Unhinged Omarosa claims Trump covets daughter Ivanka

Omarosa married Michael Clarke Duncan of Green Mile fame. He died and Omarosa fought tooth and nail for everything he had, including the car he had bought for his mother.

That's who Omarosa is.
I'm beginning to wonder if he died of natural causes or if that witch pulled a Clinton on him.
Omarosa married Michael Clarke Duncan of Green Mile fame. He died and Omarosa fought tooth and nail for everything he had, including the car he had bought for his mother.

That's who Omarosa is.

Interesting how you Trumpsters will bring up stuff from people's past. But you all will ignore the shit Trump has done in the past. Like grope women, rape his wife (Ivana) and pay off porn stars. Ya'll in the forgiveness mood for Trump and anyone who dares speaks out against him, you all bring out the list of stories from their past.
Funny how you self project.
Unhinged: Omarosa Claims Trump ‘Covets’ Daughter Ivanka
Disgraced former The Apprentice star Omarosa Manigault Newman claims in her upcoming book Unhinged that President Trump “covets” his daughter Ivanka.


It is like a waiting line of next............... first Stormy D. now this idiot, and they all keep losing one after another thinks their story will trump the other ones's stories as if they are in compitition with each other.
Oh wait they are each one being paid off by a Soros, or Clinton lunatic in order to create distractions . The only ones distracted are their little blind sheep lol.
Unhinged? You know he's as much as said that himself. This isn't just her theory
So? I told many girls my son dated that if I wasn't his mama, I would think him quite handsome and a catch! Raised correctly, polite, kind, courageous, aimed for a very good job and got it, wanted a home, white picket fence, kids.

Y'all twist everything he says because your mind has to be twisted to even think of it in a negative way.
We all knew who Omarosa was --- yet, Trump still hired her -- and when he did, Trump lovers cheered -- because you know, he only hires the best people.

At what point are you willing to say "maybe he was bullshitting us??"
So? I told many girls my son dated that if I wasn't his mama, I would think him quite handsome and a catch! Raised correctly, polite, kind, courageous, aimed for a very good job and got it, wanted a home, white picket fence, kids.

Y'all twist everything he says because your mind has to be twisted to even think of it in a negative way.
Understood Gracie -- but I would never refer to my daughter as a nice piece of ass -- I would never say that me and my daughter's favorite thing is sex..

I understand you love Trump, that is fine.....but its still ok to disagree with him when it comes to some things isn't it?
Omarosa is a freaking nutcase desperately trying to stay in the news.
So? I told many girls my son dated that if I wasn't his mama, I would think him quite handsome and a catch! Raised correctly, polite, kind, courageous, aimed for a very good job and got it, wanted a home, white picket fence, kids.

Y'all twist everything he says because your mind has to be twisted to even think of it in a negative way.
Good comparison

Did you tell strangers or reporters that you would like to date your son?
Omarosa is unhinged, but not Chump?

And Trump has a creepy relationship with Ivanka. No normal father wishes he could marry their daughter.
Omarosa is a freaking nutcase desperately trying to stay in the news.
Sounds Trumpian

She was fired form the Clinton Administration 4 times. Go look it up. I guess that makes Bill a racist? Or is Omarosa just a nutcase? lol Game, Set, Match.
4 Times?

And she never made any accusations against Clinton
Shows she is not vindictive and must be telling the truth
Omarosa is a freaking nutcase desperately trying to stay in the news.
Sounds Trumpian

She was fired form the Clinton Administration 4 times. Go look it up. I guess that makes Bill a racist? Or is Omarosa just a nutcase? lol Game, Set, Match.
Yes, she was.

FLASHBACK: That Time Omarosa Was Fired from the Clinton White House
Yet she never accused Clinton or Gore of being racists

After being fired by Trump (who claims he had no knowledge of her being fired) she confirmed what a racist he was
Unhinged: Omarosa Claims Trump ‘Covets’ Daughter Ivanka
Disgraced former The Apprentice star Omarosa Manigault Newman claims in her upcoming book Unhinged that President Trump “covets” his daughter Ivanka.


It is like a waiting line of next............... first Stormy D. now this idiot, and they all keep losing one after another thinks their story will trump the other ones's stories as if they are in compitition with each other.
Oh wait they are each one being paid off by a Soros, or Clinton lunatic in order to create distractions . The only ones distracted are their little blind sheep lol.
We already knew that....because...........we pay attention.
I think Barack was diddling his daughters cuz they were always seen holding hands.


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