UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives in Lansing

Wow. We should pass a law to make assault illegal! Oh, wait... it already is.

that didn't stop your thugs did it?

I don't have any thugs.

If a state wants to stop more criminals it should hire more police.

...or encourage citizens to perform citizen's arrest of union goons that get violent.

I mean, after all, the bastards are brazen enough to do it while knowing there's gonna be a video cam goin' nearby! Just video them and DETAIN THEM UNTIL THE POLICE ARRIVE!

Fuckin' union goons...need to GO TO JAIL!
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There seems to be a break in that footage. How did the guy who allegedly assault Crowder wind up on the ground first?
Baa Baa Muthafuka, if the KKK set up a booth at a rap concert or a bunch of alphamales invaded a feminist rally and started slapping fannies and got roughed up you would think that they probably should have seen it coming. The lobbyists, yes Americans for prosperity is a DC lobbying firm, set up a great big target in a sea of pissed off people for the express purpose of provoking "union thugs", they wanted this to happen and deserve whatever happened. Taunting a crowd of protesters is dangerous business.

"Look at how she was dressed, Your Honor. She was ASKING to be raped!"

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"Accordingly, AFP opposes labor unions, health care reform, stimulus spending, and cap-and-trade legislation, which is aimed at making industries pay for the air pollution that they create. AFP was also involved in the attacks on Obama’s "green jobs" czar, Van Jones, and has crusaded against international climate talks. According to an article in the August 30, 2010 issue of The New Yorker, the Kochs are known for "creating slippery organizations with generic-sounding names," that "make it difficult to ascertain the extent of their influence in Washington." AFP's budget surged from $7 million in 2007 to $40 million in 2010, an election year. As of August 13th, Americans for Prosperity spent an estimated $45 million on ads to influence the 2012 presidential election, their total budget for 2012 will top $100 million. For a more detailed summary of AFP's 2012 election activities, see: Americans for Prosperity in the 2012 Election."


If you can't play with the big-boys, keep your candy-ass at home.​
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Another rightwing myth is born. Congratulations.

First, the 'liberals' crucify Jesus...

2000 years later, this guy and his tent are victims of liberals...

What next?

Certainly, the Second Coming MUST be at hand.

I guess those rumors of Obama being the Antichrist must be true as well.

It's a good think everyone has bought gold and silver in anticipation of the currency crashing. Now, it's time to lock and load our weapons and get down in the basement to count those packages of ramen we've been buying for the last four years in anticipation of the End Times.
So, why was AFP there, what happened for the protestors to get violent, and most of all, who is AFP??



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Where were the Governors of Wisconsin and Florida, for that matter where was the governor of MI? Where were Limbaugh and Hannity, Bachmann and Palin, where were those who are pushing the radical agenda of Fascist Plutocracy? They were going to the bank cashing the checks of plutocrats like the Koch Brothers and others like them; payment for doing their bidding in manipulating good men and women hoodwinked by the Rhetoric of the Tea Party leadership.

Only idiots couldn't figure out that the labor movement is not made of late-middle age men in gray suits and red ties - the labor movement is populated by real men, and in this century real women, who when fucked with respond and sometimes that response ain't pretty.

Of course the cowardly callous conservatives parrot the agenda of the Fascist Plutocrats while hiding behind their keyboards. Don't expect this radical agenda to win in the streets, it may win in the closed hall of state legislatures, but it will never win the hearts and minds of the working people and will never achieve their agenda to make America into a caste system.
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Where were the Governors of Wisconsin and Florida, for that matter where was the governor of MI? Where were Limbaugh and Hannity, Bachmann and Palin, where were those who are pushing the radical agenda of Fascist Plutocracy? They were going to the bank cashing the checks of plutocrats like the Koch Brothers and others like them; payment for doing their bidding in manipulating good men and women hoodwinked by the Rhetoric of the Tea Party leadership.

Only idiots couldn't figure out that the labor movement is not made of late-middle age men in gray suits and red ties - the labor movement is populated by real men, and in this century real women, who when fucked with respond and sometimes that response ain't pretty.

Of course the cowardly callous conservatives parrot the agenda of the Fascist Plutocrats while hiding behind their keyboards. Don't expect this radical agenda to win in the streets, it may win in the closed hall of state legislatures, but it will never win the hearts and minds of the working people and will never achieve their agenda to make America into a caste system.

LOL, yeah that's why the people vote for right to right in their states...and Union membership is Sooooooooooooooooooooooo dropping
what a rant

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