Trump was right about the US Space Force

We are so divided now that Chinese domination may be preferable than unifying with our fellow Americans.

I’m sure you would like to see the USA under Chinese control. You’re here every day posting anti-American hate, and saying authoritarians make great leaders.
This is the response of someone who is OK with Authoritarianism or Autocracy or One-Party Rule. Seen. Understood. Remembered.
Is that what you believe? We already live in that in many areas. In all political persuasions. Genuflecting to the power structure is preferable than the alternatives.
This is the response of someone who is OK with Authoritarianism or Autocracy or One-Party Rule. Seen. Understood. Remembered.
Trump is.

Donald Trump praises 'smart' Xi Jinping for 'ruling China ...​

Mirror › ... › US News › Donald Trump

Sep 4, 2022 — Donald Trump has praised the Chinese authoritarian leader Xi Jinping for running China with an "iron fist" in a bizarre campaign rally speech.

Trump's Ugly New Boast About Dictators Backfires ...​

Yahoo › trumps-ugly-boast-dictators-...

Mar 29, 2023 — Sean Hannity of Fox News asked the ex-president how he got along with the autocratic rulers of Russia, China and North Korea. And his answer, ...
The authoritarians exist now.

Yes they do. Donald Trump is certainly one.

Greg, Abbott and Ron DeSantis are busy banning books, threatening librarians with arrest, and firing teachers for talking about gender issues, sexuality, racism, or celebrating minorities.

They are banning abortion while the fetus has a heartbeat and criminalizing providing help to women needing prenatal care.

They are forcing children as young as 10, who have been raped by adults, to give birth to their rapists’ babies. In Iowa, if a child is a victim of incest involving a parent, no one can take her out of state for an abortion without the rapist’s consent.

Ron DeSantis wants teenage athletes to report their periods to the state in order to confirm that they are “real girls”. Of course, DeSantis has also passed a 6 week abortion ban, so this would only also enable him to learn if any of these girls are pregnant and going out of state for abortions.

Greg Abbott wants to monitor women’s social media accounts to see if they are searching for information on out of state abortions

I know you think being forced to take a vaccine is authoritarianism, but it is not. Authoritarianism is giving the vaccine to the preferred people and withholding it from the “inferiors”.

DeSantis gladhanded out vaccine out to everyone in the rich white districts in Florida but it was hard to come by in the “minority” districts. He used the excuse of vaccine resistance amongst minorities but many reported being unable to find it.

At the same time, he was offering vaccine tourism. I know a number of Canadian snowbirds, who just lined up at their condos for free shots when they were there, while high risk American residents in Florida were complaining about being unable to get vaccinated. DeSantis was that was offering vaccines to anybody who flew in from out of country and wanted the shot.

Ronnie also imposed his will on cruise ship companies docking in Florida. He would not allow them to dock, if they had any mask or vaccine requirements for boarding.

Right because Communist regimes are historically known for their happy go lucky attitudes.

Yes, and all authoritarian dictatorships have such thriving economies, humanitarian police forces, and a complete lack of poverty and crime.
Yes they do. Donald Trump is certainly one.

Greg, Abbott and Ron DeSantis are busy banning books, threatening librarians with arrest, and firing teachers for talking about gender issues, sexuality, racism, or celebrating minorities.

They are banning abortion while the fetus has a heartbeat and criminalizing providing help to women needing prenatal care.

They are forcing children as young as 10, who have been raped by adults, to give birth to their rapists’ babies. In Iowa, if a child is a victim of incest involving a parent, no one can take her out of state for an abortion without the rapist’s consent.

Ron DeSantis wants teenage athletes to report their periods to the state in order to confirm that they are “real girls”. Of course, DeSantis has also passed a 6 week abortion ban, so this would only also enable him to learn if any of these girls are pregnant and going out of state for abortions.

Greg Abbott wants to monitor women’s social media accounts to see if they are searching for information on out of state abortions

I know you think being forced to take a vaccine is authoritarianism, but it is not. Authoritarianism is giving the vaccine to the preferred people and withholding it from the “inferiors”.

DeSantis gladhanded out vaccine out to everyone in the rich white districts in Florida but it was hard to come by in the “minority” districts. He used the excuse of vaccine resistance amongst minorities but many reported being unable to find it.

At the same time, he was offering vaccine tourism. I know a number of Canadian snowbirds, who just lined up at their condos for free shots when they were there, while high risk American residents in Florida were complaining about being unable to get vaccinated. DeSantis was that was offering vaccines to anybody who flew in from out of country and wanted the shot.

Ronnie also imposed his will on cruise ship companies docking in Florida. He would not allow them to dock, if they had any mask or vaccine requirements for boarding.

