detail of the conspiracy and if I can't then you'll hang your hat on it and claimed nothing is proved.

Well as I've already said many times before, only a special prosecutor with subpoena power can examine all the evidence to determine fact. I'm not going to get off in the weeds talking about what may or may not be true.

I'm sticking to the one part of the OCT which is demonstrably false, B7. And as I've also said before, if you can't answer the question of B7 then the rest of the OCT also is false.
I think it's more likely a couple hundred (foreign) hired killers would keep quiet about their role in wiring the towers than your belief the laws of nature were suspended on 911. Why don't we give the 46% of US citizens who haven't seen the collapse of WTC7 since the day of the attacks a chance to watch the 2.25 seconds of free fall acceleration and then call for an independent investigation into those terror attacks before Dick and Dubya die of old age?

More and more are finding out. Now that more know than don't and now that the shock of 911 is wearing off people are not afraid to talk. Many of the people I've show the video of B7 to have told me that they always suspected that the Twin Towers were demoed but just accepted the OCT because they didn't have any evidence to the contrary which was indisputable...until they saw B7.
I had similar conversations at work on 911 regarding the first two towers that fell.
There seemed to be a consensus the buildings were wired, but no one could explain how Osama managed that part. Hopefully, you're correct about the amount of time that has passed making it easier for Americans to consider the "impossible." If we don't, I suspect whatever potential we had in 1776 to free this world from the yoke of eternal war and endless debt will be lost.

My wife from the very beginning said she thought that the buildings were blown up. I told it all the same things that the OCT defenders say here. You're paranoid, it wouldn't be possible to do it without some one noticing the wiring and dynamite, too many people would be involved and someone would talk... Then one day I stumbled upon the Building Seven video. I was shocked and didn't understand how I didn't know about it, after all I'm a news junkie and I never saw a single report about it. After many weeks I finally came to grips with it. I was reminded of the Sherlock Holmes line "when you remove the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth".
More and more are finding out. Now that more know than don't and now that the shock of 911 is wearing off people are not afraid to talk. Many of the people I've show the video of B7 to have told me that they always suspected that the Twin Towers were demoed but just accepted the OCT because they didn't have any evidence to the contrary which was indisputable...until they saw B7.
I had similar conversations at work on 911 regarding the first two towers that fell.
There seemed to be a consensus the buildings were wired, but no one could explain how Osama managed that part. Hopefully, you're correct about the amount of time that has passed making it easier for Americans to consider the "impossible." If we don't, I suspect whatever potential we had in 1776 to free this world from the yoke of eternal war and endless debt will be lost.

My wife from the very beginning said she thought that the buildings were blown up. I told it all the same things that the OCT defenders say here. You're paranoid, it wouldn't be possible to do it without some one noticing the wiring and dynamite, too many people would be involved and someone would talk... Then one day I stumbled upon the Building Seven video. I was shocked and didn't understand how I didn't know about it, after all I'm a news junkie and I never saw a single report about it. After many weeks I finally came to grips with it. I was reminded of the Sherlock Holmes line "when you remove the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth".
I tried volunteering online with A & E 911Truth, but at that time I didn't really understand computers well enough to keep up. The man who supervised me while I there was an engineer who retired from NASA. There were numerous supporters from assorted public safety departments in NYC and across the country. There were hundreds of doctors, lawyers, professors, and other professionals who have all come to the same gut-wrenching conclusion you have. If the corporate press ever covered the destruction of all three towers as closely as they cover celebrity trivia, I believe an overwhelming majority would see evidence of controlled demolition. What happens at that point, I'm guessing, depends on what percentage of the US military believes their government facilitated and profited from the events of 911. Since I never served, I really have no way of estimating what their reaction might be.
I've never copied and pasted anyone. Since you made the accusation why don't you prove it.

Same tired subject? Really? The greatest crime in our history and you're just bored with it? Or too invested in the Official Conspiracy Theory and afraid to find out you've been duped all these years.

And the same parroting goes on. Again show us the research you've done or move on.

Who's doing the parroting?

Dispute the facts I've listed.
Was B7 hit by a plane?
Has a modern steel framed high rise building anywhere in the world ever collapsed due to fire?
Did B7 collapse on 911?
Was the collapse sudden?
Was the collapse symmetrical?
Was the collapse straight down through the path of greatest resistance?
Was the collapse at free fall speed?

