unions are a good thing! :D


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
union membership is as much a moral committment as an economic strategy. unions thrived on solidarity, a notion that people have greater power when they work together and that shared prosperity helps shield everyone from the consequences of individual misfortune
union membership is as much a moral committment as an economic strategy. unions thrived on solidarity, a notion that people have greater power when they work together and that shared prosperity helps shield everyone from the consequences of individual misfortune
I was in a union and benefited from it. I supervised union people and watched as their leadership pulled certain types in and did no favors for other out of the loop types. Like anything else, they can be good or bad depending on their makeup.
I was never in a union.

But I worked at companies that had union workers. And whenever they got an increase in wages or benefits, we so called professional staffers also got a bump.

So am I pro union? You bet your ass I am!
I was never in a union.

But I worked at companies that had union workers. And whenever they got an increase in wages or benefits, we so called professional staffers also got a bump.

So am I pro union? You bet your ass I am!

Unions gave us a middle class, the 5 day work week, safety, child labor laws, and did I mention they gave us a middle class?
I was never in a union.

But I worked at companies that had union workers. And whenever they got an increase in wages or benefits, we so called professional staffers also got a bump.

So am I pro union? You bet your ass I am!

Unions gave us a middle class, the 5 day work week, safety, child labor laws, and did I mention they gave us a middle class?

And unions did wonders for our auto, steel and airline industries. DERP!
I am OK with private sector unions, although I think they can, and have destroyed companies, and entire industries. However, Public Sector unions should be ILLEGAL as they are just a Democrat money laundering vehicle, and a huge conflict of interest that work against he very people they work for. The TAXPAYER.
unions impact millions of union families, but they also impact non-union families. unions change the economics of the workforce and use their growing clout on behalf of all workers.
Unions HAD a purpose when pulling levers and screwing stuff together WAS a career. Now they don't understand that very MEANING of "a job" has drastically changed. No one "special skill" makes you indispensable, A job today is more multi-faceted, flexible position that does NOT fit the rigid concept of "work rules" or specialization..

And yet, the Unions plug along with their 19th century definition of "a job". Don't do SHIT about people's CAREERS and continuing education like other professional societies.. I'm OK with them. THEY are an endangered species if they don't evolve.

Just like the remaining jobs they represent.. The Droid Jobs.. And Govt employees.

But I repeated myself there... :banana:
Unions have had such an impact on the US that we built an enormous monument to them. It spreads across the whole Great Lakes and is called the Rust Belt.

Unions are like corporations and religions - all started with a good idea and all mis-managed by humans.
union membership is as much a moral committment as an economic strategy. unions thrived on solidarity, a notion that people have greater power when they work together and that shared prosperity helps shield everyone from the consequences of individual misfortune
Nothing like promising people the moon, then when it doesnt happen the tell their workers to go out and strike, while they union bosses flourish in union dues, even when the union "worker" isnt getting paid. Also, Pensions promised are taxed as earned income so end up taking a large chunk of retirement from said "worker" because liberal elites and union bosses once again screw over their constituents. Get out of a union, put your money into stocks that pay dividends, you will get more out of your retirement with less taxes and not have to rely on some Union asshole to not spend your money and lose your retirement.

Pension crisis sparks reform debate | nwLaborPress
Union have outlived their usefulness, They are nothing more than another deduction on your paycheck, They create mediocrity in companies
Unions will go away and wages, worker benefits will slowly erode. Eventually workers will wake up and when things get bad enough and people start to resent this unions will have to come back. History just recycles itself.
Unions will go away and wages, worker benefits will slowly erode. Eventually workers will wake up and when things get bad enough and people start to resent this unions will have to come back. History just recycles itself.
I worked for a union for 1 year, when I left it, my salary went up because the company wanted me for my skills. Only worthless fucks work for a union, because they dont know how to barter for better pay.
we need a rebirth of organized labor in america. people are writing unions' obituary, not so fast!
we need a rebirth of organized labor in america. people are writing unions' obituary, not so fast!

Unfortunately, unions are dead in America. Right wingers started killing them under Reagan, and now the funeral is all that is left to do. Unions were a response to obscene actions by corporations and the rich. Trump might just be enough to cause a rebirth of unions.
Mexicans are bad because they drive wages down.

Unions are bad because they drive wages up.

There’s just no pleasing you people now is there?
Mexicans are bad because they drive wages down.

Unions are bad because they drive wages up.

There’s just no pleasing you people now is there?

Yes, there is no pleasing us. Why should we want artificial forces to affect the labor market in ANY WAY? Both artificially low labor costs, and artificially high labor costs ARE BAD for the economy.

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