Under Trump’s ridiculous tax cuts, CEO pay is way up while wages of workers go down

Under Trump, CEO pay soars while employee wages decrease—and tax cuts could make gap even bigger

It’s amazing to me GOP voters are still fooled by the scam that is “trickle down”.

You think the tax cut caused employee wages to fall?

Can you explain your "logic"?
The point is that the tax cuts are useless.

Tax cuts and lower unemoyment vs. what we had under Obama. If it is any constellation to you, Obama had a higher rate of food stamps when compared to Trump. Further, Obama said the jobs would not come back and yet you people want to give him credit.

Can you please hold him accountable and stop with entitling him accomplishments he had nothing to do with?

That's awful because higher profits are bad...…..wait, what?
Wages have declined, and we're setting up for another great depression.

Oh noes!

Offshoring loop hole was closed...........And now money is coming back to the United States.........the Tax for doing so at the lower rate. 360 Billion dollars over 10 years for bringing the money home.
Under Trump, CEO pay soars while employee wages decrease—and tax cuts could make gap even bigger

It’s amazing to me GOP voters are still fooled by the scam that is “trickle down”.

Compensation for America’s top executives grew 17 percent in 2017 as real wages for workers declined, according to a study released Thursday.

Despite President Donald Trump’s repeated promises to raise the salaries of average Americans, chief executives earned 312 times more than the average employee during his first year in office, according to a new analysis by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

The average CEO of the largest 350 companies in the U.S. received $18.9 million in compensation last year, up from $16 million in 2016. The main difference in pay came from stock awards and cashed-in stock options, not salary growth, the analysis found.

These AWFUL increases in CEO compensation occurred in 2017, before the tax cuts were enacted.
And if you knew how to read, you'd see it wasn't increased salary from the companies.

Were you always a moron, or did it take years of practice?
Under Trump, CEO pay soars while employee wages decrease—and tax cuts could make gap even bigger

It’s amazing to me GOP voters are still fooled by the scam that is “trickle down”.

You think the tax cut caused employee wages to fall?

Can you explain your "logic"?
The point is that the tax cuts are useless.

Only to a welfare whore...

Are you telling us you're a welfare whore Billy?

Under Trump, CEO pay soars while employee wages decrease—and tax cuts could make gap even bigger

It’s amazing to me GOP voters are still fooled by the scam that is “trickle down”.

You think the tax cut caused employee wages to fall?

Can you explain your "logic"?
The point is that the tax cuts are useless.

Only to a welfare whore...

Are you telling us you're a welfare whore Billy?

A wefare whore doesn’t give a shit if their benefits are paid for or not. They would only care about spending cuts, you idiot.

That's awful because higher profits are bad...…..wait, what?
Wages have declined, and we're setting up for another great depression.

Wages have declined because of the tax cuts?

Thanks for the CBPP link. It doesn't mention a great depression though......did you post the wrong link?
Possibly tax cuts contribute to wage decline, but its likely mostly due to the recent increase of inflation, which gets worse when trade war kicks in.

The CBPP link shows how inequality now is at the same levels prior to the great depression. However, a more ominous sign is inverted yield curve.

That's awful because higher profits are bad...…..wait, what?
Wages have declined, and we're setting up for another great depression.

Wages have declined because of the tax cuts?

Thanks for the CBPP link. It doesn't mention a great depression though......did you post the wrong link?
Possibly tax cuts contribute to wage decline, but its likely mostly due to the recent increase of inflation, which gets worse when trade war kicks in.

The CBPP link shows how inequality now is at the same levels prior to the great depression. However, a more ominous sign is inverted yield curve.

Possibly tax cuts contribute to wage decline,

If only the link gave any proof that they do...…

The CBPP link shows how inequality now is at the same levels prior to the great depression.

So what? That's not proof that inequality caused the Great Depression or that it will cause a new Great Depression.

However, a more ominous sign is inverted yield curve.

Inverted yield curves don't cause Great Depressions. Our curve is not inverted.

As far as the graph, why would our lowest skilled workers have kept up with our national productivity?

They aren't very productive.

Or with average workers?

They're below average, that's why they make the minimum wage.
Under Trump, CEO pay soars while employee wages decrease—and tax cuts could make gap even bigger

It’s amazing to me GOP voters are still fooled by the scam that is “trickle down”.

Yes Obama made that gap even bigger, but you far left drones were silent then.

And how many of these people are far left or even left leaning?

I don't believe greed picks a side, they both don't care about the working class.

The working-class are greedy too ... they just suck at it.

Without question, they may not sure I at it as bad as you think though. They are without the chances that the uber wealthy have at it!

US Government Entitlement Spending History with Charts - a www.usgovernmentspending.com briefing

17% of the GDP goes to entitlement spending.


The historical average of Federal Revenue is roughly 18%...Currently at about 17%. Entitlements eat ALL REVENUES.........which is considered Mandatory spending...........The rest is debt..........

Now add in the yearly charge of interest on the debt.
Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
458 Billion last year.....
455 Billion already this year.....

The Math doesn't lie..........we are on a path to disaster.

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