Unhinged MSNBC Snowflake Guest Calls The GOP A 'Domestic Terror Group'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'This is not a political party--this is a
domestic terror group'

Barry announced his intent to run for
President in the home of his friend, Bill
Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist who
bombed his own country, killed 1st
responders, and said his only regret was
not perpetrating more bombings.

During his time as President, Obama:

- Financed, supplied, aided, armed, trained, defended, protected, and even Un-Constitutionally took the US to war ... twice .. to aid terrorists ... like The Muslim Brotherhood, The Taliban, Al '9/11/01 & 9/11/12' Qaida, ISIS, and the PLO / Hamas.

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels...

- Aided violent illegals and illegal gangs, like MS13...

- Aided human traffickers....engaged in human trafficking...

- Mocked American concerns for our national security and their safety regarding terrorists, made terrorist attacks possible, then sent out his US AG to silence Americans, denying them their right to Freedom of Speech, by threatening them with judicial punishment If they discussed the terrorist who carried out the attacks.

In his last day in office, on the way out, the man gave the PLO / Hamas - terrorists and the enemy of our ally Israel - $221 Million...

Hillary Clinton - the Democratic party Candidate for President - and the DNC were CAUGHT funding groups during the 2016 election that provided violent thugs who attended opposition party events and beat and bloodied opposition party supporters...

So upon hearing this butt-hurt, hate-filled snowflake's INSANE triggered claim the GOP is a 'terrorist group', EVEN Barak Obama surely had to stop and say....

Unhinged MSNBC Guest Calls The GOP A 'Domestic Terror Group'

"“This is not a political party — this is a domestic terror group,” he asserted. “And I think what the American people should consider when they ask themselves that question — with a party that has done nothing to help the American people..."

Evidently Triggered Snowflake Boy doesn't realize Schumer publicly declared the Democrats are 100% committed to the failure of the US, the GOP, and President Trump as long as Trump is President...

Well, we have Nazi and Hitler and Commie and Fascist and every other silly, intellectually lazy, hyperbolic bumper sticker slogan being tossed around by both ends, "Domestic Terror Group" fits in just fine.

If we're gonna collectively lose our shit, we may as well lose it all the way.
Can you imagine MSNBC apparently endorsing this craziness after seeing democrats smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood celebs threatening the President with assault, arson and murder? How about the democrat activist Sanders supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team? In light of the sexual abuse scandals and crazy behavior ant threats of violence and terrorism by celebs maybe MSNBC should declare Hollywood a " domestic terror group". Lest we forget, Barry Hussein's political mentor, friend and partner Bill Ayers was a genuine domestic terrorist bomber for years. Apparently the left had no problem with real terrorists.
Barry announced his intent to run for
President in the home of his friend, Bill
Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist who
bombed his own country, killed 1st
responders, and said his only regret was
not perpetrating more bombings.



A review of records of the schools project and interviews with a dozen people who know both men, suggest that Mr. Obama, 47, has played down his contacts with Mr. Ayers, 63. But the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called “somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.”

“The suggestion that Ayers was a political adviser to Obama or someone who shaped his political views is patently false,” said Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman. Mr. LaBolt said the men first met in 1995 through the education project, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and have encountered each other occasionally in public life or in the neighborhood. He said they have not spoken by phone or exchanged e-mail messages since Mr. Obamabegan serving in the United States Senate in January 2005 and last met more than a year ago when they bumped into each other on the street in Hyde Park.
'This is not a political party--this is a
domestic terror group'

Barry announced his intent to run for
President in the home of his friend, Bill
Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist who
bombed his own country, killed 1st
responders, and said his only regret was
not perpetrating more bombings.

During his time as President, Obama:

- Financed, supplied, aided, armed, trained, defended, protected, and even Un-Constitutionally took the US to war ... twice .. to aid terrorists ... like The Muslim Brotherhood, The Taliban, Al '9/11/01 & 9/11/12' Qaida, ISIS, and the PLO / Hamas.

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels...

- Aided violent illegals and illegal gangs, like MS13...

- Aided human traffickers....engaged in human trafficking...

- Mocked American concerns for our national security and their safety regarding terrorists, made terrorist attacks possible, then sent out his US AG to silence Americans, denying them their right to Freedom of Speech, by threatening them with judicial punishment If they discussed the terrorist who carried out the attacks.

In his last day in office, on the way out, the man gave the PLO / Hamas - terrorists and the enemy of our ally Israel - $221 Million...

Hillary Clinton - the Democratic party Candidate for President - and the DNC were CAUGHT funding groups during the 2016 election that provided violent thugs who attended opposition party events and beat and bloodied opposition party supporters...

So upon hearing this butt-hurt, hate-filled snowflake's INSANE triggered claim the GOP is a 'terrorist group', EVEN Barak Obama surely had to stop and say....


The funniest thing here is that the crap you posted out of your own head was more 'unhinged' than whatever the so-called unhinged guy said.
Unhinged MSNBC Guest Calls The GOP A 'Domestic Terror Group'

"“This is not a political party — this is a domestic terror group,” he asserted. “And I think what the American people should consider when they ask themselves that question — with a party that has done nothing to help the American people..."

Evidently Triggered Snowflake Boy doesn't realize Schumer publicly declared the Democrats are 100% committed to the failure of the US, the GOP, and President Trump as long as Trump is President...

When the republicans want to deny 23 million people healthcare then construct a tax bill that will raise middle class taxes that explodes the debt calling them a terrorist group is letting them off too easy
Not in Ayers house, and Ayers was not part of his campaign:


(If Amandi(?) said that about the GOP he is unhinged.)
More radicalization incitement. Democrats are out of control. When will rational folks step in and end their violent incitement? How many more people will have to be hurt before folks do something?
The media is dying and they know it now so the absurdity will be increasingly on display till their last dying breath.
So full of shit...everything is bullshit spin.

Dems claim they are the party of children, but they support murder of babies.

They are shameless.

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