Unemployment under 5%. Lowest in 8 years. Thanks obama !

Only some completely ignorant of government and economic indicators thinks the President has anything to do with economic statistics.

But if you think you have enough evidence to make your case, please share.

That sounds great, except for the fact that the BLS is part of the Executive Branch.
And? Do you think the President is actually involved with the inner workings of all agencies?

Their survey methods are suspect;
Oh? What do you find suspect?

If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.
And if you looked at the data set, you'd see that employment goes down every January by at least that amount. And nothing in the BLS data shows if the jobs are low wage or not. Since average hourly and weekly wages went up, your claim of low wage jobs is unsupported.

Obama doesn't need to be involved in "The Details" - he just has to blow the dog whistle for the Prog Operatives.
So, what, the head of BLS Office of Employment, Dr. Mike Horrigon, who joined BLS in 1986 under Reagan and served under every President since, is a "Prog Operative," obediently loyal to Obama? He was a sleeper agent? Government workers, like the military, take loyalty oaths to the CONSTITUTION, not the President

Scuze moi, but you really do not have a proper perspective of the growth of the regulatory UNIONIZED bureaucracy that is really just a SuperPAC for the Dems. They will do whatever is necessary to support the Prog Agenda in their wee little roles.

Then show us the real numbers and prove they are legitimate.
Only some completely ignorant of government and economic indicators thinks the President has anything to do with economic statistics.

But if you think you have enough evidence to make your case, please share.

That sounds great, except for the fact that the BLS is part of the Executive Branch.
And? Do you think the President is actually involved with the inner workings of all agencies?

Their survey methods are suspect;
Oh? What do you find suspect?

If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.
And if you looked at the data set, you'd see that employment goes down every January by at least that amount. And nothing in the BLS data shows if the jobs are low wage or not. Since average hourly and weekly wages went up, your claim of low wage jobs is unsupported.

Obama doesn't need to be involved in "The Details" - he just has to blow the dog whistle for the Prog Operatives.
So, what, the head of BLS Office of Employment, Dr. Mike Horrigon, who joined BLS in 1986 under Reagan and served under every President since, is a "Prog Operative," obediently loyal to Obama? He was a sleeper agent? Government workers, like the military, take loyalty oaths to the CONSTITUTION, not the President

Scuze moi, but you really do not have a proper perspective of the growth of the regulatory UNIONIZED bureaucracy that is really just a SuperPAC for the Dems. They will do whatever is necessary to support the Prog Agenda in their wee little roles.
Actually the term "White Hispanic" is a term from the Census Bureau, not Liberals. Only GOP hate radio attributes the term as originating from Liberal media during the Zimmerman fiasco.


Census Bureau.......that enclave of Conservative thinkers, right.
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white

What difference does the date have to do with the term being created by liberals? 1900, 1990, or 2013. It makes no difference. It's a bullshit term and makes about as much sense as calling a black man with a white mother a 'white black'.
You are Right, lies make no difference to the Right when it is the Right telling them.
Thank you.

At the core, it came to creation by Liberals for convenience or agenda. Someone in government sought convenience by creating new classifications by putting "white" in front of Hispanic and culture uses it when necessary. It's a bullshit term that has no relevance. George Zimmerman is every bit Latino that Barack Obama is Black and that does not sit well with Liberals; hence, pull out the fabricated race to make Zimmerman less Latino.
That is pure bullshit.

The term "white Hispanic" came about because when Hispanics filled out their census reports they marked Hispanic for ethnicity and some marked white or black for race. It had nothing to do with "liberalism" as the pathological liars on the Right would have you believe.
Stop lying!
No, Jan 1, 2000 to Dec 31, 2000 is not one year.

Your bubble world may have 364 days, but the real world has 365.
That is probably the stupidest thing you've ever posted!

2000 is a leap year with 366 days, :asshole:

Year 2000 Calendar
Don't feel bad, the left have destroyed the public education system. Understandable why you think 2015 minus 2000 = 17 and why you think someone born on Jan 1 will celebrate their birthday on Dec 31.

