'UndocuBus' to Protest Immigration Laws


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Illegal Immigrants Ride the 'UndocuBus' to Protest Immigration Laws
They've told police their plans, and said 'come and get us'

This week, around 30 undocumented immigrants boarded the "UndocuBus" to begin a protest ride to Charlotte, NC, for the Democratic National Convention on Sept 3.

Usually illegal immigrants keep their status secret and shun authorities, but the bus-riders have told police and federal officials their names and their planned route, and more-or-less said "come and get us."
Illegal Immigrants Ride the 'UndocuBus' to Protest Immigration Laws
The arrogance of these "Wet Backs." Why don't they ride their "UndocuBus" across the border into Mexico and protest for jobs and end to the corruption and crime and make things better for all Mexicans so they don't have to leave families and come here illegally to work?:eusa_boohoo:
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Supreme Court immigration decision has chilling effect on states immigration legislation...
States passing fewer immigration laws, report shows
August 06, 2012 WASHINGTON – State legislatures passed 20 percent fewer immigration laws in the first half of this year than at the same time last year, according to a new report by the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Lawmakers in 41 states enacted 114 bills and 92 resolutions that dealt with immigration between Jan. 1 and June 30 this year, compared with 257 such laws enacted during the same time period last year, according to the report released on Monday. States delayed immigration legislation in part as they waited for the Supreme Court to rule on the states' authority to enforce immigration laws, said John Watkins, a Republican state senator in Virginia who co-chairs the conference's Task Force on Immigration and the States.

Last June, the Supreme Court upheld a provision from Arizona's immigration law that allows police to check the immigration status of those they stop for other reasons. Yet, the justices struck down provisions that created state crimes allowing local police to arrest people for federal immigration violations. Watkins said that the Supreme Court ruling provided "a yellow light, in that states can move forward in some areas, but not in others." States' legislative agendas also had other priorities, including finding solutions to budget gaps.

Washington State representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, a Democrat, said it is now imperative for Congress or the next president to act on the issue. "The can has been kicked down the road for too long, and states have suffered as a result," said Tomiko Santos, who co-chairs the task force with Watkins. "Come January, action at the federal level needs to happen."

Of all the laws enacted on immigration, 18 percent focused on law enforcement and 11 percent on identification and driver's licenses. Six states -- Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, New Hampshire and West Virginia -- enacted laws that dealt with the E-Verify program, which requires businesses to check the legal status of their employees, according to the report.

Read more: States passing fewer immigration laws, report shows | Fox News
ID cards for undocumented immigrants...
Los Angeles takes next step toward ID cards for undocumented immigrants
10/16/2012 - A Los Angeles city panel on Tuesday asked for a request for proposals on the next steps needed by the city to create a city Services Card, a photo identification card to be issued by the Library Department that could also serve as debit card.
"The federal government has failed on immigration and we hundreds of thousands of people living in the shadows," said Councilman Richard Alarcon, who authored the proposal with support form Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. The Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee asked the Library Department be authorized by the City Council to report back on firms that could help develop the City Services Card. Alarcon aides said a full report will be sent to the City Council within the next three weeks on the program designed to help provide local identity cards to illegal immigrants, the elderly students and the transgender.

In addition, Alarcon said, the Library Department was asked to develop a financial literacy program to try to help the 12 percent of the population that does not use banks or other financial institutions. Deputy Mayor Larry Frank said the mayor is in agreement with Alarcon on the need for the program. "We believe this car will address the 200,000 people who are unbanked in the city and will help lead to a financial empowerment for these people," Frank said. Alarcon said he hopes to have the program started within six months.

There was no opposition voiced during the committee hearing, but Councilman Mitch Englander said he has some concerns about it. "I think there are security concerns that have to be addressed before we go ahead with this," Englander said. "I also have questions about whether this is creating another bureaucracy within the city at a time when we are unable to pave our streets or trim our trees."

When I recently opened a bank account I had to provide a SS#, Picture ID, and an address. How exactly does an illegal open a bank account?
Whenyou get medical care you need to provide the same ID, how exactly do aliens who are in this country illegally get access to their IDs?

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