Unelected Jill Biden to Represent US at Coronation instead of Joe

I hate women who engage in elder abuse, for their own selfish reasons, and especially when it’s against their own husband. I also have that the government and media have colluded to brainwash useful idiots into thinking Bide. - a demented old man actively engaged in weakening our country - is a preferable option to Trump.

You hate women. Why am I not surprised?

Are you going to the “Hitler was right convention” at the Trump Hotel this weekend?? Trump family members are speaking.

Your hero is hosting Holocaust deniers and people who believe there is a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. I’m sure you’ll be very welcome.
I read an articls reporting how John Kerry was given a better seat than Jill for the Coronation...

I read an articls reporting how John Kerry was given a better seat than Jill for the Coronation...


Where did the Trump family members sit, Sleazy????

You seem jealous and bitter that the Bidens and Kerry received invitations to the Coronation and Trump wasn’t invited.

Trump would’ve just made a fool of himself trying to upstage the King in any case. And then the rest of the world leaders would stand around laughing and making jokes about him at the after parties, and he’d storm off in a huff.

It must gall you to the bone that no world leaders are standing around mocking, laughing and making jokes about Joe Biden.
First, Trump could assign official jobs to his family members, just as JFK did with RFK as AG.

The point is that Biden is so demented and fragile that he can’t handle a brief walk and standing up - and our representative is not only some shrew nobody can stand, but responsible for talking Biden into running again. It borders on elder abuse,
and tramp isn't demented.
Again, you claim the Republicans have caused the last four recessions and tons of evidence proves you are wrong. They again are not my Republican Party, they are as fiscally responsible as the Democrats, which is not at all. I call you out on many, but you seem to twist and spin, not my problem though.

I preach fiscal responsibility, which means tax and decrease spending or we will never get out of debt. A different take on Republicans and Democrats, who love to spend and create divisions in America. I don’t vote for anyone that isn’t fiscally conservative, those in charge of our country need to look out for our country, the two current parties aren’t even close, they are owned by corporate America.

Based on your criteria, it appears that you don’t vote for anyone. You don’t believe that Democrats are fiscally responsible, and no one with a brain thinks that Republicans have ever been fiscally responsible.

The Republicans didn’t cause “recessions”. Republicans crashed the economy with unfunded, tax cuts, coupled with massive deficit spending, leading to high unemployment. 1929, 1987, 2008, 2020.

Democrats may be the party of “tax and spend”, but please note that the ”tax” comes before the “spend”. They’re also the party that patched up the economy and got it back on track after the 1929, 2008 and 2020 economic collapses.

Roosevelt’s New Deal, created the greatest wealth in American history, creating jobs and wealth for working and middle-class voters.

Reagan’s Great Society wiped out all of the gains of the working and middle class, leading to the worst wealth and wage inequity in the First World. Working class wealth has been destroyed utterly, and the middle class is shrinking. Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same level as they were in the Gilded Age.

This is not sustainable. Your nation is well on the road to second tier status. Working Americans are now dependent on government handouts to feed their families while the tax code continues to funnel 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10%.

Of course, Republican voters say that there’s “no difference between the parties” so they can justify continuing to vote for the party that’s destroying everything they claim to hold dear.

One party is saying that “democracy has failed” in the USA, and the Constitution should be ignored. They want a “whites only” government headed by an authoritarian dictator. They’re even saying it out loud, and openly

The other one is fighting to preserve democracy and the Constitution.
The point is that Trump is so deranged and goofy from neurosyphilis that even talking while walking is laborious and unhappy for the former President.

And the governor is losing a political battle to a cartoon Mouse. :)

First, Trump could assign official jobs to his family members, just as JFK did with RFK as AG.

The point is that Biden is so demented and fragile that he can’t handle a brief walk and standing up - and our representative is not only some shrew nobody can stand, but responsible for talking Biden into running again. It borders on elder abuse,

First off, Republicans passed a law after JFK appointed his brother Attorney General, making it illegal for the President to hire family members in the White House or for cabinet positions. That’s why Jared and Ivanka were unpaid advisors.

So no, Trump could not hire family members just like JFK did because the Republican party made it illegal to do so.

The point is, the Biden is not demented or incapable of doing the job of president. That’s a lie But you being stupid and gullible here you are repeating it.

Enough with the false accusations.

Does this mean that you’re coming to your senses and not falsely the accusing the Bidens at every turn?

Are you prepared to admit the Donald Trump is a liar, a conman and an anti-Semite?

If not, it’s just same shit different day.
No, Trump does not have dementia. Biden cannot complete a sentence or find his way off the podium.

He speaks at a grade 5 level, even though he’s has an Ivy League education. If you look at his interviews from 20 years ago, he spoke like an educated man.

Anger, paranoia and revenge fantasies are symptoms of dementia. Trump keeps making false accusations against his “enemies” and believes conspiracy theories which are easily debunked. All symptoms of dementia.

Last, but not least, Alzheimer’s is hereditary, and Donald Trump’s father died of Alzheimer’s.

Even Trump’s family has turned on him and refuses to participate in his campaign for reelection. Jared and Ivanka have announced that they will have nothing further to do with politics and both of them testified against him.

Melania didn’t even turn up for his birthday party and neither did any of his children.

Now he’s openly hosting events with white supremacists and Nazis and you’re still here cheering him on and parroting his lies.