But you being proud of your lack of IQ is your cross to bear, no one else's.
You notice how pathological liars create their Straw Man and then just repeat their lie over and over as if it was the truth. I never said 2015 - 2000 = 17, as you well know, I said that year 2000 to year 2015 was 16 years not 15 as you stupidly claimed. And as I pointed out, someone born Jan 1 completes a FULL year at the end of each Dec 31. They celebrate the anniversary of their birth each Jan 1 which is the start of a NEW year.

But keep making a fool of yourself by showing that Right-wing know-it-alls can't even read a calendar!!! :rofl::lmao:
If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.
Those numbers reveal Bush lost almost 3,000,000 jobs in January, 2009 and that loss under Obama is still better than January in every single year under Bush.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Other than desperation, WTF is your point using non-seasonally adjusted figures?
Last edited:
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.
Dumbfuck -- now multiply that by the labor force participation rate and maybe you'll be the first rightard to figure out why the employment/population ration went up...

Census Bureau.......that enclave of Conservative thinkers, right.
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white

What difference does the date have to do with the term being created by liberals? 1900, 1990, or 2013. It makes no difference. It's a bullshit term and makes about as much sense as calling a black man with a white mother a 'white black'.
You are Right, lies make no difference to the Right when it is the Right telling them.
Thank you.

At the core, it came to creation by Liberals for convenience or agenda. Someone in government sought convenience by creating new classifications by putting "white" in front of Hispanic and culture uses it when necessary. It's a bullshit term that has no relevance. George Zimmerman is every bit Latino that Barack Obama is Black and that does not sit well with Liberals; hence, pull out the fabricated race to make Zimmerman less Latino.
That is pure bullshit.

The term "white Hispanic" came about because when Hispanics filled out their census reports they marked Hispanic for ethnicity and some marked white or black for race. It had nothing to do with "liberalism" as the pathological liars on the Right would have you believe.
Stop lying!

No one is lying. Just because people mark ethnicity at variance on a Census is no reason to create another ethnicity. Marking forms is pretty fun. A white guy I know marked "Native American" on college applications because he was applying from overseas.....makes him native American, right?
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white

What difference does the date have to do with the term being created by liberals? 1900, 1990, or 2013. It makes no difference. It's a bullshit term and makes about as much sense as calling a black man with a white mother a 'white black'.
You are Right, lies make no difference to the Right when it is the Right telling them.
Thank you.

At the core, it came to creation by Liberals for convenience or agenda. Someone in government sought convenience by creating new classifications by putting "white" in front of Hispanic and culture uses it when necessary. It's a bullshit term that has no relevance. George Zimmerman is every bit Latino that Barack Obama is Black and that does not sit well with Liberals; hence, pull out the fabricated race to make Zimmerman less Latino.
That is pure bullshit.

The term "white Hispanic" came about because when Hispanics filled out their census reports they marked Hispanic for ethnicity and some marked white or black for race. It had nothing to do with "liberalism" as the pathological liars on the Right would have you believe.
Stop lying!

No one is lying. Just because people mark ethnicity at variance on a Census is no reason to create another ethnicity. Marking forms is pretty fun. A white guy I know marked "Native American" on college applications because he was applying from overseas.....makes him native American, right?
No one created another ethnicity. Hispanics are hispanic whether they are of the white or black race. Zimmerman WAS white.
Obama drops unemployment to pre GW #s . As he promised .

Good news for the country . Let's here conservatives make up shit like the numbers aren't true . Real unemployment is 137%! !

Unemployment falls to 4.9%, lowest in 8 years

Bullshit asshole.

Obama took two years to pass his ACA which is another entitlement strapped around the necks of we taxpayers.

It took the economy eight fucking years to get where it is today and Obama had absolutely nothing to do with it. Nothing he did helped the economy or UE at all.

