Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

A pipeline is a means of transport....not a refinery. It replaced the use of trucks or trains.

And we import between 12 and 26 million barrels of oil from Russia every month. We took 17.8 million barrels in November. :slap:

I know that! The pipeline was for quicker and more stable delivery to the Gulf Coast refineries who expanded their refining capacity so we could export more finished product! They expanded the refineries when the Keystone pipeline was approved and fracking was being used. They now run not even close to full capacity and Canada has filled a suit for billions that they spent on the pipeline so derailments of trains filled with oil would stop burning small Canadian towns.
I know that! The pipeline was for quicker and more stable delivery to the Gulf Coast refineries who expanded their refining capacity so we could export more finished product! They expanded the refineries when the Keystone pipeline was approved and fracking was being used. They now run not even close to full capacity and Canada has filled a suit for billions that they spent on the pipeline so derailments of trains filled with oil would stop burning small Canadian towns.
All of which does not reject the fact that Biden is pleading with other nations to supply us oil.

Just the opposite of the original post.
I love it. For 2 years Republicans have been saying Biden hasn't done shit. Turns out he's done a lot. Keep posting his accomplishments.

Just like global warming scientists said we'd be under water by now, Republicans said the Biden economy would be in the tank by now. It's not. It's BOOMING. And whatever's wrong, he will fix.
Have you checked inflation rates or the supply line problems?

Obviously not. And these things fall directly on your master, Biden.
You mean like how we get together at cult like rallies during a global pandemic when we are supposed to be socially distancing from each other and wearing masks?
Have you even heard of the studies that show that social distancing and masks don't work? Of course, YOU would ignore any science that disputes your attempts to take power.
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You mean like how we get together at cult like rallies during a global pandemic when we are supposed to be socially distancing from each other and wearing masks?
Is that why our health care workers said BLM and Anti-Fa could go maskless? During a global scamdemic.
I love it. For 2 years Republicans have been saying Biden hasn't done shit. Turns out he's done a lot. Keep posting his accomplishments.

Just like global warming scientists said we'd be under water by now, Republicans said the Biden economy would be in the tank by now. It's not. It's BOOMING. And whatever's wrong, he will fix.
All but 8% of America believes Biden hasn't done anything. It matters not if we are energy independent, if inflation keeps rising, if gas is over $3.50 a gallon, Biden will lose control over the House and Senate and well on his way as a one termer and nobody will care if we are energy independent or not.
All but 8% of America believes Biden hasn't done anything. It matters not if we are energy independent, if inflation keeps rising, if gas is over $3.50 a gallon, Biden will lose control over the House and Senate and well on his way as a one termer and nobody will care if we are energy independent or not.
Gas is over $6/gal now due to Russia threatening Ukraine and still within and at the border.
I know that! The pipeline was for quicker and more stable delivery to the Gulf Coast refineries who expanded their refining capacity so we could export more finished product! They expanded the refineries when the Keystone pipeline was approved and fracking was being used. They now run not even close to full capacity and Canada has filled a suit for billions that they spent on the pipeline so derailments of trains filled with oil would stop burning small Canadian towns.
We can't even refine all of our own oil, much less Canada's oil. Nearly half of our own oil goes to overseas refineries because the Dems won't let us expand our production.
Meanwhile China is polluting the hell out of the planet and leads the world in Coal production and still gets a pass.
I know that! The pipeline was for quicker and more stable delivery to the Gulf Coast refineries who expanded their refining capacity so we could export more finished product! They expanded the refineries when the Keystone pipeline was approved and fracking was being used. They now run not even close to full capacity and Canada has filled a suit for billions that they spent on the pipeline so derailments of trains filled with oil would stop burning small Canadian towns.

We can't even refine all of our own oil, much less Canada's oil. Nearly half of our own oil goes to overseas refineries because the Dems won't let us expand our production.
Meanwhile China is polluting the hell out of the planet and leads the world in Coal production and still gets a pass.
That is complete BULL SHIT. We were refining our production and a large portion of Mexico and Canada's. That is why prices were so low under Trump. READ STUPID.
done anything.
All but 8% of America believes Biden hasn't done anything. It matters not if we are energy independent, if inflation keeps rising, if gas is over $3.50 a gallon, Biden will lose control over the House and Senate and well on his way as a one termer and nobody will care if we are energy independent or not.
Yep. We are a stupid country. So it goes.
All of which does not reject the fact that Biden is pleading with other nations to supply us oil.

Just the opposite of the original post.
For three years under Trump we were the worlds largest producer, Joe slowed that by replacing regulations that Trump removed. OPEC slowed production than to drive up the price and Joe is now whining because the price increase has hurt the Dems chances in the midterms. Fuck him.
"Energy independence" is an imaginary benchmark that, apparently, just means "imports and experts are equal".

In what the rest of us call "reality", none of our energy industry is nationalized. None of that fossil fuel belongs to "The United States".

It is owned by private corporations that sell it to the highest bidder, whether that bidder is domestic or foreign.

We are bidders in a global market for every kW of energy we use.
Oh look, the elementary schools just let out.

Did ya pass 5th grade science yet?

I need to put you in your place .....again???


President Trump made the United States energy independent, and, by the same token, rammed a stake through the heart of the gas-station-masquerading-as -a-nation, Russia.

That's because Trump was pro-America.

President Trump made the United States energy independent, and, by the same token, rammed a stake through the heart of the gas-station-masquerading-as -a-nation, Russia.

That's because Trump was pro-America.

Biden is nothing more than a bag-man, collecting bribes from Russia, Communist China, and the Ukraine, among others.

Based on that, he stopped the Keystone Pipeline, and...

US President Joe Biden's administration will suspend oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge pending an environmental review. The move reverses former President Donald Trump's decision to sell oil leases in the refuge to expand fossil fuel and mineral development.Jun 2, 2021

Alaska: Biden to suspend Trump Arctic drilling leases - BBC ...

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-57322511

....but accepted a fee from Russia to remove sanctions on the Nord Steam Project.


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