Unemployment under 5%. Lowest in 8 years. Thanks obama !

The son of a bitch is offering a 40% discount on their water bill.....In other words, Flint's families will only have to pay 60% for the poisoned water the conservative governor has inflicted them with......
The Republican governor poisoned them? Is that what your special ed teacher said?

Flint has had a Democrat controlled government for decades. The city decided to switch to a cheaper water supply that ended up being tainted.

Peak Progressivism On Parade!
If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.

Hopenchange is a powerful intoxicant. A couple of swigs will put you in a stupor and leave you confused for days. Knocking out a whole bottle will make you go full retard. Cutting back isn't so easy to do, apparently. It just feels so damn good!
WHEN a Republican wins this next election, rest assured it will be pinned on him too.
Based on Liberal logic, this is a jobless recovery. This coming from the same people that dubbed the term, "white Hispanic".
Actually the term "White Hispanic" is a term from the Census Bureau, not Liberals. Only GOP hate radio attributes the term as originating from Liberal media during the Zimmerman fiasco.


Census Bureau.......that enclave of Conservative thinkers, right.
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, doofus.
And GOP governor stripped her of power and put his "emergency managers" in charge who then switched the water to the Flint River.

Again we see the Right lie by telling just enough "truth" to mislead and then shutting up, proving that all lies from the Right are premeditated!!!
Flint has had a Democrat controlled government for decades. The city decided to switch to a cheaper water supply that ended up being tainted.

Peak Progressivism On Parade!
Another liar who leaves out that Snyder replaced their authority with his unelected "emergency managers" in 2012.
U6 (the real deal) is 9.9% Thanks for nothing Obungles

Would you prefer 14.2% U-6?

I suspect the real number is closer to 14%....only an Obama Butt licker is buying anything his administration is putting out there
Only some completely ignorant of government and economic indicators thinks the President has anything to do with economic statistics.

But if you think you have enough evidence to make your case, please share.

That sounds great, except for the fact that the BLS is part of the Executive Branch.
And? Do you think the President is actually involved with the inner workings of all agencies?

Their survey methods are suspect;
Oh? What do you find suspect?

If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.
And if you looked at the data set, you'd see that employment goes down every January by at least that amount. And nothing in the BLS data shows if the jobs are low wage or not. Since average hourly and weekly wages went up, your claim of low wage jobs is unsupported.
The mayor of Flint is a Democrat, doofus.
And GOP governor stripped her of power and put his "emergency managers" in charge who then switched the water to the Flint River.

Again we see the Right lie by telling just enough "truth" to mislead and then shutting up, proving that all lies from the Right are premeditated!!!
"May: Complaints about the new water start coming in. "It's just weird," resident Bethany Hazard tells the Flint Journal, referring to the murky, foamy quality of the H2O coming from her taps. The state DEQ says analysis of the water shows it meets state standards.

June 12: City officials reveal they are treating the water with lime in response to complaints, but the mayor pooh-poohs concerns about safety. "I think people are wasting their precious money buying bottled water," he tells the Flint Journal."

Try to stay on topic, I'm tired of giving you an arse whooping on every topic. Every figure out 2015 minus 2000 is not 17 yet?
U6 (the real deal) is 9.9% Thanks for nothing Obungles

Would you prefer 14.2% U-6?

I suspect the real number is closer to 14%....only an Obama Butt licker is buying anything his administration is putting out there
Only some completely ignorant of government and economic indicators thinks the President has anything to do with economic statistics.

But if you think you have enough evidence to make your case, please share.

That sounds great, except for the fact that the BLS is part of the Executive Branch. Their survey methods are suspect; and the MSM quote the wrong stats to support the illusion that the economy is improving.

If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.


Why don't you simply refer us to the labor statisticians who are more accurate than the BLS?
The President sets the tone for the economy and does better with a Democratic President regardless of the makeup of Congress.
Democrats cut the shit out of the military and no matter how bad things get the media spins it to the positive during a Dem White House and acts like it's apocalyptic end of Earth during Republican administrations but you're full of it anyway. We did great during Reagan's term and suffered mightily under Carter, who oversaw double digit inflation and the Misery Index.

We had a 16 month recession under Reagan. How many presidents can you cite with that ignominious distinction on their tenure?
U6 (the real deal) is 9.9% Thanks for nothing Obungles

Would you prefer 14.2% U-6?