Yes, and all authoritarian dictatorships have such thriving economies, humanitarian police forces, and a complete lack of poverty and crime.
You Canadien? Trudeau destroyed striking truckers by shutting their lives down. Calling them terrorists and bigots Scripture in religious terms calls that and sell. It exists secularly also. No shortage of the security state ready to bust heads.
Right because Communist regimes are historically known for their happy go lucky attitudes.

No, regimes suck. Communist regimes suck. Capitalist regimes suck.

But you idiots trying to make China into an enemy because their business leaders were smarter than our business leaders is a bit silly.
We are so divided now that Chinese domination may be preferable than unifying with our fellow Americans.
The Neo-GOP plot is to destroy America from within. They had no problem criticizing the Commander in Chief while Americans were in harm's' way just a few short years after we presented a united front in 2001. It didn't matter which party he was from, he got 90%+ support.
You Canadien? Trudeau destroyed striking truckers by shutting their lives down. Calling them terrorists and bigots Scripture in religious terms calls that and sell. It exists secularly also. No shortage of the security state ready to bust heads.

These people weren’t on strike. They were unemployed because they were unvaccinated. They were a bunch of drunken lay abouts who just wanted to cause trouble, and we’re giving a bunch of money by FreeDumb loving MAGA Americans looking to cause trouble in Canada.

They were protesting lockdowns that had ended before they began their protests. They protested by partying all night, pissing on national monuments, carrying TRUMP/Nazi/Confedetate flags through the capital and keeping working people from getting some sleep.

When the courts ordered an end to the frivolities, they refused, and then got upset when when the government and enforced the court orders.

The leaders who were arrested refused to abide by bail conditions, and were rearrested. I guess they thought that their white privilege extended to being able to flout court orders, bail conditions and arrest warrants.

No heads were busted.

These people destroyed their own lives
These people weren’t on strike. They were unemployed because they were unvaccinated. They were a bunch of drunken lay abouts who just wanted to cause trouble, and we’re giving a bunch of money by FreeDumb loving MAGA Americans looking to cause trouble in Canada.

They were protesting lockdowns that had ended before they began their protests. They protested by partying all night, pissing on national monuments, carrying TRUMP/Nazi/Confedetate flags through the capital and keeping working people from getting some sleep.

When the courts ordered an end to the frivolities, they refused, and then got upset when when the government and enforced the court orders.

The leaders who were arrested refused to abide by bail conditions, and were rearrested. I guess they thought that their white privilege extended to being able to flout court orders, bail conditions and arrest warrants.

No heads were busted.

These people destroyed their own lives
It's always that way. I am saying to you. There is no shortage of humans who will destroy and kill other humans. We just seem to think we are exempt. Face it. With all our cultures we aggravate each other and look at someone else's success suspiciously at times.
Have you met Chinese people?
They're more likely to kill us with kindness.
guess you're too young to remember or have never heard of the. Korean war.
Tell that to the veterans of the Korean War, and Chinese intervention.


Trump was right about the US Space Force

China is set to dominate Outer Space, with devastating consequences for Americans
22 Apr 2023 ~~ By Matthew G. Andersson

On April 21, the Financial Times ran a story that should be front and center in U.S. national security policy circles ("China building cyber weapons to hijack enemy satellites"). It asserts that a "Classified CIA document assesses Beijing's ambitions to take control of communications critical to fighting wars." Instead, this issue is being drowned out publicly by domestic partisan distractions, and the presence in our nation's capitol of a political party that appears indifferent to American vital interests, and may even be hostile to them.
The F.T. report highlights one of the biggest military risks faced by the U.S. and its Western allies. The next frontier of war-making is in space, and China is already there. The Chinese are indeed ahead both in some applied technology and, especially, in national policy planning. Former president Trump appeared to understand this, and it was central to advancing the new U.S. Space Force through the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act. Unfortunately, this has, like NASA, been subject to the progressive left's unrelated ideologies and is being diverted or distracted from its core strategic imperative.
Part of the problem for the U.S. is that, while it has undoubted strength in cyber–command and control, and clearly so in space flight operations and technology, it is not currently unified at a national level in space law and policy. There is not one fully active and robust air, space, and security institution that is leading such efforts. Certain leaders within the USAF are clearly aware of the critical mission of the Space Force, but they are hampered by a civilian leadership with other priorities, or by its incapacity.
While the U.S. is distracted by internal politics and division, we are neglecting a clearly growing presence and determination by China to control space rights and rules, and even to make space property claims, all while creating an existential dominance over the fate of many basic public systems including communications, energy, and transportation.

