United States investing millions to refurbish mosques as a good-will effort


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
un-fucking-believable *shakes head*

If this is true, I hope someone sends this info to Romney so he can make sure the entire country knows about it and so he can verbally beat Obama to a pulp.

America in debt up to it's eyeballs and our Shithead in Chief is sending money overseas to spruce up mosques.

Lifecycle cost of single f-22: $469 million.

Seems like a good financial judgment to me.
un-fucking-believable *shakes head*

If this is true, I hope someone sends this info to Romney so he can make sure the entire country knows about it and so he can verbally beat Obama to a pulp.

America in debt up to it's eyeballs and our Shithead in Chief is sending money overseas to spruce up mosques.

I wonder if we sent some camels over as well...
You know these guys must be tired of the same ones come date night.
Redirect the money to refurbishing embassies and consulates the faggot Muslims destroyed, all in the name of their pedophile prophet Mo and his cross-dressing buddy, allah.
Sounds like state support for religion to me.
So much for the "wall of separation".
Democrats have a peculiar approach to religion. At their convention, the atheists shouted down the Christian minister's proposal, but the chairman claimed by prearrangement, I'm sure, the motion carried against the louder shouts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTlC0brgGUI]Dems Deny Christ 3 Times - Before Barack Crowed - YouTube[/ame]

The Obama Democrat anti-religion crowd belies the chair of obfuscations to appease the American public until they can tear up the founders' religion, arguments, cause for anti-federalist government, and ultimately, their prize goal: tear up the US Constitution in favor of submission-only citizen response.
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab

I may be in a small minority among liberals, but I think this is BS. I think we should end all but humanitarian aid to foreign countries. Patching up mosques isn't going to change anybody's perceptions of the USA. To the extent it is possible while still maintaining diplomatic ties with countries, we should GTFO of the middle east.
And talking about intolerance and inequality...

Let's persecute muslims because i am not one of them !
We give humanitarian aid anyway! So what's worse, the fact that they are giving money to refurbish mosques and you guys know about it or giving aid which could be used to refurbish mosques anyway but you don't know about it? You guys act like every Muslim in the world harmed the U.S embassy and suddenly you guys have a problem with gestures of goodwill? If you guys call yourselves Christians or Jewish or whatever you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
A lot of cultural projects are as much to do with preserving historically important buildings as anything else.

Right around the world I see EU projects rebuilding old ruins, churches, mosques, museums...whatever. I think it is a nice thing for the benefit of humanity.

Also interesting that many of the countries listed as Christian countries, so it may also be that Mosque have not been well cared for by local governments who spend more money on churches.
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab

Seriously, I could not make this shit up............

You/they can and do...AFCP provides funds for restoration of historical sites started under Bush and goes to many project including historical Synagogues and Churches.

Lets take Yemen for example...restoration planned for Aden minaret used to be a Mosque a 1000 years ago but all that is left of the Mosque is the stunning historical architecture of the minaret overlooking the sea.
un-fucking-believable *shakes head*

If this is true, I hope someone sends this info to Romney so he can make sure the entire country knows about it and so he can verbally beat Obama to a pulp.

America in debt up to it's eyeballs and our Shithead in Chief is sending money overseas to spruce up mosques.

When has Romney worried about truth?
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
The countries in bold I can understand as they were damaged in a horrific civil war, but if they are going to repair mosques how about churches in the middle east? More absurd is the idea that Muslims should be bought off or rewarded for bad behavior.

The Obama administration has done a 'good-will campaign' across the Middle East and is staying silent about human rights abuses in Turkey and every other Muslim nation.

Because obviously the fact that they still sentence homosexuals, political dissidents and atheists to death is no longer important to him i.e. human rights is no longer important, so long as it makes extremist Muslims happy. Obama is no friend of human rights, the people fighting for democracy and human rights in the Middle East were betrayed by his speeches in Egypt which basically sucked up to the Brotherhood.

The irony is that Obama condemned Ghadaffi and now Assad, but is too cowardly to say that murder and violence committed by Muslims is wrong. I couldn't visit the Middle East (safely) aside from Israel, they would sentence me to death for being an Atheist, as their prophets image is more important than human life, gender equality, political and religious freedom.

So I am not surprised, they will be funding terrorists next. But if Russia's claims are well founded, they already are in Syria.
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
I hate to tell you this but bush did it also.
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
I hate to tell you this but bush did it also.
Not surprised, it runs in the family; his father invaded Iraq as well. :eusa_eh:
The State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.
Seriously, I could not make this shit up............
Think of it as a Taxpayer funded "This Old Mosque"

Just a cursory search of the term “mosque” on the State Department’s list of “projects” reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) — which is putting millions toward “heritage preservation” projects in the developing world — financed mosque-related projects in all the aforementioned countries.

Investigation Finds Obama Financing Mosques Worldwide With U.S. Taxpayer Dollars « Pat Dollard

and it seems it has been going on for awhile now
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
State Dept. Funds Mosque Rehab
I hate to tell you this but bush did it also.

Bush wasn't all bad.
Islam is a religion that stands for everything you on the left are against. Why do you help them?

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