Unelected Jill Biden to Represent US at Coronation instead of Joe

You are constantly reminding the world of “American exceptionalism“, and calling other nations “shithole countries”. Multiple posters in this thread have called Canada a
“shit hole country”. But I’m the one being “arrogant” because I refute the lies and insults.

You view national pride by foreigners as “arrogance”, and American arrogance as “patriotism”.

If Republican economic policies are so great, why have they crashed the US economy four times in the past 100 years?

If the American medical system is the “best in the world”, why is your life expectancy declining and why did you have the highest rate of disease and death in the first world from Covid?

If the USA is the “home of the brave and the land of the free” why are people afraid to leave their homes because of daily mass shootings?

If the USA is such a great country, why are you here day after day complaining saying it’s not?
Show me where I have called any country a "shithole" country.

I respect most Canadians, just not you as I have caught you in numerous lies and you sleek away when called on it. You don't care how your country runs, that is your own business, and as far as Republicans, I don't like them they spend like Democrats, except Democrats at least know not to cut taxes. The crashing of the economy is due to Republicans and Democrats and their policies for the last several decades, but you realize that and are a partisan or you are clueless.

Where did I say American medicine is the best in the world?

I know of no one that is afraid to leave their homes.

I didn't say the USA is the best country, we have big problems, and one is being our military in other countries, we need to bring our young men and women home and let the rest of the world fend for themselves, we also need to quit sending money to other countries who have nothing but hate for America.

I also do not go on Canadian boards and criticize your country because basically, it is not any of my business how you operate your country, just like it is none of your business how we operate ours.
Show me where I have called any country a "shithole" country.

I respect most Canadians, just not you as I have caught you in numerous lies and you sleek away when called on it. You don't care how your country runs, that is your own business, and as far as Republicans, I don't like them they spend like Democrats, except Democrats at least know not to cut taxes. The crashing of the economy is due to Republicans and Democrats and their policies for the last several decades, but you realize that and are a partisan or you are clueless.

Where did I say American medicine is the best in the world?

I know of no one that is afraid to leave their homes.

I didn't say the USA is the best country, we have big problems, and one is being our military in other countries, we need to bring our young men and women home and let the rest of the world fend for themselves, we also need to quit sending money to other countries who have nothing but hate for America.

I also do not go on Canadian boards and criticize your country because basically, it is not any of my business how you operate your country, just like it is none of your business how we operate ours.

I didn’t say you called Canada a “shit hole country” I said, numerous posters in this thread have called Canada, a “shit hole country”.

Nor did I say that you said any of those the things that I noted in my post, I repeated in my post, the oft told lies of the Republican Party. You seem to have a real reading comprehension problem.

You don’t go on any Canadian boards and criticize Canada because there aren’t any Canadian political discussion boards. We don’t have right wing media lying to us night and day so we basically all agree on the same set of facts, even if we don’t agree on the solutions to problems.

Some of our very best government have been minority governments, because nothing couldn’t get passed without consensus and cooperation. The Canada health act which created our universal healthcare system, was passed by the minority Liberal government of Lester B. Pearson.

I don’t believe you’ve caught me in any lies whatsoever because I’m not a person who is dishonest. Liberals don’t need to lie because the facts and the law, are almost always on our side. But I’m not gonna sit here and waste my time with people who are just calling me names, and insulting me. I do have a real life, family, friends, and communities I’m part of.

Being a former banker, I am a strong believer in fiscal responsibility, and I see no sign of it whatsoever in your Republican Party. They have all of the fiscally, responsible, talking points down pat but the have never ever walked the walk. Not on small government or the economy.

And then, when a Democrat is in office, they pull this phoney dog and pony show every time the Democrat hits the debt ceiling. Totally dishonest but their voters fall for it every time.
Apr 28, 2012 — At 8:45 p.m., Mayor Tom Bradley declares a local state of emergency, clearing the way for Gov. Pete Wilson to order 2,000 National Guard ..

Did you not understand that the mayor had to declare a state of emergency before the governor could order the national guard?

If you can't understand that, there is nothing to discuss.


You idiot, you said Bradley refused to declare a state of emergency...

"Governor Pete Wilson begged black Democrat mayor Tom Bradley to declare a state of emergency and make the request. Bradley steadfastly refused." ~ EvilCat Breath

You idiot, you said Bradley refused to declare a state of emergency...

