Undecided Voters: keep 3 things in mind please, as you consider who to vote for:

Ethos Logos Pathos

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2019
Keep at the forefront of your mind, how

-the Dems handled the Iowa Caucus vote-counting and tallying processes the other day. If the Dems screwed up your vote, yesterday, they can do it again 7 months from now.

-the Dems filed false docx with the FISA courts in order to get Mueller's investigation launched onto President Trump.

-the Dems deceitfully protected the Biden family's corruption, by impeaching Trump, because Trump did obey our 20yr Ukraine foreign policy of exposing corruption by political and corporate officials.


These are the people you want leading you? Who will disregard all, laws and moral ethics, at the drop of a chance at gaining some power??? Or, when preventing from losing power?
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The problem is that neither party is worth a damn. Both are so full of shit they could fertilize the Gobi Desert to Rain Forest levels of growth. Let’s go down the list.

Democrats wanted Obamacare to take care of some, from cradle, to not quite grave, at some point it is better to take a pain pill than get surgery? Really?

Republicans responded by arguing correction IMO, that your care is best determined by you and YOUR DOCTOR without anyone else involved. Shall I cheer now?

Republicans have decided they know more about treating YOUR PAIN than YOUR DOCTOR and run around with their assholes on fire screaming Opioid Crisis. Hundreds of thousands of chronic pain patients are suffering because the Republicans know more than your doctor about how to treat you.

Democrats say we should ban guns because less than 1% of the guns are used in horrific crimes. Republicans point out that punishing the majority for the actions of a few is just wrong.

Republicans than run around screaming we have to ban Opioids because people overdose on them. Yet, about one percent of the overdoses are from prescription drugs, the vast majority are from illegal drugs. Doesn’t matter, punish the majority to stop the minority.

If I seem to be focusing on the Opioid nonsense, it is because it is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the Right.

The problem is that nobody has any core beliefs. The Constitution is not a guide, nor an anchor to these people. It is a hurdle, an obstacle to get over, or around. It is not a statement of the founding principles that bind and unite us. It is an archaic document totally out of touch with modern times.

Both Republicans and Democrats argue we can’t let the Constitution stop us from doing something. Only they argue about what it is the Constitution can’t be allowed to stop us from doing. For Democrats, it’s guns. We can’t let the Second Amendment prevent us from getting the guns off the streets. For Republicans it is criminals. We can’t let the damned Liberals screw us out of our Justice by screaming the poor criminals rights were violated.

Fuck them both, neither is worth the fifteen minutes it would take to vote. With either party, we are on our way to a Government controlled authority is all powerful dystopian future.
The problem is that neither party is worth a damn. Both are so full of shit they could fertilize the Gobi Desert to Rain Forest levels of growth. Let’s go down the list.

Democrats wanted Obamacare to take care of some, from cradle, to not quite grave, at some point it is better to take a pain pill than get surgery? Really?

Republicans responded by arguing correction IMO, that your care is best determined by you and YOUR DOCTOR without anyone else involved. Shall I cheer now?

Republicans have decided they know more about treating YOUR PAIN than YOUR DOCTOR and run around with their assholes on fire screaming Opioid Crisis. Hundreds of thousands of chronic pain patients are suffering because the Republicans know more than your doctor about how to treat you.

Democrats say we should ban guns because less than 1% of the guns are used in horrific crimes. Republicans point out that punishing the majority for the actions of a few is just wrong.

Republicans than run around screaming we have to ban Opioids because people overdose on them. Yet, about one percent of the overdoses are from prescription drugs, the vast majority are from illegal drugs. Doesn’t matter, punish the majority to stop the minority.

If I seem to be focusing on the Opioid nonsense, it is because it is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the Right.

The problem is that nobody has any core beliefs. The Constitution is not a guide, nor an anchor to these people. It is a hurdle, an obstacle to get over, or around. It is not a statement of the founding principles that bind and unite us. It is an archaic document totally out of touch with modern times.

Both Republicans and Democrats argue we can’t let the Constitution stop us from doing something. Only they argue about what it is the Constitution can’t be allowed to stop us from doing. For Democrats, it’s guns. We can’t let the Second Amendment prevent us from getting the guns off the streets. For Republicans it is criminals. We can’t let the damned Liberals screw us out of our Justice by screaming the poor criminals rights were violated.

