Union members get caught smoking weed are Suspended until fire proceedings


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
They are people making things for our military. I think you need to be sober to do that! I am so sick of union people who think they can get away with everything because of the union.

Seventeen workers from the Tower Defense and Aerospace plant in Detroit have reportedly been suspended after an undercover investigation showed them smoking what appeared to be marijuana during their lunch break.
Fox affiliate WJBK-TV released exclusive footage last week showing several of the plant's workers allegedly drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana cigarettes while on a break.
The plant reportedly manufactures armored parts for U.S. military trucks and planes, including parts for Humvees and Stryker combat vehicles to be sent to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Read more: 17 Suspended From Plant That Makes Military Parts After Video Allegedly Shows Workers Drinking, Smoking Marijuana | Fox News

17 Suspended From Plant That Makes Military Parts After Video Allegedly Shows Workers Drinking, Smoking Marijuana | Fox News
Just secretly wondering if the union would let that happen if they weren't caught on film.
Bad idea to smoke or drink on the job.

They ought to be suspended.
Plasma are you 2 years old!! Welcome to my ignore list so I dont have to see your childish post
Bad idea to smoke or drink on the job.

They ought to be suspended.
They need to be fired period. No suspension. This is drawing out the process. Here in GA , no questions asked your fired period for stuff like this.
It's great news when more people lose their jobs while so many are unemployed. Should they have been smoking dope? No. But I still don't see it as a time for celebration.

I actually posted last night, that if it were to become a law in this country that EVERY employed person were to be drug tested, I would venture to say that at least a million would lose their jobs in one day.

How many of you out there are slipping a lortab here and there, who do not have a prescription for it? Or how many of you are slipping oxy's while you're working, to relieve your "severe back pain" while sitting at your desk all day? Possibly doing accounting which effects peoples' credit scores.

Let's not be hypocrites here.
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Just secretly wondering if the union would let that happen if they weren't caught on film.

Heck yeah they need those union dues

These people have been doing a job that needs to be done. They screwed up and will be fired. But the work will still be there to be done. Which means that new people will be hired. Which means the union fees will remain unaffected.
Oh, I think it's also worth noting that there are lots of people who do things at work that they shouldn't, including doing drugs and drinking. It happens alot, by lots of people who AREN'T in unions. This has nothing to do with unions.
It's wrong. They have to be fired. There's just no getting around that. Their jobs are pretty serious jobs. You can't be stoned or hammered doing those jobs. Some jobs i would be more lenient about but not these. They gotta go.
What does this have to do with the union? Non-union members don't use drugs? Great, now we can save a ton of money on drug testing!
Oh, I think it's also worth noting that there are lots of people who do things at work that they shouldn't, including doing drugs and drinking. It happens alot, by lots of people who AREN'T in unions. This has nothing to do with unions.

non union employees would be fired on the spot.. these union thugs have to go through a "process"
It's the Republicans fault, the Republicans took away their right to collectively bargain for two bong hit breaks per shift.......

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