Grow a brain fool.
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

Right? Look, all I'm saying is if anyone thinks the economy is in good shape, they're delusional with a CAPITAL D.

Job growth is anemic, debt is out of control, the markets have been propped up with runaway money printing... we're on our way to becoming the Wiemar Republic.
All anyone has to do is go state by state and look at the gains and losses in jobs and industries to find that out.

They rather lie to themselves and the public.

All you have to do is look at Flint, Michigan....that's how penny pincher Republicans want to run the country.........
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, doofus. Your circular firing squad works again.
Anyone trying to blame the mayor is a moron.

Isn't that what they always do? They all think Denial is a river in Egypt.
Actually the term "White Hispanic" is a term from the Census Bureau, not Liberals. Only GOP hate radio attributes the term as originating from Liberal media during the Zimmerman fiasco.


Census Bureau.......that enclave of Conservative thinkers, right.
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white

What difference does the date have to do with the term being created by liberals? 1900, 1990, or 2013. It makes no difference. It's a bullshit term and makes about as much sense as calling a black man with a white mother a 'white black'.
You are Right, lies make no difference to the Right when it is the Right telling them.
Thank you.

At the core, it came to creation by Liberals for convenience or agenda. Someone in government sought convenience by creating new classifications by putting "white" in front of Hispanic and culture uses it when necessary. It's a bullshit term that has no relevance. George Zimmerman is every bit Latino that Barack Obama is Black and that does not sit well with Liberals; hence, pull out the fabricated race to make Zimmerman less Latino.

You're a real ignoramus. Hispanics are considered "caucasian" which is the same as "white". Barack Obama is half white, so whether you like it or not, he could choose to call himself white. Zimmerman is Hispanic, so, he is "white" or "caucasian", Hispanic is just an ethnicity, not a race. Learn something.

Why Hispanic Is Not a Race - CitizenPath
What an economy as Mom and Pa's 401K's are getting reamed as the market tanks

No, Jan 1, 2000 to Dec 31, 2000 is not one year.

Your bubble world may have 364 days, but the real world has 365.
That is probably the stupidest thing you've ever posted!

2000 is a leap year with 366 days, :asshole:

Year 2000 Calendar
Don't feel bad, the left have destroyed the public education system. Understandable why you think 2015 minus 2000 = 17 and why you think someone born on Jan 1 will celebrate their birthday on Dec 31.

But you being proud of your lack of IQ is your cross to bear, no one else's.
You notice how pathological liars create their Straw Man and then just repeat their lie over and over as if it was the truth. I never said 2015 - 2000 = 17, as you well know, I said that year 2000 to year 2015 was 16 years not 15 as you stupidly claimed. And as I pointed out, someone born Jan 1 completes a FULL year at the end of each Dec 31. They celebrate the anniversary of their birth each Jan 1 which is the start of a NEW year.

But keep making a fool of yourself by showing that Right-wing know-it-alls can't even read a calendar!!! :rofl::lmao:

150,000 jobs gained for 211,000 who entered the work force.
Trying to spin and lie about math is hilarious.
I suspect the real number is closer to 14%....only an Obama Butt licker is buying anything his administration is putting out there
Only some completely ignorant of government and economic indicators thinks the President has anything to do with economic statistics.

But if you think you have enough evidence to make your case, please share.

That sounds great, except for the fact that the BLS is part of the Executive Branch.
And? Do you think the President is actually involved with the inner workings of all agencies?

Their survey methods are suspect;
Oh? What do you find suspect?

If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.
And if you looked at the data set, you'd see that employment goes down every January by at least that amount. And nothing in the BLS data shows if the jobs are low wage or not. Since average hourly and weekly wages went up, your claim of low wage jobs is unsupported.

Obama doesn't need to be involved in "The Details" - he just has to blow the dog whistle for the Prog Operatives.

You promised to show us the proper numbers from a proper source.

What happened?
Notice we're still waiting. You'll never get an answer from boedicca because he's full of shit.

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