Undocumented(Illegal) Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
Lisa558 posted a link to this article in another thread but I am “stealing” it because it deserves its own thread. We are now paying illegals with children. This administrait on has lost it’s mind. To make it even worse, the are advertising this benefit via the “Spanish language press.” Keep in mind, you don’t have to PAY any income tax to get the child tax credit. It is fully refundable. This is a giveaway to Americans with children and now that giveaway has been extended to ANYONE that crosses our border with children and gets an ITIN number. How on earth can Democrat support such nonsense?

Latino Rebels asked First Lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff Julissa Reynoso on a press call Wednesday morning if undocumented parents are eligible for checks via the child tax credit program in the American Rescue Plan.

“If the parent and the child have an ITIN [Individual Taxpayer Identification Number], that should suffice for the family to be able to receive the credit,” Reynoso said.

“The childtaxcredit.gov site is in English and Spanish. We’re doing a lot of outreach to Spanish language press too,” she added.

White House: Undocumented Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit Payments From IRS
If I'm not mistaken, the $300 child tax credit is an advance, contingent on the Democrat's belief that the recipient will actually earn more money in 2021, and have to pay it back next year. The problem is, most illegals don't pay taxes. They do odd jobs and get paid in cash.
To qualify for this credit you have to file tax returns. Tell me how this is done without having a S.S. number. And no, you can't use a fake one. There would be conflicts all over the place and there isn't.
Lisa558 posted a link to this article in another thread but I am “stealing” it because it deserves its own thread. We are now paying illegals with children. This administrait on has lost it’s mind. To make it even worse, the are advertising this benefit via the “Spanish language press.” Keep in mind, you don’t have to PAY any income tax to get the child tax credit. It is fully refundable. This is a giveaway to Americans with children and now that giveaway has been extended to ANYONE that crosses our border with children and gets an ITIN number. How on earth can Democrat support such nonsense?

Latino Rebels asked First Lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff Julissa Reynoso on a press call Wednesday morning if undocumented parents are eligible for checks via the child tax credit program in the American Rescue Plan.

“If the parent and the child have an ITIN [Individual Taxpayer Identification Number], that should suffice for the family to be able to receive the credit,” Reynoso said.

“The childtaxcredit.gov site is in English and Spanish. We’re doing a lot of outreach to Spanish language press too,” she added.

White House: Undocumented Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit Payments From IRS
If they got an ITIN they aren't undocumented or illegal.

To qualify for this credit you have to file tax returns. Tell me how this is done without having a S.S. number. And no, you can't use a fake one. There would be conflicts all over the place and there isn't.
you steal someone else!!!!!!

mine was stolen a few months ago and used for unemployment benefits. I would have never known had I not contacted them to find out why my state tax refund had never been sent.

the person I spoke to said fraud is OFF THE CHARTS right now. Higher than they have ever seen.

surely it couldn't be because of the record number of illegals coming here!!!! what a coincidence.
Lisa558 posted a link to this article in another thread but I am “stealing” it because it deserves its own thread. We are now paying illegals with children. This administrait on has lost it’s mind. To make it even worse, the are advertising this benefit via the “Spanish language press.” Keep in mind, you don’t have to PAY any income tax to get the child tax credit. It is fully refundable. This is a giveaway to Americans with children and now that giveaway has been extended to ANYONE that crosses our border with children and gets an ITIN number. How on earth can Democrat support such nonsense?

Latino Rebels asked First Lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff Julissa Reynoso on a press call Wednesday morning if undocumented parents are eligible for checks via the child tax credit program in the American Rescue Plan.

“If the parent and the child have an ITIN [Individual Taxpayer Identification Number], that should suffice for the family to be able to receive the credit,” Reynoso said.

“The childtaxcredit.gov site is in English and Spanish. We’re doing a lot of outreach to Spanish language press too,” she added.

White House: Undocumented Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit Payments From IRS
Got another one for you. I worked in a private company that helped administer a government program to the children of immigrants, and we had to hire someone to translate the benefits into Spanish because their illegal immigrant parents wanted to read about the freebies their kids were getting, and they couldn’t speak English.
If they got an ITIN they aren't undocumented or illegal.

They are still illegal aliens, even with an ITIN. Getting that number doesn’t negate the fact that they broke into this country in violation of our immigration laws.