Seems Trump decision was right once again.
Unfortunately, each day that goes by we find more evidence that Biden and many Democrat politicians have been bought by the Chinese.
Nothing in Washington D.C. is classified as long as the Biden, Maoist Democrats and the Uni-Party are running this country!
Of concern are recent testing of Chinese satellites that shadowed and chased other satellites, some circling around them in a spiral fashion. For now, Chinese satellites only got very close to other Chinese satellites. Some of these Chinese satellites have grappling claws. Of course, the Chinese government says they are for clearing space debris, to grapple junk and direct it to de-orbit.
A simple command change can cause much disruption to our satellites and our ability to win a war.
We can also thank Maoist Democrats and especially Bubba Clinton for giving China the missile technology. Prior to that all China could launch were bottle rockets.

The simplified version of politics: It's the democrats' fault.

The reality is that China would have grown anyway. But China has grown, not because anyone gave them technology, I'm sure they'd have stolen it anyway, but because they're able to sell cheap shit to the US (and other countries).
They make money because American (and other countries) companies want to do business in China. They make money because China opened up and had cheap labor, something the US LOVES because it makes American businessmen money.

Essentially GREED won. And still does. American companies, like the NBA, for example, are doing what China tells them (don't say anything nasty about China, or we'll kick you out), the NBA says "money is our principle, fine, we love you China, you never do any wrong".

But of course, "it's always the Democrats' fault".
guess you're too young to remember or have never heard of the. Korean war.
Tell that to the veterans of the Korean War, and Chinese intervention.

Yes, the Korea War was 70 years ago... everyone is too young to remember it.

Most of the massacres on your list were committed by North Koreans, not the Chinese.

The Chinese intervened because McArthur was getting too close to their border and even wanted to nuke China in order to finish off the North Koreans. That's why China intervened.

As for atrocities, we committed more than our fair share of them.


Trump was right about the US Space Force

China is set to dominate Outer Space, with devastating consequences for Americans
22 Apr 2023 ~~ By Matthew G. Andersson

On April 21, the Financial Times ran a story that should be front and center in U.S. national security policy circles ("China building cyber weapons to hijack enemy satellites"). It asserts that a "Classified CIA document assesses Beijing's ambitions to take control of communications critical to fighting wars." Instead, this issue is being drowned out publicly by domestic partisan distractions, and the presence in our nation's capitol of a political party that appears indifferent to American vital interests, and may even be hostile to them.
The F.T. report highlights one of the biggest military risks faced by the U.S. and its Western allies. The next frontier of war-making is in space, and China is already there. The Chinese are indeed ahead both in some applied technology and, especially, in national policy planning. Former president Trump appeared to understand this, and it was central to advancing the new U.S. Space Force through the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act. Unfortunately, this has, like NASA, been subject to the progressive left's unrelated ideologies and is being diverted or distracted from its core strategic imperative.
Part of the problem for the U.S. is that, while it has undoubted strength in cyber–command and control, and clearly so in space flight operations and technology, it is not currently unified at a national level in space law and policy. There is not one fully active and robust air, space, and security institution that is leading such efforts. Certain leaders within the USAF are clearly aware of the critical mission of the Space Force, but they are hampered by a civilian leadership with other priorities, or by its incapacity.
While the U.S. is distracted by internal politics and division, we are neglecting a clearly growing presence and determination by China to control space rights and rules, and even to make space property claims, all while creating an existential dominance over the fate of many basic public systems including communications, energy, and transportation.

Seems Trump decision was right once again.
Unfortunately, each day that goes by we find more evidence that Biden and many Democrat politicians have been bought by the Chinese.
Nothing in Washington D.C. is classified as long as the Biden, Maoist Democrats and the Uni-Party are running this country!
Of concern are recent testing of Chinese satellites that shadowed and chased other satellites, some circling around them in a spiral fashion. For now, Chinese satellites only got very close to other Chinese satellites. Some of these Chinese satellites have grappling claws. Of course, the Chinese government says they are for clearing space debris, to grapple junk and direct it to de-orbit.
A simple command change can cause much disruption to our satellites and our ability to win a war.
We can also thank Maoist Democrats and especially Bubba Clinton for giving China the missile technology. Prior to that all China could launch were bottle rockets.
No one is going to dominate outer space. Geesus, Trump can’t even dominate his own bowel movements
No one is going to dominate outer space. Geesus, Trump can’t even dominate his own bowel movements
No one is going to dominate outer space. Geesus, Trump can’t even dominate his own bowel movements
On the contrary, It`s your boy Joey Xi Bai Dung who cannot control his bowels.


On the contrary, It`s your boy Joey Xi Bai Dung who cannot control his bowels.


On the contrary
On the contrary, It`s your boy Joey Xi Bai Dung who cannot control his bowels.



Diaper Don…
On the contrary, It`s your boy Joey Xi Bai Dung who cannot control his bowels.



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