United States Imperialism

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… and i pointed out the brutal Nato attack on the former Yugoslavia … they didn't attack any Nato Country, Nato attacked them.
they were running wars against Kosovo ... Nato made them stop.
Human rights a stopping wars LOL!! you can't believe that bullshit yourself, here is the war criminal Bill Clinton with Izetbegocic the Islamist fascist,
I think it is important to note that the U.S./ NATO interventions in ex-Yugoslavia were not primarily “imperialist military adventures” as was our intervention in Libya, Iraq, or — going back much further — Vietnam. I think defending narrow European economic (or historic cultural) interests in different parts of Yugoslavia (especially Croatia and Slovenia) were not the key “motivating” element for Western military interventions there.

The military interventions in ex-Yugoslavian regions came after brutal civil wars broke out and were designed to stop the massacres and genocide and establish peace. This was an extraordinarily difficult thing to do, but it was essentially accomplished.

The Russians were neither inclined nor in any position back then to do an equally “successful” job. I believe most of the people living today in the seven “independent” states existing in ex-Yugoslavia are better off than they would be if the diplomatic and forceful U.S. / NATO intervention never occurred, and the civil wars continued. (The bombing of civilian bridges in Belgrade, however, to me seemed both wrong and unnecessary.)

This doesn’t mean that either the U.S. or the NATO alliance always act as “peacekeeping forces” or as a “defensive alliance” or that they never simply advance Western economic and political interests, or that mistakes weren’t made, or that the strong Serbian “Slavic” connection to Russia wasn’t also a factor.

It just means that in cases of interpenetrated peoples it can be damn difficult to resolve difficulties once civil war begins — and sometimes only a judicious exercise of outside power is needed to end “endless wars.”

Tito’s Communist partisans did a good job of forging a united Yugoslavia out of the boiling cauldron of mutually hostile, fascist and jingoistic national groups with hostilities going back centuries that existed and were murdering each other during WWII, but that unity and initial pride in Yugoslavia grew from the barrel of communist partisan’s guns as well as from an internationalist ideology, as well as from Tito standing up to Stalin. It simply could not last when Tito died and new economic opportunities asserted themselves on the regions’ market economies, and the old regime’s new leaders themselves turned nationalist.

It is too easy just to take sides, to portray everything and every group as all good or bad according to one’s own national or narrow party partisan perspective. The Bosniak Muslim leader Izetbegović, for example, cannot be accurately labeled “an Islamic fascist,” anymore than Milosevic can be called a Serbian fascist — though there were plenty of bloody fascistic criminal elements fighting on all sides, committing atrocities, etc.
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I think it is important to note that the U.S./ NATO interventions in ex-Yugoslavia were not primarily “imperialist military adventures” as was our intervention in Libya, Iraq, or — going back much further — Vietnam. I think defending narrow European economic (or historic cultural) interests in different parts of Yugoslavia (especially Croatia and Slovenia) were not the key “motivating” element for Western military interventions there.

The military interventions in ex-Yugoslavian regions came after brutal civil wars broke out and were designed to stop the massacres and genocide and establish peace. This was an extraordinarily difficult thing to do, but it was essentially accomplished.

The Russians were neither inclined nor in any position back then to do an equally “successful” job. I believe most of the people living today in the seven “independent” states existing in ex-Yugoslavia are better off than they would be if the diplomatic and forceful U.S. / NATO intervention never occurred, and the civil wars continued. (The bombing of civilian bridges in Belgrade, however, to me seemed both wrong and unnecessary.)

This doesn’t mean that either the U.S. or the NATO alliance always act as “peacekeeping forces” or as a “defensive alliance” or that they never simply advance Western economic and political interests, or that mistakes weren’t made, or that the strong Serbian “Slavic” connection to Russia wasn’t also a factor.

It just means that in cases of interpenetrated peoples it can be damn difficult to resolve difficulties once civil war begins — and sometimes only a judicious exercise of outside power is needed to end “endless wars.”