I suspect the real number is closer to 14%....only an Obama Butt licker is buying anything his administration is putting out there
Only some completely ignorant of government and economic indicators thinks the President has anything to do with economic statistics.

But if you think you have enough evidence to make your case, please share.

That sounds great, except for the fact that the BLS is part of the Executive Branch.
And? Do you think the President is actually involved with the inner workings of all agencies?

Their survey methods are suspect;
Oh? What do you find suspect?

If you actually bothered to read through the data set, you'd see that without seasonal adjustment manipulation, the number of employed actually dropped by close to 700K and that the meager jobs being created are low wage.
And if you looked at the data set, you'd see that employment goes down every January by at least that amount. And nothing in the BLS data shows if the jobs are low wage or not. Since average hourly and weekly wages went up, your claim of low wage jobs is unsupported.

They always attack the messenger when they have no real argument.
I guess the Repubs among us want us to start losing jobs as we did in the W years? If that is what you want, elect another repub in the WH.
I guess the Repubs among us want us to start losing jobs as we did in the W years? If that is what you want, elect another repub in the WH.
Many on the right want to see Americans suffer so republicans might realize some perceived partisan gain.
Based on Liberal logic, this is a jobless recovery. This coming from the same people that dubbed the term, "white Hispanic".
Actually the term "White Hispanic" is a term from the Census Bureau, not Liberals. Only GOP hate radio attributes the term as originating from Liberal media during the Zimmerman fiasco.


Census Bureau.......that enclave of Conservative thinkers, right.
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white

What difference does the date have to do with the term being created by liberals? 1900, 1990, or 2013. It makes no difference. It's a bullshit term and makes about as much sense as calling a black man with a white mother a 'white black'.
Based on Liberal logic, this is a jobless recovery. This coming from the same people that dubbed the term, "white Hispanic".
Actually the term "White Hispanic" is a term from the Census Bureau, not Liberals. Only GOP hate radio attributes the term as originating from Liberal media during the Zimmerman fiasco.


Census Bureau.......that enclave of Conservative thinkers, right.
Look at the date of the census bureau report from the 1990s! The CON$ervoFascists claimed the term was invented in 2013 just for Zimmerman, remember.

CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' - Breitbart

The term “white Hispanic” was coined by the media after outlets wrongly labeled Zimmerman white

What difference does the date have to do with the term being created by liberals? 1900, 1990, or 2013. It makes no difference. It's a bullshit term and makes about as much sense as calling a black man with a white mother a 'white black'.
You are Right, lies make no difference to the Right when it is the Right telling them.
Thank you.
I saw Bernie Sanders on C-SPAN a couple days ago talking about the U-6 unemployment rate and how it gives a more complete picture of the employment situation. He, too, noted that it's at 9.9 percent right now. But, the kool-aid drinkers here just don't care.

Nor do our resident liberals care that last quarter's growth was 0.7 percent (that's less than 1 percent; that's almost stagnation), that median household income has dropped at least $1,000 under Obama, that we're now $19 trillion in debt, that Obama just blew another hole in the deficit (after falsely taking credit for the deficit reduction caused by the sequester), and that our trade deficit is in the hundreds of billions.

Nah, never mind all that! Here's an excerpt from a good article from Investopedia on why the U-3 rate is not a good measurement of employment and why the U-6 is the "true" measurement:

The U-3 unemployment rate is a comparatively narrow technical measure that leaves out a whole swath of out-of-work people who are willing and able to take a job but who don't fit the narrow BLS definition of "unemployed." For example, a stonemason who wants to work but who has become discouraged by a lack of opportunity in the midst of a deep economic recession would not be included in U-3 unemployment. A marketing executive who is laid off at age 57 and stops scheduling new job interviews due to her experience of age discrimination would not be included in U-3 unemployment. A person who only works one six-hour shift per week because no full-time jobs are available in his area would not be included in U-3 unemployment.

In contrast to the U-3 rate, the U-6 unemployment rate includes all of these cases. Consequently, the U-6 rate is much truer to a natural, non-technical understanding of what it means to be unemployed. By capturing discouraged workers, underemployed workers and other folks who exist on the margins of the labor market, the U-6 rate provides a broad picture of the underutilization of labor in the country. In this sense, the U-6 rate is the true unemployment rate. (The True Unemployment Rate: U6 Vs. U3 | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/080415/true-unemployment-rate-u6-vs-u3.asp#ixzz3zUMj9lTU
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