Unintended Consequences Of Democrat Bathroom Policies / Agenda

Unfortunately that's what it is with the left. Draw a line and warn them not to cross it. After they cross it with impunity, we draw another line we warn them not to cross, and of course, they want to cross that one next.
They have to slapped in the head the first time to make them flinch and fear any second time.
Are you accusing me or something tough guy or will you retreat and clam up like a coward little bitch? 😄
i am merely saying not to worry the demafasict will soon be fighting to make it legal…claiming transwomen have a right to take pictures of other women
I said this years ago when a target store was allowing trannies in the women's room. What's to stop any man from going in the women's room and simply saying he is a woman. Even if he isn't dressed like one how you can say he doesn't feel like a woman, can't stop them because then you set yourself up for a lawsuit for discrimination.

This is what happens when we allow a fringe group to get their way and when we collectively lie about factual truths. The men's room is for men and the women's room is for women and that's it. You have to have firm and strict rules or else everything falls apart.

It's not socieities responsibility to cater to people's fantasies.
Trans women have been using the terlit of their choice for many years and you never knew it.

Trans people have been doing a lot of shady things for many years.

Crimes Committed by Transgender People - INFOGALACTIC

In the entire USA population 17,250 murders took place in 2016, out of which only 22 were of transgenders. Few if any cases could be attributed to their transgender status. Most victims are killed by their own partners or while engaging in prostitution which is the world's most dangerous job. In many cases drugs are involved. In 2018, 26 murders of transgender people were reported, but this is still less than one-sixth of 1%. [2]

Transgender people carry out an alarming number of violent crimes. [3]

How Transgender Facilitates Crime​

By legally changing their identity, name and appearance, a convicted criminal can put people off their guard. If the law allows them to destroy all their past records, it becomes impossible to establish their true history and prosecute them for past crimes. A steadily growing percentage of convicted criminals are taking advantage of these laws.

Matthew Harks​

Harks, a convicted serial pedophile in Ontario, Canada, changed his name to "Madilyn" and started to identify as a woman in 2018. He admitted to molesting as many as 60 children, and keeping “trophies” such as underwear. [4]

Peter Samuel Cook​

Serial rapist Cook was known as "the Cambridge rapist". He dressed as a woman in order to rape a series of victims in Cambridge, England. "Detectives surmised that he had passed them on a number of occasions, unnoticed because he was dismissed as a female cyclist." In 1975 he was convicted on seven counts. In 1996, Cook applied for permission to have a sex change, hoping that this would improve his chances of release, but both were denied. That was before the law started to bend over backwards to pander to trans demands. He died in prison in 2004. [5]

Hobbie Bingham​

Man convicted in 2003 in Louisiana of raping a girl of 12. On release he re-located to Washington and was convicted of further offences. In jail he decided to "identify as a women" and announced he was changing his name to "Princess Zoee Andromeda Love". He was placed in Washington Corrections Center for Women in Seattle. A guard testified that while sharing a cell Bingham raped the other inmate; he put the facts on the prison record, but noticed that somebody later erased them. Bingham got no penalty for this conduct and has never been tried for it. As soon as Bingham was released, he cut his hair short and started identifying as a man again. [6] [7]

Murders Committed by Transgenders​

Philip Tarver 2020​

Philip Tarver, 47, a cross-dressing man in Surrey England, murdered his 86-year-old mother by stabbing her in the heart with a sword and then decapitating her. Tarver, dressed in a see-through negligee, sliced off his mother's wedding ring finger and put it in the kettle, then put her head in the freezer. [8]

Joseph Cambron 2019​

Joseph Cambron, 26, of Kentucky, who previously stood trial for the first-degree sexual abuse of a 6-year-old girl, pleaded guilty to killing a 12-year-old boy. On June 21, 2019 he appeared in court charged with murder and told the judge that he identifies as a transgender woman. He demanded to be addressed with female pronouns. He is 6ft 3" and weighs 185 lb. The court concluded that he had stabbed Ray Allen Etheridge, a complete stranger to him, for no reason, in Cherokee Park in 2014. He was sentenced to 13 years. [9]