It really doesn’t say much for you does it?
Based on your criteria, it appears that you don’t vote for anyone. You don’t believe that Democrats are fiscally responsible, and no one with a brain thinks that Republicans have ever been fiscally responsible.

The Republicans didn’t cause “recessions”. Republicans crashed the economy with unfunded, tax cuts, coupled with massive deficit spending, leading to high unemployment. 1929, 1987, 2008, 2020.

Democrats may be the party of “tax and spend”, but please note that the ”tax” comes before the “spend”. They’re also the party that patched up the economy and got it back on track after the 1929, 2008 and 2020 economic collapses.

Roosevelt’s New Deal, created the greatest wealth in American history, creating jobs and wealth for working and middle-class voters.

Reagan’s Great Society wiped out all of the gains of the working and middle class, leading to the worst wealth and wage inequity in the First World. Working class wealth has been destroyed utterly, and the middle class is shrinking. Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same level as they were in the Gilded Age.

This is not sustainable. Your nation is well on the road to second tier status. Working Americans are now dependent on government handouts to feed their families while the tax code continues to funnel 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10%.

Of course, Republican voters say that there’s “no difference between the parties” so they can justify continuing to vote for the party that’s destroying everything they claim to hold dear.

One party is saying that “democracy has failed” in the USA, and the Constitution should be ignored. They want a “whites only” government headed by an authoritarian dictator. They’re even saying it out loud, and openly

The other one is fighting to preserve democracy and the Constitution.
You go ahead and vote for Democrats, I will vote for fiscal conservatives. Congress and Presidents make up the policies and budgets, to blame one side and not the other is plain stupid. It took two to blow this country up. It isn’t Presidents the recessions, it is policies and it doesn’t just blow up in a few years, it takes many years and policies. If we are going to have spenders in Congress, the country fairs better with a Republican Congress and a Democratic President, so I will vote who I vote for and I won’t vote for a President in either Major party because that would hurt the nation, if Biden got his way we would be passing a $6 trillion budget, that isn’t sound that is stupidity, that’s as stupid as Trump’s tax cuts both increase our current debt and we can’t afford it.
Unemployment is already lower than it was under Trump so FOX hasn’t “gone woke” at all. There’s still broadcasting the same bullshit and lies. They always were. No one has any real expectations that their policies will change.

Interesting that you consider telling the truth instead of lying as “going woke”.
No it is not lower today than 3 years ago. That is a fricken lie put out by the lying DNC, the lying Biden admin, and the lying media, and you. The majority of what they are calling new jobs are people going back to work after the covid fiasco.

When Fox fired Tucker for telling the truth, they went to the dark woke side and abandoned the principles that started that network.

as to broadcasting bullshit an lies, that would be CNN, CNBC, Ny Times, Wash post, NBC, ABC, and CBS. Newsmax is the only network giving the facts and allowing both sides to speak.

and for the record, Biden is the worst most incompetent president in US history.
He speaks at a grade 5 level, even though he’s has an Ivy League education. If you look at his interviews from 20 years ago, he spoke like an educated man.

Anger, paranoia and revenge fantasies are symptoms of dementia. Trump keeps making false accusations against his “enemies” and believes conspiracy theories which are easily debunked. All symptoms of dementia.

Last, but not least, Alzheimer’s is hereditary, and Donald Trump’s father died of Alzheimer’s.

Even Trump’s family has turned on him and refuses to participate in his campaign for reelection. Jared and Ivanka have announced that they will have nothing further to do with politics and both of them testified against him.

Melania didn’t even turn up for his birthday party and neither did any of his children.

Now he’s openly hosting events with white supremacists and Nazis and you’re still here cheering him on and parroting his lies.

It really doesn’t say much for you does it?
your fear of Trump is acknowledged, we get it.
You go ahead and vote for Democrats, I will vote for fiscal conservatives. Congress and Presidents make up the policies and budgets, to blame one side and not the other is plain stupid. It took two to blow this country up. It isn’t Presidents the recessions, it is policies and it doesn’t just blow up in a few years, it takes many years and policies. If we are going to have spenders in Congress, the country fairs better with a Republican Congress and a Democratic President, so I will vote who I vote for and I won’t vote for a President in either Major party because that would hurt the nation, if Biden got his way we would be passing a $6 trillion budget, that isn’t sound that is stupidity, that’s as stupid as Trump’s tax cuts both increase our current debt and we can’t afford it.

I don’t vote in American elections I vote in Canadian elections. I vote for sound governance and fiscal responsibility which is generally the Liberal Party.

The Conservatives in Canada aren’t fiscally irresponsible like American Republicans, but their policies and programs do little for working folks. Their tax breaks are always for high-income professionals.

Trudeau is a very capable manager and a skilled negotiator. His policies increased tax breaks and benefits to working Canadians cutting poverty in half. His pandemic response was stellar.

But he has ethics problems that makes Clarence Thomas look like a piker. Even a kid in high school knows that you don’t give untendered government contracts to the company that employs your mother. That’s why he doesn’t have a Parliamentary majority, which keeps him on a very short leash.

Canada generally has sound governance, regardless of who is in power and we do hold parties accountable when they forget who they’re working for.

Provincially we’re in a “rebuilding phase”. In the election last year, my choice was “none of the above”. Our solid Conservative county elected an Independent.

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