Understanding winning vs losing issues 101 - marijuana legalization


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The "Pro Israel Christian" is militantly opposed to marijuana legalization. Faux "News" is too, as is the Jew Fraud of a Christian Preacher.

What does America really think about that issue?

"An overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use."

and here we are. If the GOP is dominated by math invalid religious drones who care not about winning the election, we have "Trump supporters" hollering at Trump for supporting that which 88% of Americans support.

Why does anyone oppose legalization of marijuana?

1. more jobs in America
2. less US cash going to drug gangs abroad
3. zeroes out crime associated with marijuana being illegal

The people who do oppose aren't operating in reality, they live in a "world" where the only thing that matters is a 2000 year old dead guy floating down from the clouds, and AMERICA DOES NOT AGREE WITH THEM...

and if Trump does, he will LOSE.

Michael Phelps wins 23rd gold medal in last-ever Olympic race

When you are as good in your profession as Michael Phelps is in his, then "your opinion" of marijuana may matter....
The "Pro Israel Christian" is militantly opposed to marijuana legalization. Faux "News" is too, as is the Jew Fraud of a Christian Preacher.

What does America really think about that issue?

"An overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use."

and here we are. If the GOP is dominated by math invalid religious drones who care not about winning the election, we have "Trump supporters" hollering at Trump for supporting that which 88% of Americans support.

Why does anyone oppose legalization of marijuana?

1. more jobs in America
2. less US cash going to drug gangs abroad
3. zeroes out crime associated with marijuana being illegal

The people who do oppose aren't operating in reality, they live in a "world" where the only thing that matters is a 2000 year old dead guy floating down from the clouds, and AMERICA DOES NOT AGREE WITH THEM...

and if Trump does, he will LOSE.

Michael Phelps wins 23rd gold medal in last-ever Olympic race

When you are as good in your profession as Michael Phelps is in his, then "your opinion" of marijuana may matter....

People realize that it is a personal choice not unlike alcohol and it is less deadly. It isn't a hard drug, no one OD's from smoking this stuff.

I don't touch it, I'm even allergic to cigarettes. The government can raise money and control it to ensure it is not laced with anything. Why spend $100s of thousands in police, court and prison costs while destroying someones life?

I never understood the long term premise of this. Yes, education should be out there as it should for any vice, alcohol, gambling or otherwise. My wife wasn't stoned or drunk when she would regularly assault me, but it often occurred after she lost yet again gambling online.
People realize that it is a personal choice not unlike alcohol and it is less deadly. It isn't a hard drug, no one OD's from smoking this stuff.

I don't touch it, I'm even allergic to cigarettes. The government can raise money and control it to ensure it is not laced with anything. Why spend $100s of thousands in police, court and prison costs while destroying someones life?

I never understood the long term premise of this. Yes, education should be out there as it should for any vice, alcohol, gambling or otherwise. My wife wasn't stoned or drunk when she would regularly assault me, but it often occurred after she lost yet again gambling online.

The price of pot has dropped like a stone since legalization. I used to pay $80 for a 1/4 ounce of Pink Kush back in the day. These days I can buy an ounce from the local dispensary for $120. and get 10% off every Monday on Seniors Day.

During lockdown we were joking that we could now go to the dispensary and legally buy pot, but we had to meet our hairdresser down a dark alley with cash to get a haircut.
The price of pot has dropped like a stone since legalization. I used to pay $80 for a 1/4 ounce of Pink Kush back in the day. These days I can buy an ounce from the local dispensary for $120. and get 10% off every Monday on Seniors Day.
Ahh............this explains your rabid delusions when posting.
The price of pot has dropped like a stone since legalization. I used to pay $80 for a 1/4 ounce of Pink Kush back in the day. These days I can buy an ounce from the local dispensary for $120. and get 10% off every Monday on Seniors Day.

During lockdown we were joking that we could now go to the dispensary and legally buy pot, but we had to meet our hairdresser down a dark alley with cash to get a haircut.

To each their own. I have never set foot in any establishment that sells it though I have been curious just to see the prices and how these stores are set up. I also notice far more older people entering these establishments than I would have ever thought when they legalized it. I suppose people have aches and pains and various other interests as why they leverage these plants.
To each their own. I have never set foot in any establishment that sells it though I have been curious just to see the prices and how these stores are set up. I also notice far more older people entering these establishments than I would have ever thought when they legalized it. I suppose people have aches and pains and various other interests as why they leverage these plants.
The stuff these days is close to 3 times the potency of the 'back in the day' weed.
The stuff these days is close to 3 times the potency of the 'back in the day' weed.

Which is good, meaning you smoke less.

In today's Fentanyl world, Michael Phelps has it right, use a bong. Fentanyl is water soluble. Even if your weed is laced with the stuff, the water gets rid of it, and you won't even know your source just tried to kill you...
Dumbing down the populace seems to be one of govts primary goals lately


Remember when we were told this was a 757....

and this wasn't controlled demolition

Just how dumbed down do you have to be to believe either of those?

The price of pot has dropped like a stone since legalization. I used to pay $80 for a 1/4 ounce of Pink Kush back in the day. These days I can buy an ounce from the local dispensary for $120. and get 10% off every Monday on Seniors Day.

During lockdown we were joking that we could now go to the dispensary and legally buy pot, but we had to meet our hairdresser down a dark alley with cash to get a haircut.

The entire prison industrial complex loved illegal marijuana, as did the legal profession. The leading political force in California in the 1990s was the prison guard union, and they were 100% against anything legal marijuana, since so many of their jobs depended on it...
The entire prison industrial complex loved illegal marijuana, as did the legal profession. The leading political force in California in the 1990s was the prison guard union, and they were 100% against anything legal marijuana, since so many of their jobs depended on it...
All of which added to the price. Dealers had to assume they'd get caught somewhere along the line, and needed money for lawyers, and going to jail and making no money, so these risks were factored into the pricing.

It's just so much more civilized to go down to the dispensary, than it is to be phoning around to see who has supply, and for how much, and when can we meet and dealing with shady people. Safer too.
Which is good, meaning you smoke less.

In today's Fentanyl world, Michael Phelps has it right, use a bong. Fentanyl is water soluble. Even if your weed is laced with the stuff, the water gets rid of it, and you won't even know your source just tried to kill you...
THC content is way higher by itself.i know what you're saying.

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