Gerald Matovu, England 2019​

Matovu, a homosexual drug dealer aged 26, started a relationship with actor Eric Michels, 54, via Grindr in August 2018. Matovu gave Michels a fatal dose of the drug GHB at his home in Bolton Road, Chessington, Surrey, and then stole his bank card details and other belongings. Michels was one of 12 men targeted by Matovu and his homosexual lover, Brandon Dunbar, 24, over a 19-month period. Matovu supplied drugs to homosexual serial killer Stephen Port [see below]. Matovu was found guilty of murder and 38 other offences, and given a 31-year sentence, although his defence pleaded that he suffered from dysphoria, wanted to become a woman, and referred to him as "she". [10][11]

Toko Shane Winter 2019​

Toko Shane "Ashley" Winter, a man posing as a woman, was one of a duo convicted of the murder of a 17-year-old girl Dimetrius Pairama, in Auckland, New Zealand. Before her death the victim had been kidnapped and tortured. She was beaten, tied to a chair, gagged, taunted and her naked body burned with an aerosol can and cigarette lighter. Ashley Winter stamped on her head, cracking her skull and she was finally hanged. Her corpse was found later inside a rusty steel drum. Winter was the one in charge, the witness said. "Everyone listens to Ashley." He was photographed several times during the trial smiling. [12] [13] [14]

Colorado School Shooting 2019​

The shooting of eight students in a STEM school in Denver Colorado in May 2019 was carried out by a homosexual Devon Erickson and his transgender partner. Maya alias Alec McKinney is shown by social media to be in a relationship with Devon Erickson. The pair are LGBT-rights-activists who hate Christians and President Trump. The two gunmen “called for more support for LGBT youth”. One of the victims, Kendrick Castillo, 18, died of gunshot wounds. [15]

Andrew "Andrea" Balcer 2019​

Transgender born male, passing as female, fatally stabbed both his parents in Maine, and also killed the family pet dog, for barking too loudly. His lawyer tried to excuse the crime by arguing that Balcer was "dealing with her transition from male to female in isolation and without family support at the time of the killings" on 31 October 2016. He claimed that there had been "years of abuse" from his parents who did not understand his problems. But his elder brother denied that his parents, Alice and Antonio Balcer, had ever been harsh to Andrew, said his excuses were "flimsy", and urged the judge to be firm. "In my view, all leniency does is put a remorseless murderer back on the street." And the murdered woman's brother said the parents had not been intolerant about gender ID change. "There was no hatred. There was no malice. There was no ill will. There was resignation to be sure but ultimately there was acceptance," he said. Balcer was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. [16] [17]
Trans people have been doing a lot of shady things for many years.

Crimes Committed by Transgender People - INFOGALACTIC

In the entire USA population 17,250 murders took place in 2016, out of which only 22 were of transgenders. Few if any cases could be attributed to their transgender status. Most victims are killed by their own partners or while engaging in prostitution which is the world's most dangerous job. In many cases drugs are involved. In 2018, 26 murders of transgender people were reported, but this is still less than one-sixth of 1%. [2]

Transgender people carry out an alarming number of violent crimes. [3]

How Transgender Facilitates Crime​

By legally changing their identity, name and appearance, a convicted criminal can put people off their guard. If the law allows them to destroy all their past records, it becomes impossible to establish their true history and prosecute them for past crimes. A steadily growing percentage of convicted criminals are taking advantage of these laws.

Matthew Harks​

Harks, a convicted serial pedophile in Ontario, Canada, changed his name to "Madilyn" and started to identify as a woman in 2018. He admitted to molesting as many as 60 children, and keeping “trophies” such as underwear. [4]

Peter Samuel Cook​

Serial rapist Cook was known as "the Cambridge rapist". He dressed as a woman in order to rape a series of victims in Cambridge, England. "Detectives surmised that he had passed them on a number of occasions, unnoticed because he was dismissed as a female cyclist." In 1975 he was convicted on seven counts. In 1996, Cook applied for permission to have a sex change, hoping that this would improve his chances of release, but both were denied. That was before the law started to bend over backwards to pander to trans demands. He died in prison in 2004. [5]