Tito’s Communist partisans did a good job of forging a united Yugoslavia out of the boiling cauldron of mutually hostile, fascist and jingoistic national groups with hostilities going back centuries that existed and were murdering each other during WWII, but that unity and initial pride in Yugoslavia grew from the barrel of communist partisan’s guns as well as from an internationalist ideology, as well as from Tito standing up to Stalin. It simply could not last when Tito died and new economic opportunities asserted themselves on the regions’ market economies, and the old regime’s new leaders themselves turned nationalist.

It is too easy just to take sides, to portray everything and every group as all good or bad according to one’s own national or narrow party partisan perspective. The Bosniak Muslim leader Izetbegović, for example, cannot be accurately labeled “an Islamic fascist,” anymore than Milosevic can be called a Serbian fascist — though there were plenty of bloody fascistic criminal elements fighting on all sides, committing atrocities, etc.
Even though I agree with much of your post - the factual occurrences in regards to Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the historic timeline - offer a different view.

In the 70'ies Tito granted Croatia preference right's - which resulted in an immediate economic gain and growth for Croatia. Thereby strengthening the always existing interests and agendas of Croatian nationalists - hence demanding even more autonomy - right down to self-rule. as a result Tito then withdrew these privileges.

In wake of the Soviet withdrawal from eastern Europe in 1989, Croatian nationalist again took their chances and declared independence in 1991. The strongest backer aside from the USA was Germany's old time foreign minister Genscher. He had kind of overslept or was passed over in the process of the German reunification and therefore was desperate to make a name for himself - thus immediately pushing Germany, and the EU towards recognition of Slovenia and Croatia's sovereignty and accreditation by the UN. (1992).

Whilst Serbian held enclaves in Croatia were putting up resistance (militias) and a UN mandate was established for Croatia, another referendum was held in Bosnia in 1992 - boycotted by the Serb population. As a reaction/result to the UN recognition of Croatia, Serbian government troops that had previously withdrawn from Slovenia and Croatia went back into action towards Bosnia - thus resulting in the known atrocities committed on all sides. Whereby those of the Serb committed atrocities certainly outranked the others from 1993 onward.
Even before Croatia was accredited by the UN - NATO was already in action to equip and train the new Croatian Armed Forces - foremost, you guessed right - by the USA. (conducted by "private" US companies - PMCs ) - just as in Ukraine and so many other countries, there is no need for an official NATO/US involvement, to press/support/initiate US global interests.

This enabled Croatia to start two major military offensives against Serb-militia held territory in 1995 (Krajina region and eastern Slavonia) - thereby achieving the first Serbian military defeat since 1991, and thus in return resulting in more violent actions by Serb militias and the Serbian Armed Forces in Bosnia and Croatia.

The Dayton Accord - brokered by the USA - not NATO - did not provide a final result for the Eastern Slavonic issue. However Milosevic agreed to return eastern Slovenia to Croatia in 1996. Croatia recovered full sovereignty over eastern Slavonia in 1998.

Since then NATO aka USA has been pushing it's NATO expansion not just Eastward but also towards the other "new" former Yugoslav states.
I think it is important to note that the U.S./ NATO interventions in ex-Yugoslavia were not primarily “imperialist military adventures” as was our intervention in Libya, Iraq, or — going back much further

It is my personal belief that the 4-5 year preparation for Operation Storm in Croatia (involving some 400,000 men on all sides and lasting a week) - became the blueprint for the US engagement in Ukraine. However the USA had/has to find out the hard way, that Ukrainians and their government are not Croatians and the Croatian government.
Oh nonsense, I have been a businessman here in the US.

Want to know the largest threat that is killing businesses in the US? People deciding to spend their money online and purchasing most of their stuff directly from overseas.

You really do have a simplistic concept of how commerce works, don't you?
Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.

