UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives in Lansing

Where were the Governors of Wisconsin and Florida, for that matter where was the governor of MI? Where were Limbaugh and Hannity, Bachmann and Palin, where were those who are pushing the radical agenda of Fascist Plutocracy? They were going to the bank cashing the checks of plutocrats like the Koch Brothers and others like them; payment for doing their bidding in manipulating good men and women hoodwinked by the Rhetoric of the Tea Party leadership.

Only idiots couldn't figure out that the labor movement is not made of late-middle age men in gray suits and red ties - the labor movement is populated by real men, and in this century real women, who when fucked with respond and sometimes that response ain't pretty.

Of course the cowardly callous conservatives parrot the agenda of the Fascist Plutocrats while hiding behind their keyboards. Don't expect this radical agenda to win in the streets, it may win in the closed hall of state legislatures, but it will never win the hearts and minds of the working people and will never achieve their agenda to make America into a caste system.

From now on, anybody who calls the other side communist or fascist, is an idiot.
And I reiterate my question: what was the AFP doing there? What was said to make the union members go off like that?
UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives in Lansing

by Jim Hoft
December 11, 2012

UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives at Michigan Capitol

Union Thugs trampled and destroyed conservative group Americans for Prosperity’s tent at the state capitol today during protests against right to work legislation. AFP members were caught inside and trampled during the attack.
Via America Live:

More… Union goons tore down AFP tent at MI capitol, with elderly trapped underneath, while chanting “This is what democracy looks like.”

New tone? Mich. Democrat threatens violence over right-to-work vote; ‘There will be blood’; Update: Mich. Dems proudly tweet violence threat; Update: Video added; Thugs follow-through; AFP tent stormed, Steven Crowder punched​

New tone? Mich. Democrat threatens violence over right-to-work vote; ‘There will be blood’; Update: Mich. Dems proudly tweet violence threat; Update: Video added; Thugs follow-through; AFP tent stormed, Steven Crowder punched | Twitchy

So there's a shaky minute video of people milling around on top of a tarp brought to us by Fox News and that equates to a union riot?
So there's a shaky minute video of people milling around on top of a tarp brought to us by Fox News and that equates to a union riot?

Don't tarps have rights? When tarps are outlawed...only outlaws will have tarps!
So there's a shaky minute video of people milling around on top of a tarp brought to us by Fox News and that equates to a union riot?

Don't tarps have rights? When tarps are outlawed...only outlaws will have tarps!

Considering how many cameras were there... why didn't any of the violence and the "OH THE HUMANITY!!!" moments that are being claimed in this thread get caught on tape? Not to mention at the State Capitol where there's mass protesting from all of this, this pier six brawl got so wild that we clearly see no police involved or even giving a second look?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F54rqDh2mWA]Hindenburg disaster - YouTube[/ame]

RWers have a difficult time sorting out what a real problem is from one that is not...
It's kind of weird that Americans for plutocratic prosperity would even show up to a place like that, still trying to pretend they are grassroots I suppose.

The same, tired, "If people disgree with me they must be dumb/evil/paid shills" matra those on the left use to avoid debating actual topics, or admit someone just as smart and caring as they are can actually beleive in something different.

Sheep, all of you, sheep.

Baa Baa Muthafuka, if the KKK set up a booth at a rap concert or a bunch of alphamales invaded a feminist rally and started slapping fannies and got roughed up you would think that they probably should have seen it coming. The lobbyists, yes Americans for prosperity is a DC lobbying firm, set up a great big target in a sea of pissed off people for the express purpose of provoking "union thugs", they wanted this to happen and deserve whatever happened. Taunting a crowd of protesters is dangerous business.

Guess you know what people were feeling when they passed Obamacare now.

At least nobody got spit on. That would be terrible.
Both Stephanie and PredFan forget or never learned the history of the labor movement. Times change but human nature remains the same. I suggest the not willfully ignorant - don't suppose I believe either of them are willfully ignorant - refresh their knowledge of history, both world and here in our country.
I love it , the media went nuts when an accusation were made that a tea partier spit on a congressman and used vile language during the obamacare gig, despite the fact not one shred of evidence has ever surfaced to support that, yet here on camera we have violence, and not only one the right to work folks but cameraman to that were there to cover it, I wonder how cbs abc nbc cnn mslsd at al will cover this....:eusa_whistle:

guess that that progressive civil discourse we have been told to follow...:lol:
UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives in Lansing

by Jim Hoft
December 11, 2012

UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives at Michigan Capitol

Union Thugs trampled and destroyed conservative group Americans for Prosperity’s tent at the state capitol today during protests against right to work legislation. AFP members were caught inside and trampled during the attack.
Via America Live:

More… Union goons tore down AFP tent at MI capitol, with elderly trapped underneath, while chanting “This is what democracy looks like.”

New tone? Mich. Democrat threatens violence over right-to-work vote; ‘There will be blood’; Update: Mich. Dems proudly tweet violence threat; Update: Video added; Thugs follow-through; AFP tent stormed, Steven Crowder punched​

New tone? Mich. Democrat threatens violence over right-to-work vote; ‘There will be blood’; Update: Mich. Dems proudly tweet violence threat; Update: Video added; Thugs follow-through; AFP tent stormed, Steven Crowder punched | Twitchy

I was so shocked you could have knocked me over with a wrecking ball.
Um... what violence do you have on tape? There's just a shaky minute long video of dudes milling around on top of a tarp.

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