Fuck them both, neither is worth the fifteen minutes it would take to vote. With either party, we are on our way to a Government controlled authority is all powerful dystopian future.

Okay, I can respect that.

Now, goodbye.
Party of witch hunts and hate Trump while president Trump is busy making America great again...
3 things?

>>>All candidates bow to and subsequently serve big $$$, not the 'American middle class'. That Congressional incumbents start @ 174K , assume multi-millionaire status via more lobbyists quid pro quo than there are ruskies in Ukraine should make this clearly evident

>>>Both parties protected Bin Laden's family , escorting them out of this country on 9-12 during a nationwide air traffic shutdown, and further censored the 9/11 report so we won't burn Congress down

>>>Both the Clinton and Trump impeachments were socially engineered to distract the American public while they sold us out to nafta, banksters, deficits, and backroom deals with foreign adversaries

-the Dems filed false docx with the FISA courts in order to get Mueller's investigation launched onto President Trump

Virtually everyone involved in that case was a Republican genius

-the Dems deceitfully protected the Biden family's corruption, by impeaching Trump

NO corruption has been shown. There was no investigation of Hunter Biden going on. Stop lying

Party of witch hunts

Four years of Benghazi investigations ring a bell?

Impeaching over consensual sex with an adult ring a bell?
There are reports that 4chan trolls conspired to clog the phone lines so that the vote of the Iowa caucus could not be reported properly.

I'm curious.

The FISA courts approved the surveillance of Carter Page, as he had had suspicious dealings with the Russians long before he joined the rump's campaign. There was, and is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden.
Republicans than run around screaming we have to ban Opioids because people overdose on them. Yet, about one percent of the overdoses are from prescription drugs, the vast majority are from illegal drugs. Doesn’t matter, punish the majority to stop the minority.

If I seem to be focusing on the Opioid nonsense, it is because it is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the Right.
You are full of shit. There are no Republicans trying to ban opioids.

Who told you that bullshit, a Democrat?
What the voters should keep in mind is that the last time the Democrats had full control of the federal government was 10 years ago. They had the white house, a comfortable majority in the house, and an rare filibuster-proof supermajority in the senate.

And the economy sucked. And the Dems were threatening to make it even worse by making energy costs skyrocket. Total war on the working class.

What voters need to ask themselves is whether they were better off financially 10 years ago than they are now.
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Undecided Voters: keep 3 things in mind please, as you consider who to vote for:

Made my decision years ago. They can all eat shit and die. The people who are in need of a leader are least qualified to choose one.
Right now we have the hardest working people in the world. Because of that business owners are thriving. It is so easy for them to find workers who do nothing but produce produce produce. Since today's american workers are more productive than ever before immense wealth is being created for their employers. The economy thrives because of today's american work ethic. The new generation of workers is incredible....the envy of the world.
-the Dems filed false docx with the FISA courts in order to get Mueller's investigation launched onto President Trump

Virtually everyone involved in that case was a Republican genius

-the Dems deceitfully protected the Biden family's corruption, by impeaching Trump

NO corruption has been shown. There was no investigation of Hunter Biden going on. Stop lying

Party of witch hunts

Four years of Benghazi investigations ring a bell?

Impeaching over consensual sex with an adult ring a bell?

You think it was Republicans that changed the FISA court documents? Who's the liar?
Right now we have the hardest working people in the world. Because of that business owners are thriving. It is so easy for them to find workers who do nothing but produce produce produce. Since today's american workers are more productive than ever before immense wealth is being created for their employers. The economy thrives because of today's american work ethic. The new generation of workers is incredible....the envy of the world.

Are you smoking crack? You honestly think THIS generation of Americans works harder than the ones before it?
What the voters should keep in mind is that the last time the Democrats had full control of the federal government was 10 years ago. They had the white house, a comfortable majority in the house, and an rare filibuster-proof supermajority in the senate.

And the economy sucked. And the Dems were threatening to make it even worse by making energy costs skyrocket. Total war on the working class.

What voters need to ask themselves is whether they were better off financially 10 years ago than they are now.

they had that filibuster proof majority for about two months.... following the last Republican debacle ( the Great Recession) and managed to get tens of millions healthcare in spite of Republican obstruction

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