Unemployment Rate Falls To 8.1 Percent As People Give Up On Looking For Work

The decline was mainly due to 342,000 people leaving the labor force, meaning the BLS had stopped counting them as unemployed. The number of employed people in the nation actually fell by 169,000.

About 12.5 million people are still unemployed, and a record 88.4 million people are considered "not in the labor force," according to the BLS. The labor-force participation rate -- the percentage of the work-age population either working or looking for work -- dropped to 63.6 percent, the lowest since December 1981.

"It's hard to see the good news here," David Semmens, senior U.S. economist at Standard Chartered, wrote in a research note.

Obama will consider this a success.......:clap2::clap2:
And mind-numbed fools will consider it the truth.

Why should retired people and the disabled people be counted as IN the workforce????

LOL there are legitimate people leaving the work force, but the unemployment rate counts BREADWINNER who haven't had a job interview (many can't get one) as not in the work force! These are the most desperate unemployed workers, yet the UR counts them positively! :confused:
You're a liar, of course, you couldn't be a CON$ervoFascist if you didn't lie. All a person has to do is LOOK for a job to be counted in the workforce, whether he gets an interview from that looking or not.
Didn't say it was good. But a + is positive and a - is negative. That's how it works. Jobs have been positive, but it hasn't been good.

1 job a month growth is not good it's bad very very bad.
But it's still positive. And while bad, it's better than negative.
Positive job growth would be like steps going up not like a saw blade teeth going up and down.
Depends on whether the "down" parts are negative or just lower positive.
Sure it's positive if you are trying to deflect from the worst economy since carter. It's a deflection from the truth and it's total bullshit.
But still...............there is positive job growth.

Much different than what Jr. was doing the last 2 years in office.

JEEZZZUSS if your going to state assertions like that get your facts right. Bush averages were in the 4%s. He was the beneficiary of an artificial housing bubble STARTED BY BILL CLINTON. Unemployment was that bad under his (for artificial reasons). The bottom fell out right before the election, hence how we got the current Socialist in Chief!
And mind-numbed fools will consider it the truth.

Why should retired people and the disabled people be counted as IN the workforce????

LOL there are legitimate people leaving the work force, but the unemployment rate counts BREADWINNER who haven't had a job interview (many can't get one) as not in the work force! These are the most desperate unemployed workers, yet the UR counts them positively! :confused:
You're a liar, of course, you couldn't be a CON$ervoFascist if you didn't lie. All a person has to do is LOOK for a job to be counted in the workforce, whether he gets an interview from that looking or not.
You at\re not known as ed the liar for telling the truth.
1 job a month growth is not good it's bad very very bad.
But it's still positive. And while bad, it's better than negative.
Positive job growth would be like steps going up not like a saw blade teeth going up and down.
Depends on whether the "down" parts are negative or just lower positive.
Sure it's positive if you are trying to deflect from the worst economy since carter. It's a deflection from the truth and it's total bullshit.

Do you not understand simple math? "Positive" means "greater than 0." It does NOT mean "good," or "great," or whatever weird addition you're trying to spin. One additional job in 10 years would still be a Positive change in jobs, because it is greater than 0.
And one less job over 10 years would still be Negative change.
I wonder if the seme people who made the numbers go down are the same ones who helped small business be successful. My guess is that is Obama's slant on the subject.
July unemployment rate comes out usually the first week of August, so all we have is June. See below it's 8.2%! I actually think with the sky high new jobless claims for July, the Unemployment rate for July is going to tick up to 8.3%!

Note: For signs of recovery that Payroll addition number needed to be around 150K (not 80K) and for solid growth we need in the 200Ks!!!

United States Department of Labor
Unemployment Insurance Initial Claims: 386,000 as of July 14, 2012

Unemployment Rate: 8.2% in June 2012

Consumer Price Index: Unchanged in June 2012

Payroll Employment: +80,000(p) in June 2012

Average Hourly Earnings: +$0.06(p) in June 2012

Producer Price Index: +0.1%(p) in June 2012
LOL there are legitimate people leaving the work force, but the unemployment rate counts BREADWINNER who haven't had a job interview (many can't get one) as not in the work force! These are the most desperate unemployed workers, yet the UR counts them positively! :confused:
You're a liar, of course, you couldn't be a CON$ervoFascist if you didn't lie. All a person has to do is LOOK for a job to be counted in the workforce, whether he gets an interview from that looking or not.
You at\re not known as ed the liar for telling the truth.
To be called ed the liar by a liar makes me a truth teller.

Here is how the BLS defines someone who is unemployed anbd still part of the labor force. Please show me where a "job interview" is required to be considered part of the labor force. And don't say that the word "interview" that appears in my link is a "job" interview, it is the Current Population Survey interview that the BLS conducts to gather its data.

Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Who is counted as unemployed?
Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

Workers expecting to be recalled from layoff are counted as unemployed, whether or not they have engaged in a specific jobseeking activity. In all other cases, the individual must have been engaged in at least one active job search activity in the 4 weeks preceding the interview and be available for work (except for temporary illness).

Who is not in the labor force?
Persons not in the labor force are those who are not classified as employed or unemployed during the survey reference week.

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. (Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces.) The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force.
wacking your doodles in a circle doesnt change the facts.

The baby boomers were expected to start retiring by any sane look at the data.

gee imagine that they boomers are getting old enough to retire and that same group that has dominataed all the numbers since they days they began to be born are doing the same thing in old age.

Now the right is blaming Obama for a generation buldge that happened well before he himself was born.

TM: How to Deal With Impossible People: 14 steps - wikiHow

Some highlight that I think every person on these boards have come to know as true about TM. TM is a “impossible person.”

“Do not call them out because it will frustrate them. They could become more difficult, but just stand your ground and be confident.”

“Realize that you cannot deal with impossible people the same way you deal with everyone else. In some ways, they need to be treated like children. Give up all hope of engaging these folks in any kind of reasonable conversation. It will never happen, at least with you. Remember what happened the last fifty times you tried to have a civilized discussion about the status of your relationship with this person. Chances are, every such attempt ended in you being blamed for everything. Decide now to quit banging your head against a brick wall.”

“Protect your self-esteem. If you have regular dealings with someone who tries to portray you as the source of all evil, you need to take active steps to maintain a positive self-image. Remind yourself that this person's opinion is not necessarily the truth. Understand that oftentimes, impossible people are particularly "fact-challenged." If the attacks have little basis in raw fact, dismiss them. You can't possibly be as bad as this person would like you to believe you are. Do not defend yourself out loud, however. It will only provoke the impossible person into another tirade.”

“Give up self-defense. Understand very clearly that you cannot beat these kinds of people; they're called "impossible" for a reason. In their minds, you are the source of all wrongdoing, and nothing you can say is going to make them consider your side of the story. Your opinion is of no consequence, because you are already guilty, no matter what.”

“Realize that impossible people engage in projection. Understand that you are going to be accused of much (or all) of this behavior yourself. If your impossible person gets a look at this text, to them it will look like a page about you. Prepare yourself for the fact that the impossible person's flaws and failings will always be attributed to you. Remember, in their minds, you are at fault for everything! They will have an endless supply of arguments to support this, and if you make the mistake of encouraging them, they will be more than happy to tell you why you are the impossible person, and how ironic it is that you are under the mistaken impression that it is them.”

gee you could not deal with these facts so you insulted me.

imagine my surprise
You're a liar, of course, you couldn't be a CON$ervoFascist if you didn't lie. All a person has to do is LOOK for a job to be counted in the workforce, whether he gets an interview from that looking or not.
You at\re not known as ed the liar for telling the truth.
To be called ed the liar by a liar makes me a truth teller.

Here is how the BLS defines someone who is unemployed anbd still part of the labor force. Please show me where a "job interview" is required to be considered part of the labor force. And don't say that the word "interview" that appears in my link is a "job" interview, it is the Current Population Survey interview that the BLS conducts to gather its data.

Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Who is counted as unemployed?
Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

Workers expecting to be recalled from layoff are counted as unemployed, whether or not they have engaged in a specific jobseeking activity. In all other cases, the individual must have been engaged in at least one active job search activity in the 4 weeks preceding the interview and be available for work (except for temporary illness).

Who is not in the labor force?
Persons not in the labor force are those who are not classified as employed or unemployed during the survey reference week.

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. (Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces.) The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force.

I don't lie asshat, I might make a mistake and say something wrong but that is not a lie, you on the other hand repeat what is wrong and that is what is called a lie when you know it's wrong and repeat it.
what year did the baby boom generation start?

Here we go again with the baby boomers bullshit. You do realize that it has been pointed out to you that baby boomers are not retiring as expected or they retired and have returned to work?
July unemployment rate comes out usually the first week of August, so all we have is June. See below it's 8.2%! I actually think with the sky high new jobless claims for July, the Unemployment rate for July is going to tick up to 8.3%!

Note: For signs of recovery that Payroll addition number needed to be around 150K (not 80K) and for solid growth we need in the 200Ks!!!

United States Department of Labor
Unemployment Insurance Initial Claims: 386,000 as of July 14, 2012

Unemployment Rate: 8.2% in June 2012

Consumer Price Index: Unchanged in June 2012

Payroll Employment: +80,000(p) in June 2012

Average Hourly Earnings: +$0.06(p) in June 2012

Producer Price Index: +0.1%(p) in June 2012
No need to guess, Gallup has a daily UE tracking survey and it has never been as high as 8.3% for July so far. It has ranged between 7.9% and 8.1% the entire month. 8.3% is just wishful thinking on your part.

Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment
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LOL there are legitimate people leaving the work force, but the unemployment rate counts BREADWINNER who haven't had a job interview (many can't get one) as not in the work force! These are the most desperate unemployed workers, yet the UR counts them positively! :confused:

It does not count them positively...they're not in the equation at all. The UE rate is Unemployed/(Employed + Unemployed) If someone is neither employed nor unemployed (though still in the adult civilian non-institutional population) s/he is classified as "Not in the Labor Force." (there's about 86 million not in the labor force.

And "job interview" in NOT a requirement. The criterion is active job search in the previous 4 weeks. And Active Search is defined as:
Examples include going to an employer directly or to a public or private employment agency, seeking assistance from friends or relatives, placing or answering ads, or using some other active method. Examples of the “other” category include being on a union or professional register, obtaining assistance from a community organization, or waiting at a designated labor pickup point.
Employment and Earnings
Simply reading the want ads, or taking a job training course, don't count as job search.

One exception is Temporary Unemployment where you expect to be recalled. Temp unemployment doesn't require a job search.

And you're still not explaining why someone who is not trying to get a job should be classified as Unemployed. For what purpose?
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what year did the baby boom generation start?

Here we go again with the baby boomers bullshit. You do realize that it has been pointed out to you that baby boomers are not retiring as expected or they retired and have returned to work?
And it has been pointed out to you that 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day and 54% of them are retired by age 65. And that doesn't include the Boomers who become disabled with age.
You at\re not known as ed the liar for telling the truth.
To be called ed the liar by a liar makes me a truth teller.

Here is how the BLS defines someone who is unemployed anbd still part of the labor force. Please show me where a "job interview" is required to be considered part of the labor force. And don't say that the word "interview" that appears in my link is a "job" interview, it is the Current Population Survey interview that the BLS conducts to gather its data.

Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Who is counted as unemployed?
Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

Workers expecting to be recalled from layoff are counted as unemployed, whether or not they have engaged in a specific jobseeking activity. In all other cases, the individual must have been engaged in at least one active job search activity in the 4 weeks preceding the interview and be available for work (except for temporary illness).

Who is not in the labor force?
Persons not in the labor force are those who are not classified as employed or unemployed during the survey reference week.

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. (Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces.) The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force.

I don't lie asshat, I might make a mistake and say something wrong but that is not a lie, you on the other hand repeat what is wrong and that is what is called a lie when you know it's wrong and repeat it.
See the first quote in my sig., LIAR.
Good news
ADP Employment Report - 133,000 Private Sector Jobs for May 2012


Almost all of ADP's private job growth was in the service sector, which gained 132,000 jobs.
Now for the bad news

The goods sector only gained 1,000 jobs. Manufacturing, part of the goods sector, lost 2,000 jobs and was the 2nd month in a row to lose manufacturing jobs. Construction also lost 1,000 jobs, also the 2nd month in a row. ADP's financial services jobs increased by 8,000 jobs, the 10th month in a row for private payroll increases for the financial sector.

To be called ed the liar by a liar makes me a truth teller.

Here is how the BLS defines someone who is unemployed anbd still part of the labor force. Please show me where a "job interview" is required to be considered part of the labor force. And don't say that the word "interview" that appears in my link is a "job" interview, it is the Current Population Survey interview that the BLS conducts to gather its data.

Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Who is counted as unemployed?
Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

Workers expecting to be recalled from layoff are counted as unemployed, whether or not they have engaged in a specific jobseeking activity. In all other cases, the individual must have been engaged in at least one active job search activity in the 4 weeks preceding the interview and be available for work (except for temporary illness).

Who is not in the labor force?
Persons not in the labor force are those who are not classified as employed or unemployed during the survey reference week.

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. (Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces.) The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force.

I don't lie asshat, I might make a mistake and say something wrong but that is not a lie, you on the other hand repeat what is wrong and that is what is called a lie when you know it's wrong and repeat it.
See the first quote in my sig., LIAR.

Repeat a lie makes you a liar.
what year did the baby boom generation start?

Here we go again with the baby boomers bullshit. You do realize that it has been pointed out to you that baby boomers are not retiring as expected or they retired and have returned to work?
And it has been pointed out to you that 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day and 54% of them are retired by age 65. And that doesn't include the Boomers who become disabled with age.

But Boomers are not the largest contributer to the decline in the Labor Force...that's still 25-64 age group. A larger proportion of over 65's, who have a low participation rate, is a factor, but not the main or only one.
what year did the baby boom generation start?

Here we go again with the baby boomers bullshit. You do realize that it has been pointed out to you that baby boomers are not retiring as expected or they retired and have returned to work?
And it has been pointed out to you that 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day and 54% of them are retired by age 65. And that doesn't include the Boomers who become disabled with age.

No it has not I corrected you once before on that shit. Baby boomers are not retiring as expected.

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