Hobbie Bingham​

Man convicted in 2003 in Louisiana of raping a girl of 12. On release he re-located to Washington and was convicted of further offences. In jail he decided to "identify as a women" and announced he was changing his name to "Princess Zoee Andromeda Love". He was placed in Washington Corrections Center for Women in Seattle. A guard testified that while sharing a cell Bingham raped the other inmate; he put the facts on the prison record, but noticed that somebody later erased them. Bingham got no penalty for this conduct and has never been tried for it. As soon as Bingham was released, he cut his hair short and started identifying as a man again. [6] [7]

Murders Committed by Transgenders​

Philip Tarver 2020​

Philip Tarver, 47, a cross-dressing man in Surrey England, murdered his 86-year-old mother by stabbing her in the heart with a sword and then decapitating her. Tarver, dressed in a see-through negligee, sliced off his mother's wedding ring finger and put it in the kettle, then put her head in the freezer. [8]

Joseph Cambron 2019​

Joseph Cambron, 26, of Kentucky, who previously stood trial for the first-degree sexual abuse of a 6-year-old girl, pleaded guilty to killing a 12-year-old boy. On June 21, 2019 he appeared in court charged with murder and told the judge that he identifies as a transgender woman. He demanded to be addressed with female pronouns. He is 6ft 3" and weighs 185 lb. The court concluded that he had stabbed Ray Allen Etheridge, a complete stranger to him, for no reason, in Cherokee Park in 2014. He was sentenced to 13 years. [9]

Gerald Matovu, England 2019​

Matovu, a homosexual drug dealer aged 26, started a relationship with actor Eric Michels, 54, via Grindr in August 2018. Matovu gave Michels a fatal dose of the drug GHB at his home in Bolton Road, Chessington, Surrey, and then stole his bank card details and other belongings. Michels was one of 12 men targeted by Matovu and his homosexual lover, Brandon Dunbar, 24, over a 19-month period. Matovu supplied drugs to homosexual serial killer Stephen Port [see below]. Matovu was found guilty of murder and 38 other offences, and given a 31-year sentence, although his defence pleaded that he suffered from dysphoria, wanted to become a woman, and referred to him as "she". [10][11]

Toko Shane Winter 2019​

Toko Shane "Ashley" Winter, a man posing as a woman, was one of a duo convicted of the murder of a 17-year-old girl Dimetrius Pairama, in Auckland, New Zealand. Before her death the victim had been kidnapped and tortured. She was beaten, tied to a chair, gagged, taunted and her naked body burned with an aerosol can and cigarette lighter. Ashley Winter stamped on her head, cracking her skull and she was finally hanged. Her corpse was found later inside a rusty steel drum. Winter was the one in charge, the witness said. "Everyone listens to Ashley." He was photographed several times during the trial smiling. [12] [13] [14]

Colorado School Shooting 2019​

The shooting of eight students in a STEM school in Denver Colorado in May 2019 was carried out by a homosexual Devon Erickson and his transgender partner. Maya alias Alec McKinney is shown by social media to be in a relationship with Devon Erickson. The pair are LGBT-rights-activists who hate Christians and President Trump. The two gunmen “called for more support for LGBT youth”. One of the victims, Kendrick Castillo, 18, died of gunshot wounds. [15]

Andrew "Andrea" Balcer 2019​

Transgender born male, passing as female, fatally stabbed both his parents in Maine, and also killed the family pet dog, for barking too loudly. His lawyer tried to excuse the crime by arguing that Balcer was "dealing with her transition from male to female in isolation and without family support at the time of the killings" on 31 October 2016. He claimed that there had been "years of abuse" from his parents who did not understand his problems. But his elder brother denied that his parents, Alice and Antonio Balcer, had ever been harsh to Andrew, said his excuses were "flimsy", and urged the judge to be firm. "In my view, all leniency does is put a remorseless murderer back on the street." And the murdered woman's brother said the parents had not been intolerant about gender ID change. "There was no hatred. There was no malice. There was no ill will. There was resignation to be sure but ultimately there was acceptance," he said. Balcer was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. [16] [17]
There is no suggestion that he is trans. That type of scam has been going on for decades.

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