unarmed WHITEman shot--no headlines for whites??

Family sues woman who came to officer's aid in fatal Indiana shooting
“What we understand is our guy was parked legally
the Starbucks men were just denied to use the bathroom/kicked out
this WHITEman was shot for nothing---how come it's not headline news?

You just posted a head line.

The story is a year and a half old. Quit whining and do a search for the new back that far. I did and there are many "headlines" about it.

Also understand that there are almost 100 shootings every single day.

Did I mention you should quit whining?
hey smart guy--the story was posted April 16 2018

Read your own link. The shooting was a year and a half ago.

And, here's a link.

Almost 100 shootings every day. What makes this one so special that it should still be news a year and a half later?

Quit whining.
no--the lawsuit story was posted April 16 2018
hahahahahhaha!!!!!! wow---??!!
they are STILL talking about Michael Brown --happened THREE years ago
June 2017 NYTIMES!!!
Family of Michael Brown Settles Lawsuit Against City of Ferguson
NBC news
Michael Brown's parents, Ferguson reach settlement deal in lawsuit
CBS news
Michael Brown's family reaches settlement in wrongful-death lawsuit

I just searched the whiteman Justin Holland shooting--NO major news sites on first google page

Check the link I posted. The first few are HEADLINES about the suit.

Dumb kkk types work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny.
Family sues woman who came to officer's aid in fatal Indiana shooting
the Starbucks men were just denied to use the bathroom/kicked out
this WHITEman was shot for nothing---how come it's not headline news?

You just posted a head line.

The story is a year and a half old. Quit whining and do a search for the new back that far. I did and there are many "headlines" about it.

Also understand that there are almost 100 shootings every single day.

Did I mention you should quit whining?
hey smart guy--the story was posted April 16 2018

Read your own link. The shooting was a year and a half ago.

And, here's a link.

Almost 100 shootings every day. What makes this one so special that it should still be news a year and a half later?

Quit whining.
no--the lawsuit story was posted April 16 2018
hahahahahhaha!!!!!! wow---??!!
they are STILL talking about Michael Brown --happened THREE years ago
June 2017 NYTIMES!!!
Family of Michael Brown Settles Lawsuit Against City of Ferguson
NBC news
Michael Brown's parents, Ferguson reach settlement deal in lawsuit
CBS news
Michael Brown's family reaches settlement in wrongful-death lawsuit

I just searched the whiteman Justin Holland shooting--NO major news sites on first google page

Check the link I posted. The first few are HEADLINES about the suit.

Dumb kkk types work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny.
links from what post #?? the only one I see it says ''site can't be reached''
you white haters work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny
You just posted a head line.

The story is a year and a half old. Quit whining and do a search for the new back that far. I did and there are many "headlines" about it.

Also understand that there are almost 100 shootings every single day.

Did I mention you should quit whining?
hey smart guy--the story was posted April 16 2018

Read your own link. The shooting was a year and a half ago.

And, here's a link.

Almost 100 shootings every day. What makes this one so special that it should still be news a year and a half later?

Quit whining.
no--the lawsuit story was posted April 16 2018
hahahahahhaha!!!!!! wow---??!!
they are STILL talking about Michael Brown --happened THREE years ago
June 2017 NYTIMES!!!
Family of Michael Brown Settles Lawsuit Against City of Ferguson
NBC news
Michael Brown's parents, Ferguson reach settlement deal in lawsuit
CBS news
Michael Brown's family reaches settlement in wrongful-death lawsuit

I just searched the whiteman Justin Holland shooting--NO major news sites on first google page

Check the link I posted. The first few are HEADLINES about the suit.

Dumb kkk types work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny.
links from what post #?? the only one I see it says ''site can't be reached''
you white haters work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny

The link is fine
. But, you could do a search of your own.

Done with you now.
hey smart guy--the story was posted April 16 2018

Read your own link. The shooting was a year and a half ago.

And, here's a link.

Almost 100 shootings every day. What makes this one so special that it should still be news a year and a half later?

Quit whining.
no--the lawsuit story was posted April 16 2018
hahahahahhaha!!!!!! wow---??!!
they are STILL talking about Michael Brown --happened THREE years ago
June 2017 NYTIMES!!!
Family of Michael Brown Settles Lawsuit Against City of Ferguson
NBC news
Michael Brown's parents, Ferguson reach settlement deal in lawsuit
CBS news
Michael Brown's family reaches settlement in wrongful-death lawsuit

I just searched the whiteman Justin Holland shooting--NO major news sites on first google page

Check the link I posted. The first few are HEADLINES about the suit.

Dumb kkk types work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny.
links from what post #?? the only one I see it says ''site can't be reached''
you white haters work so hard to be victims but end up looking childish and whiny

The link is fine. But, you could do a search of your own.

Done with you now.
what post #??
no ---let's see these major news sites that ran the story
I did a search --no major news sites like NYTimes, CBS, NBC!!
Where's the OP's outrage?


An innocent man served 17 years. His ‘crime’? He looked almost exactly like the real suspect.

Keith Cooper: A man imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit

How about these guys?
How 4 teens became murderers without killing anyone

And -
7 Cases Where People Spent Years Behind Bars For Crimes They Didn't Commit

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