United States ( 12 ) Patent Application Publication Pub . Date : Sep. 3 , 2020

It is real, why would they be seeking a Patent so many months prior to the break out. Progs can't seem to understand that.

Um. No.

Of course. You could be right. In Fantasyland.

You lose kid.

Actually, I’ve won. You see, I can describe my beliefs, unlike you. If you don’t understand why your are wrong, you should try and figure it out. Isn’t that your advice for others?

Of course, you won’t even consider the fact that you are wrong. The name of the disease is COVID 19. It began in December 2019. The modifications to the existing health wristbands and software took a couple days, max. And Patent Applications are not a months long effort. Anyone can file a patent application. The award of the Patent is oftentimes a years long event. The application can be done in no time.

Of course, I’m not surprised that someone like you, with limited mental capacity, would confuse the two. You are suffering from what is technically termed Confirmation Bias. That is to say that you believe that there is a conspiracy, and any information you find is either planted, or supports your beliefs. The planted is obviously disinformation. Obvious for us, not so much for you.

I’ve bought things before that had Patent Pending on it, even when it had been out for some time. That’s all that this is. Patent Pending. Anyone can nail two pieces of wood together, put some paperwork together, and submit the patent request. The patent pending means if anyone else nails the wood together like that, and the patent is awarded, owes the original designer some money.

Of course, you know none of this, but hey, why should facts get in the way of your insane theories. You KNOW what the truth is. Regardless of proof, or lack thereof.

Do you not see the problem here?

You read that over, use your critical thinking skills, and get back to me.

I'll wait right here.

Oh look, my own little ankle biter how are you this morning son?
Don't get distracted, kiddo, concentrate. You can figure out the glaring inconsistency in you OP.

I have confidence in you. You can do it.

Think, boi! Think!

Son you aren't in my league and I'm just a schmuck on the internet.
So, did you figure out the problem?

I seriously doubt it.

Do you not see the problem here?

You read that over, use your critical thinking skills, and get back to me.

I'll wait right here.

Oh look, my own little ankle biter how are you this morning son?
Don't get distracted, kiddo, concentrate. You can figure out the glaring inconsistency in you OP.

I have confidence in you. You can do it.

Think, boi! Think!

Son you aren't in my league and I'm just a schmuck on the internet.
So, did you figure out the problem?

I seriously doubt
LOL, you simply aren't smart enough to understand what you read.

Call me kid

Do you not see the problem here?

You read that over, use your critical thinking skills, and get back to me.

I'll wait right here.

Oh look, my own little ankle biter how are you this morning son?
Don't get distracted, kiddo, concentrate. You can figure out the glaring inconsistency in you OP.

I have confidence in you. You can do it.

Think, boi! Think!

Son you aren't in my league and I'm just a schmuck on the internet.
So, did you figure out the problem?

I seriously doubt
LOL, you simply aren't smart enough to understand what you read.

Call me kid
Tell me, junior, what does the "19" in "covid-19" stand for?
it looks like the black person's head is not attached to the rest of the body.

maybe that's the problem here.

The guys is immobilized and all know YWEHO.
aha. and therefore the moron started this thread.

seems legit, no trick pony.

LOL, oh golly a twit tried to hurt my feelers :( You aren't intelligent enough for that to happen.
so, explain your OP, scholar.

Nope. Figure it out. You black folk just aren't up to it.
lame loser. you don't need to be a patent attorney to understand this, racist.

You simply aren't intelligent enough to understand what you've read. Me? Come at me.
you cannot even express what your problem is. well, one of your many problems. this piece of shit thread is based on your absolute ignorance of time lines, dates, patent law, decency, and your immense cowardice.
it looks like the black person's head is not attached to the rest of the body.

maybe that's the problem here.

The guys is immobilized and all know YWEHO.
aha. and therefore the moron started this thread.

seems legit, no trick pony.

LOL, oh golly a twit tried to hurt my feelers :( You aren't intelligent enough for that to happen.
so, explain your OP, scholar.

Nope. Figure it out. You black folk just aren't up to it.
lame loser. you don't need to be a patent attorney to understand this, racist.

One of you better purse swings in those high heels hun.

If you can't comprehend just pull trhe race card and run away.
the one running away is the op, who is obviously a racist, and cannot explain himself. but you rather queef about me pointing that out, than provide anything of value ever to any thread. i am shocked.

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