"Governor Pete Wilson begged black Democrat mayor Tom Bradley to declare a state of emergency and make the request. Bradley steadfastly refused." ~ EvilCat Breath
He refused over and over. When Koreans took to rooftops with their own guns, Bradley had to ask for help. It was getting out of hand.
What’s the deal? This woman is largely responsible for talking her senile, fragile husband into running again and now SHE is the one to attend the coronation? Would the efforts of walking into the church, standing at times, and then walking out again be too exhausting for the most powerful man in the world to handle?

enough with the hate!
enough with the hate!
I hate women who engage in elder abuse, for their own selfish reasons, and especially when it’s against their own husband. I also have that the government and media have colluded to brainwash useful idiots into thinking Bide. - a demented old man actively engaged in weakening our country - is a preferable option to Trump.
I hate women who engage in elder abuse, for their own selfish reasons, and especially when it’s against their own husband. I also have that the government and media have colluded to brainwash useful idiots into thinking Bide. - a demented old man actively engaged in weakening our country - is a preferable option to Trump.
My goodness, you certainly have been well groomed by the Far Right. :heehee:
I hate women who engage in elder abuse, for their own selfish reasons, and especially when it’s against their own husband.
What has Melania been doing to Donald?

In contrast, Biden is sharp and healthy, and only the most depraved commie liars try to pretend otherwise. That's you.

Remember, you can't gaslight normal people. That only works on your fellow commie cult losers.
I hate women who engage in elder abuse, for their own selfish reasons, and especially when it’s against their own husband. I also have that the government and media have colluded to brainwash useful idiots into thinking Bide. - a demented old man actively engaged in weakening our country - is a preferable option to Trump.
Lisa flopped again. What a doofus. The elections next year are going to send you into hysteria and unending anguish.
Lisa flopped again. What a doofus. The elections next year are going to send you into hysteria and unending anguish.
Only if you cheat to a win, and hide the truth from the voters - like you did last time.

And Biden is significantly more demented than he was two years ago.
Safe??? Race riots all through 2020. Cities paid out more than a quarter of a billion dollars in "excessive force settlements, half a million people died from covid. Right wing terrorism lead to race or faith related mass shootings

Prosperous??? 40% of the American people were living from paycheck to paycheck. 38 million Americans were receiving government assistance to eat, in 2019, even though 80% of the able bodied adults receiving this assistance have at least one full time job. During lockdowns, schools were delivering meals to families dependent on school breakfasts and lunches meals.

Trump has lost more money than any businessman in the history of the world. 7 huge bankrtupcies. All of his business deals end up in court, even the ones that don't end up in bankruptcy court. His condo management company keeps getting fired by the owners, and Trump fights them in court until the Sheriff locks him out.

Trump isn't "very rich" either. Most of his businesses are losing money, and mortgaged to the hilt.
Unemployment is already lower than it was under Trump so FOX hasn’t “gone woke” at all. There’s still broadcasting the same bullshit and lies. They always were. No one has any real expectations that their policies will change.

Interesting that you consider telling the truth instead of lying as “going woke”.
Except for these irritating FACT

Thanks for showing how the LFPR went DOWN under Trump from 62.8% to 61.3%, a 2.4% drop (-1.5 points); and UP under Biden (so far) from 61.3% to 62.6%, a 2.1% increase (+1.3 points).

Yeah, due to COVID-19 made available to the world by President Joe Biden, a top employee of Communist China.

But, enjoy yourself.
I didn’t say you called Canada a “shit hole country” I said, numerous posters in this thread have called Canada, a “shit hole country”.

Nor did I say that you said any of those the things that I noted in my post, I repeated in my post, the oft told lies of the Republican Party. You seem to have a real reading comprehension problem.

You don’t go on any Canadian boards and criticize Canada because there aren’t any Canadian political discussion boards. We don’t have right wing media lying to us night and day so we basically all agree on the same set of facts, even if we don’t agree on the solutions to problems.

Some of our very best government have been minority governments, because nothing couldn’t get passed without consensus and cooperation. The Canada health act which created our universal healthcare system, was passed by the minority Liberal government of Lester B. Pearson.

I don’t believe you’ve caught me in any lies whatsoever because I’m not a person who is dishonest. Liberals don’t need to lie because the facts and the law, are almost always on our side. But I’m not gonna sit here and waste my time with people who are just calling me names, and insulting me. I do have a real life, family, friends, and communities I’m part of.

Being a former banker, I am a strong believer in fiscal responsibility, and I see no sign of it whatsoever in your Republican Party. They have all of the fiscally, responsible, talking points down pat but the have never ever walked the walk. Not on small government or the economy.

And then, when a Democrat is in office, they pull this phoney dog and pony show every time the Democrat hits the debt ceiling. Totally dishonest but their voters fall for it every time.
Again, you claim the Republicans have caused the last four recessions and tons of evidence proves you are wrong. They again are not my Republican Party, they are as fiscally responsible as the Democrats, which is not at all. I call you out on many, but you seem to twist and spin, not my problem though.

I preach fiscal responsibility, which means tax and decrease spending or we will never get out of debt. A different take on Republicans and Democrats, who love to spend and create divisions in America. I don’t vote for anyone that isn’t fiscally conservative, those in charge of our country need to look out for our country, the two current parties aren’t even close, they are owned by corporate America.

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