Uncle Joe leads in polls of 2020 Dem POTUS candidates, how will that go with #metoo crowd?

Like to see Mike Bloomberg run against Trump

He has more money and is not crazy
Uncle Groper will be the likely Dimm candidate in 2020 to lose to Trump.

How will the left wingers support groping Joe? He is “less” misogynistic than Trump?

CNN Poll: More see Trump win likely as Biden leads crowded Democratic field - CNNPolitics

Please please please nominate Biden to run against Trump. Those debates will be fucking epic!!
Is Joe Biden a "Christian" such as the ones screaming this morning about how appropriate it is for people to pray by laying their hands all over someone? Seems to be a "thing" among the religious crowd.
It's just a thought. Maybe Uncle Joe sees it as friendly and appropriate.
Uncle Groper will be the likely Dimm candidate in 2020 to lose to Trump.

How will the left wingers support groping Joe? He is “less” misogynistic than Trump?

CNN Poll: More see Trump win likely as Biden leads crowded Democratic field - CNNPolitics

Please please please nominate Biden to run against Trump. Those debates will be fucking epic!!
Is Joe Biden a "Christian" such as the ones screaming this morning about how appropriate it is for people to pray by laying their hands all over someone? Seems to be a "thing" among the religious crowd.
It's just a thought. Maybe Uncle Joe sees it as friendly and appropriate.

Nice pivot. I knew there had to be some explanation.
It’s likely going to be Biden, who else is on the horizon?

Oprah? Beyoncé? Michelle?

Who’s is it going to be?

It’s kind of like this:

I think Alabama is going to win the NCAA championship this year.
I think the Rams will win the Super Bowl.
I think the Red Sox will win the World Series.
I think the Senate will be 52-48 Elephants after the midterms.
I think the house will be 218-217 Elephants after the midterms.
I think “The Connors” will fail.
I think Christian Bale will be nominated for best actor for his portrayal of Dick Cheney.

Why is it so scary to be specific?
I hope they run the Pedo.

Biden is certainly "qualified" to be president. Long-time Senator, 8-year VP. Party insider from waaaaaay. back.

Republicans would certainly welcome him as the Democrat nominee.

But he has a lot of baggage. Plagiarism, a cornucopia of stupid remarks over the years, many pictures of him groping young women, very old...and looks every minute of 75 years. Worst of all, he has a bad case of Blitherer's Disease: the filter between his brain and his mouth is missing. Too often, he says shit without thinking, and when he is quoted the next day, they sound like the words of a buffoon.

Honestly, the Democrats have the opposite problem that the Republicans had in 2016. While the Republicans had a dozen great candidates who, one by one, knocked each other out, the Democrats of 2020 have a slew of awful candidates, with a real concern that any of them will arise from the group. Their only hope is someone who is nationally unknown right now, who rises up in a stealth campaign and just kicks ass at the right time.

Ironically, we have someone here in Western Pennsylvania who fits that mold, but he is just too young and inexperienced for this cycle. Mark down this name: Conor Lamb. He is a former Marine, a former prosecutor, he is good looking, articulate, and not bat-shit crazy. If they come up with someone like him, Trump is toast. But I don't think they will.

Biden? He is a bad joke.

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