These Illegals shouldn’t even be here in the first place. And now Biden is making law-abiding American taxpayers give them $300 per month per child?
If they got an ITIN they aren't undocumented or illegal.


What? Illegals can get an ITIN number. That doesn’t make them legal. Can you be more ignorant. They only neeed to to file taxes ONE time and they have an ITIN. They could file and pay $10 in taxes and start collecting $300/mth for each child. How does this make any economic sense to you?
you steal someone else!!!!!!

mine was stolen a few months ago and used for unemployment benefits. I would have never known had I not contacted them to find out why my state tax refund had never been sent.

the person I spoke to said fraud is OFF THE CHARTS right now. Higher than they have ever seen.

surely it couldn't be because of the record number of illegals coming here!!!! what a coincidence.
See the thing about fraud (something the left says just doesn't exist) is that YOU DONT KNOW ITS HAPPENING until you know it's happening.

Im willing to be someone else in this forum has had their SS# stolen. You don't know it because they don't contact you and tell you. You have to contact them for some other reason to find out.

I would suggest everyone here call the unemployment office or the IRS to find out if yours has been compromised.

And the credit tracking services DONT FIND OUT EITHER. We use one and they told us they aren't allowed to monitor FEDERAL issues. So they are WORTHLESS for this particular thing.
What? Illegals can get an ITIN number. That doesn’t make them legal. Can you be more ignorant. They only neeed to to file taxes ONE time and they have an ITIN. They could file and pay $10 in taxes and start collecting $300/mth for each child. How does this make any economic sense to you?
He doesn't care about how these things might eventually impact America or Americans, or at least partisan liberals never think that part through. They're irresponsible and shortsighted. All he sees is what's right in front of him, and that's poor, needy immigrants that aren't being cared for by mean Uncle Sam.
Got another one for you. I worked in a private company that helped administer a government program to the children of immigrants, and we had to hire someone to translate the benefits into Spanish because their illegal immigrant parents wanted to read about the freebies their kids were getting, and they couldn’t speak English.

I can believe it. What really sickens me is that not only is the border open, but this administration is advertising these freebees to encourage more of them to come and collect. It just doesn’t make any sense unless their intent is to destroy our country. I wish Democratic voters were as loyal to the US as they are their Party.
Lisa558 posted a link to this article in another thread but I am “stealing” it because it deserves its own thread. We are now paying illegals with children. This administrait on has lost it’s mind. To make it even worse, the are advertising this benefit via the “Spanish language press.” Keep in mind, you don’t have to PAY any income tax to get the child tax credit. It is fully refundable. This is a giveaway to Americans with children and now that giveaway has been extended to ANYONE that crosses our border with children and gets an ITIN number. How on earth can Democrat support such nonsense?

Latino Rebels asked First Lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff Julissa Reynoso on a press call Wednesday morning if undocumented parents are eligible for checks via the child tax credit program in the American Rescue Plan.

“If the parent and the child have an ITIN [Individual Taxpayer Identification Number], that should suffice for the family to be able to receive the credit,” Reynoso said.

“The childtaxcredit.gov site is in English and Spanish. We’re doing a lot of outreach to Spanish language press too,” she added.

White House: Undocumented Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit Payments From IRS

Only those with ITNs that have American born citizen children with SS NUMBERS, can receive a child tax credit for their American child. Any children without SS numbers because they are foreign born children of the ITN holder applying, are not eligible for the credit per child.

To qualify for this credit you have to file tax returns. Tell me how this is done without having a S.S. number. And no, you can't use a fake one. There would be conflicts all over the place and there isn't.

Um no. You only need an ITIN to file taxes. Illegals can get an ITIN.

Only those with ITNs that have American born citizen children with SS NUMBERS, can receive a child tax credit for their American child. Any children without SS numbers because they are foreign born children of the ITN holder applying, are not eligible for the credit per child.

Did you read the quote from Jill Biden’s Chief of Staff?
They are still illegal aliens, even with an ITIN. Getting that number doesn’t negate the fact that they broke into this country in violation of our immigration laws.

These Illegals shouldn’t even be here in the first place. And now Biden is making law-abiding American taxpayers give them $300 per month per child?
Rant all you want, once they've been issued an ITIN they are taxpayers. In other words no longer undocumented.

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