They lied about Vietnam
They lied about Afghanistan
They lied about Iraq
They lied about Libya
They lied about Syria
They lied about Yemen
And they're lying today about Ukraine
I think it is important to note that the U.S./ NATO interventions in ex-Yugoslavia were not primarily “imperialist military adventures” as was our intervention in Libya, Iraq, or — going back much further — Vietnam. I think defending narrow European economic (or historic cultural) interests in different parts of Yugoslavia (especially Croatia and Slovenia) were not the key “motivating” element for Western military interventions there.

The military interventions in ex-Yugoslavian regions came after brutal civil wars broke out and were designed to stop the massacres and genocide and establish peace. This was an extraordinarily difficult thing to do, but it was essentially accomplished.

The Russians were neither inclined nor in any position back then to do an equally “successful” job. I believe most of the people living today in the seven “independent” states existing in ex-Yugoslavia are better off than they would be if the diplomatic and forceful U.S. / NATO intervention never occurred, and the civil wars continued. (The bombing of civilian bridges in Belgrade, however, to me seemed both wrong and unnecessary.)

This doesn’t mean that either the U.S. or the NATO alliance always act as “peacekeeping forces” or as a “defensive alliance” or that they never simply advance Western economic and political interests, or that mistakes weren’t made, or that the strong Serbian “Slavic” connection to Russia wasn’t also a factor.

It just means that in cases of interpenetrated peoples it can be damn difficult to resolve difficulties once civil war begins — and sometimes only a judicious exercise of outside power is needed to end “endless wars.”

Tito’s Communist partisans did a good job of forging a united Yugoslavia out of the boiling cauldron of mutually hostile, fascist and jingoistic national groups with hostilities going back centuries that existed and were murdering each other during WWII, but that unity and initial pride in Yugoslavia grew from the barrel of communist partisan’s guns as well as from an internationalist ideology, as well as from Tito standing up to Stalin. It simply could not last when Tito died and new economic opportunities asserted themselves on the regions’ market economies, and the old regime’s new leaders themselves turned nationalist.

It is too easy just to take sides, to portray everything and every group as all good or bad according to one’s own national or narrow party partisan perspective. The Bosniak Muslim leader Izetbegović, for example, cannot be accurately labeled “an Islamic fascist,” anymore than Milosevic can be called a Serbian fascist — though there were plenty of bloody fascistic criminal elements fighting on all sides, committing atrocities, etc.
Good post but not all correct, Yugoslavia for the most part was a socialist project, that is the main reason it was taken down, there was nothing legal about the Nato attack, and they sided with two of the protaganists, the Croats and the Muslims in Bosnia, those two sided with the Nazis in WW2 so the Serbs when presented with take it or leave it by the Croats and Muslims, they said we will leave it because they remember three quarters of a million dead Serbs at the hands of the Croats and Muslims in WW2 and didn't want the same thing to happen again, if Nato had tried it these days they wouldn't have got away with it because Putin is in power.
Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.

They lied about Vietnam
They lied about Afghanistan
They lied about Iraq
They lied about Libya
They lied about Syria
They lied about Yemen
And they're lying today about Ukraine
Thats what they do to get the ill informed herd on board for their wars.
Even though I agree with much of your post - the factual occurrences in regards to Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the historic timeline - offer a different view.

In the 70'ies Tito granted Croatia preference right's - which resulted in an immediate economic gain and growth for Croatia. Thereby strengthening the always existing interests and agendas of Croatian nationalists - hence demanding even more autonomy - right down to self-rule. as a result Tito then withdrew these privileges.

In wake of the Soviet withdrawal from eastern Europe in 1989, Croatian nationalist again took their chances and declared independence in 1991. The strongest backer aside from the USA was Germany's old time foreign minister Genscher. He had kind of overslept or was passed over in the process of the German reunification and therefore was desperate to make a name for himself - thus immediately pushing Germany, and the EU towards recognition of Slovenia and Croatia's sovereignty and accreditation by the UN. (1992).

