United States Imperialism

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Reagan supported (and more) his pal Saddam in the Iran Iraq War, Also supported scumbag dictators genocidal repression in several central American countries....Dulles, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney- lying scumbag fascist swine under big smile out of touchers like Reagan and W Booosh- incompetent fools...

Well, the Iranian mullahs really sucked.
Thanks Carter, you worthless demtwat.
You do know your news sources are no different. See NY Times and Wapo.
The GOP base are the only people in the world who believe that crap. You think journalistic operations and media of record respected by the entire world are the same as your brand new admitted scumbag pundits of proven "anything for a buck" murdoch who has been thrown out of Australia and UK already. The Internet conspiracy nuts are even worse. The silent majority and the now loudmouth majority of the GOP have been fools for the big money scumbag GOP forever. Thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt dereg depressions.
Well, the Iranian mullahs really sucked.
Thanks Carter, you worthless demtwat.
Blame the GOP that overturned their election in 1953 and of course Dulles Kissinger Nixon's anything for a dictator policies. I don't think the Iranians loved the Tehran Oil Men of the USFL or the secret police...so how did Reagan's Pal Saddam end up? Great job!
Blame the GOP that overturned their election in 1953 and of course Dulles Kissinger Nixon's anything for a dictator policies. I don't think the Iranians loved the Tehran Oil Men of the USFL or the secret police...so how did Reagan's Pal Saddam end up? Great job!

Blame the GOP that overturned their election in 1953

That was so sad. How many votes for/against the winner of that 1953 election?
Because they were running wars against Kosovo and more politically approved rebels in Libya... Nato made them stop.

BS. Democratic foreign policy is about human rights and stopping wars, while Republican foreign policy is about Confrontation and war mongering, sanctions covert action, being incompetent like 9/11 and the stupidest longest wars ever.... The GOP sucks totally and makes Democrats and America look bad. Foreigners have a tough time not being totally obnoxious about it....
No trouble seeing they've got YOU programmed.
What a load of total crap! What about the last 40 years, how is Reagan Pal Saddam doing? The Middle East has been on fire since Reagan... The GOP is always confronting... Under the Dulles Brothers and Kissinger and Rumsfeld, the Republicans have overthrown elections in Iran Chile Argentina Nicaragua costa Rica El Salvador you name it, Socialists in Latin America because they don't know what a socialist is LOL. Absolutely ridiculous. The Republicans took over Hawaii in the 1890s and were always in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, always causing trouble. Conservatives are imperialists that's the way it's always been, while liberals try to fix their messes.... Ditto in the economy, they just love corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts and depressions whenever they get the chance....
The largest and most serious imperialism happening right now is the infux of migrants from the Biden open border policy/lunacy....
Blame the GOP that overturned their election in 1953 and of course Dulles Kissinger Nixon's anything for a dictator policies. I don't think the Iranians loved the Tehran Oil Men of the USFL or the secret police...so how did Reagan's Pal Saddam end up? Great job!
This thread has turned into a history class.
Texas declared it's independance from Mexico in 1836. The Mexican-American war had nothing to do with Texan settlements in Texas.
FALSE! Regardless of what Texans declared, Mexico still claimed Texas as part of Mexico. The Texas settlements had plenty to do with the Mexican-American war.
The US declared it's independence from England in 1776. Wanna say that had "nothing to do with" the US Revolutionary War ?
You fucking clod, the middle east has been on fire since the BRITISH drew imaginary lines in the sand when they carved up the Ottoman Empire.

And you claim to have a Masters in history.

What a joke you are!
Degrees of Separation From Reality

It's unrealistic to imply that he doesn't know the kind of THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE history that will get the mind-slave a Masters, a PhD, and even a professorship.
Reagan supported (and more) his pal Saddam in the Iran Iraq War, Also supported scumbag dictators genocidal repression in several central American countries....Dulles, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney- lying scumbag fascist swine under big smile out of touchers like Reagan and W Booosh- incompetent fools...
Exactly like Clinton, Obama, and dumb Joe.
Going off your posts looks to me like you are coming from a Ustashi Croatia, centuries? do me a favour.
What? Do you live in Serbia? They are definitely on probation after the massacres and shenanigans they were up to in 1990s. Your blind hatred of Muslims is noted and I think it's a great idea for you to live in Serbia and to let Kosovo go. The problems of democracy are solved by more democracy...
What? Do you live in Serbia? They are definitely on probation after the massacres and shenanigans they were up to in 1990s. Your blind hatred of Muslims is noted and I think it's a great idea for you to live in Serbia and to let Kosovo go. The problems of democracy are solved by more democracy...
No i am not Serbian i am English, there was a civil war in Bosnia bad things were done on all sides but watching all the Bullshit MSM over the years you would think no Serbs were killed, ever hear of a guy called Naser Oric? check that savage out, and what makes you think i hate Muslims?
No i am not Serbian i am English, there was a civil war in Bosnia bad things were done on all sides but watching all the Bullshit MSM over the years you would think no Serbs were killed, ever hear of a guy called Naser Oric? check that savage out, and what makes you think i hate Muslims?
The Serbs killed 7000 Muslims just like Nazis. because you can't stop babbling about the jihadists behind everything.
The Serbs killed 7000 Muslims just like Nazis. because you can't stop babbling about the jihadists behind everything.
Did they? according to who? are you talking about the Srebrenica scam? and i am not babbling about Jihadis i am telling you what happened, Bill Clinton enabled thousands of them to enter Bosnia head hacking their way through the Country.
No i am not Serbian i am English, there was a civil war in Bosnia bad things were done on all sides but watching all the Bullshit MSM over the years you would think no Serbs were killed, ever hear of a guy called Naser Oric? check that savage out, and what makes you think i hate Muslims?
So what do you think about the crap propaganda that led to brexit and do you think Tories are lying scumbags? I should be a dual citizen of UK. My father joined brit army before Pearl Harbour. Met essex nurse....I learned to speak English and drive in UK . QE, QM 3 times each, 3 Saxonia class, and Columbia 1913 lol...Gt Yeldham and Cambridge, Fuengirola Expat
Did they? according to who? are you talking about the Srebrenica scam? and i am not babbling about Jihadis i am telling you what happened, Bill Clinton enabled thousands of them to enter Bosnia head hacking their way through the Country.
Unfortunately you are a right wing conspiracy nut. Where do you get that from in UK- i've been wondering about the brexit thing. The more ignorant they were about refugees and the EU, the more reliable they were to vote for Brexit.
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