I'm waiting...

God I hate the nutbag shuffle. Again you are the one making the claims. You are the one that has to provide the proof.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERhoNYj9_fg]WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions - YouTube[/ame]

Numerous eyewitnesses and multiple recordings were made of EXPLOSIONS on the day two magical airplanes toppled three steel-framed skyscrapers as much as the negative nabobs of denial would like us:razz: to believe otherwise.

Maybe they are all CHICKEN-SHITS?
And the same parroting goes on. Again show us the research you've done or move on.

Who's doing the parroting?

Dispute the facts I've listed.
Was B7 hit by a plane?
Has a modern steel framed high rise building anywhere in the world ever collapsed due to fire?
Did B7 collapse on 911?
Was the collapse sudden?
Was the collapse symmetrical?
Was the collapse straight down through the path of greatest resistance?
Was the collapse at free fall speed?

I'm waiting...

God I hate the nutbag shuffle. Again you are the one making the claims. You are the one that has to provide the proof.

In other words you can't dispute the facts. And the only answer that fits the FACTS I've listed is that B7 was brought down by controlled demolition.

Look I understand how difficult it is to come to grips with the reality of a false flag operation, it changes your world view. But we must face the facts...
Ok, first let's get straight what you are saying. I have a few questions:

1. Do you deny that two jet planes hit the towers?
2. Was #7 in use before 9/11 or was it empty.
3. Do you believe that the two towers (not just #7) were also brought down by controlled demolition?

1. No
2. Yes, In use
3. Yes controlled demolition.

the chances of a controlled demolition being set up in NYC in one of the busiest areas of the country without anyone noticing is pretty much zero.
And the same parroting goes on. Again show us the research you've done or move on.

Who's doing the parroting?

Dispute the facts I've listed.
Was B7 hit by a plane?
Has a modern steel framed high rise building anywhere in the world ever collapsed due to fire?
Did B7 collapse on 911?
Was the collapse sudden?
Was the collapse symmetrical?
Was the collapse straight down through the path of greatest resistance?
Was the collapse at free fall speed?

I'm waiting...

God I hate the nutbag shuffle. Again you are the one making the claims. You are the one that has to provide the proof.

tinfoil hat trufer brigade. :cuckoo:
WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions - YouTube

Numerous eyewitnesses and multiple recordings were made of EXPLOSIONS on the day two magical airplanes toppled three steel-framed skyscrapers as much as the negative nabobs of denial would like us:razz: to believe otherwise.

Maybe they are all CHICKEN-SHITS?

I hadn't seen this David Chandler report. Very concise, really exposes NISTs' roll in the cover up.
Who's doing the parroting?

Dispute the facts I've listed.
Was B7 hit by a plane?
Has a modern steel framed high rise building anywhere in the world ever collapsed due to fire?
Did B7 collapse on 911?
Was the collapse sudden?
Was the collapse symmetrical?
Was the collapse straight down through the path of greatest resistance?
Was the collapse at free fall speed?

I'm waiting...

God I hate the nutbag shuffle. Again you are the one making the claims. You are the one that has to provide the proof.

tinfoil hat trufer brigade. :cuckoo:

Ah, the calling names brigade. Very sophisticated defense of the indefensible.
Ok, first let's get straight what you are saying. I have a few questions:

1. Do you deny that two jet planes hit the towers?
2. Was #7 in use before 9/11 or was it empty.
3. Do you believe that the two towers (not just #7) were also brought down by controlled demolition?

1. No
2. Yes, In use
3. Yes controlled demolition.

the chances of a controlled demolition being set up in NYC in one of the busiest areas of the country without anyone noticing is pretty much zero.

But the chances are still greater than the impossible happening and as I've pointed out repeatedly here, it is impossible for fire to have caused the collapse of B7.
"When you remove the impossible what remains no matter how improbable MUST be the truth".
There is the facts to be considered here and that is for both towers & 7 to have "collapsed" right down to street level, is rather improbable.
exactly what magical force kept the mass of rubble centered on top of WTC 1, 2 on the way down? any getting off-center at all, would have resulted in less than complete destruction of either tower.

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