Whilst Serbian held enclaves in Croatia were putting up resistance (militias) and a UN mandate was established for Croatia, another referendum was held in Bosnia in 1992 - boycotted by the Serb population. As a reaction/result to the UN recognition of Croatia, Serbian government troops that had previously withdrawn from Slovenia and Croatia went back into action towards Bosnia - thus resulting in the known atrocities committed on all sides. Whereby those of the Serb committed atrocities certainly outranked the others from 1993 onward.
Even before Croatia was accredited by the UN - NATO was already in action to equip and train the new Croatian Armed Forces - foremost, you guessed right - by the USA. (conducted by "private" US companies - PMCs ) - just as in Ukraine and so many other countries, there is no need for an official NATO/US involvement, to press/support/initiate US global interests.

This enabled Croatia to start two major military offensives against Serb-militia held territory in 1995 (Krajina region and eastern Slavonia) - thereby achieving the first Serbian military defeat since 1991, and thus in return resulting in more violent actions by Serb militias and the Serbian Armed Forces in Bosnia and Croatia.

The Dayton Accord - brokered by the USA - not NATO - did not provide a final result for the Eastern Slavonic issue. However Milosevic agreed to return eastern Slovenia to Croatia in 1996. Croatia recovered full sovereignty over eastern Slavonia in 1998.

Since then NATO aka USA has been pushing it's NATO expansion not just Eastward but also towards the other "new" former Yugoslav states.
Operation Storm against Krijina was the blueprint the US/Nato had for the Ukrainians in Donbass, but they have been stopped at first by the Donbass militia in the DPR and LPR and since 2022 by the Russian army, operation Storm by the Croat fascists would have looked like a Sunday School picnic to what the people in Donbass would have faced if the Ukrainian Nationalists had prevailed.
It obvious to anyone who can think.

Why would you think you know more than one of our greatest generals?

I've studied the work of experts.

What make you think Eisenhower (a political general) whose main accomplishment was getting American and British officers to get along was such an expert on military spending?
Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.

They lied about Vietnam
They lied about Afghanistan
They lied about Iraq
They lied about Libya
They lied about Syria
They lied about Yemen
And they're lying today about Ukraine
;Prove it. And the U.S. never lied about Vietnam. The U.S. destroyer was attacked by North Vietnamese gunboats on August 2, 1964 IIRC. it was the alleged August 4th attack that did not take place and was publicly doubted by LBJ himself.
Why should anyone feel the need to provide - "political don't know anything's" like you, with known facts? - you are simply wasting peoples time.
Do your own research - based on facts, and not based on political agendas of the respective MSM's or political parties propagated bullshit.

I know you can't - you obviously are simply not able to. See your "remittance" crap - pure MAGA Bull, ignoring factual economic occurrences and the relationship between investing and drawing profits out of an investment - you talk the same Communist crap, that some Chinese bring into a discussion when stating:

These damn Western imperialists - only invest in China to exploit our workers, making huge profits and taking their profits out of China. Their managers get huge salaries and special income tax preferences - taking that income out of China, whilst spewing anti-China propaganda.

Obviously you must be a Commie.
Shame on you. I despise Commies and Lefty&Libs.
Do USMB posts get more ludicrous than this ? Yikes! Regarding "political" know nothings", would you like to try taking one of the quizzes in one of my Quiz for Liberals threads ? And thereby find out how much you don't know ? As for remittance imperialism, it other countries investing very little, and drawing huge profits from the migrants who they send to the US. Just ask Vicente Fox. He'll tell ya.
It shows no such thing, Russia has not attacked those Countries because at the moment they have no reason to do so, and i pointed out the brutal Nato attack on the former Yugoslavia and Libya, they didn't attack any Nato Country, Nato attacked them.
You do fine job of purporting to disagree with me, and then coming right back and agreeing with me. 🙄
What war did Reagan start??
Reagan supported (and more) his pal Saddam in the Iran Iraq War, Also supported scumbag dictators genocidal repression in several central American countries....Dulles, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney- lying scumbag fascist swine under big smile out of touchers like Reagan and W Booosh- incompetent fools...
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