Unity: A third of Democrats agree with Republicans that Trump’s reelection was stolen -poll


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
Unity: A third of Democrats agree with Republicans that Trump’s reelection was stolen -poll

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.
Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s a remarkable number. Huge, in fact.

Three quarters of Republicans think that, which should be no surprise to anyone. I’ve seen other polls suggesting the number was even higher.

The news, though, is that nearly a third of Democrats think the election was stolen. And why shouldn’t they? Bernie Sanders got his nominations stolen from the Democrats, both in 2016 and 2020, with enough records to show it.

All the more likely then that Democrats would conspire to steal the election from President Trump, based on what Democratic voters have experienced of their own party. So while the media repeats over and over that there was no such thing as fraud, not even a sizable chunk of the Democrats are buying it.

Which is very bad news for Joe Biden, who, as PJMedia’s Matt Margolis notes. will now have an asterisk next to his name. He argues that President Bush had similar with the 2000 debacles and it didn’t help him any.

But even moreso, it raises the possibility that President Trump, should he win his court and recounting cases, has a strong possibility of unifying the country should he win and be seated into his second term. Biden has the inertia-support of about half the electorate, which obviously includes lukewarms who just want to move on. Now a sizable chunk has signalled unwillingness to accept his presidency as legitimate. Democrats and Republicans agree, Biden stole the election from Trump.

It certainly explains why Biden is trying to sweet talk the electorate with his nonsense unity talk. His real game is to talk voters into believing he actually won the election.
It certainly explains why Biden is trying to sweet talk the electorate with his nonsense unity talk. His real game is to talk voters into believing he actually won the election.
More baby-kissing and child-fondling.
Yet another thread on this bogus poll.
You're totally bald if you ever answer a question of one of these professional pollsters. Mommy's pulling her little boy's hair, asking him if he likes his haircut, and parading him around church like a poodle at dog show.
The headline is better, with the Trumped-Up Super-Spreaders losing popular momentum. They have no Trumped-Up led: Coughing and spitting events anymore!
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters think Trump should concede the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden. Just 33% disagree.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The answer is in prayer(?): Matt 25: 14-30! 1/3 get cast out. Everyone else is liberal Democrat!)
It certainly explains why Biden is trying to sweet talk the electorate with his nonsense unity talk. His real game is to talk voters into believing he actually won the election.
More baby-kissing and child-fondling.
Yet another thread on this bogus poll.
You're totally bald if you ever answer a question of one of these professional pollsters. Mommy's pulling her little boy's hair, asking him if he likes his haircut, and parading him around church like a poodle at dog show.

Polls are fine. Rasmussen historically is incredibly inaccurate. I think--my opinion--that they poll until they get the desired effect.
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Insane trumptwits

Hey shithead, those are Democrats saying it was stolen!

Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans say it’s Very Likely the Democrats stole the election, but just as many Democrats (61%) say it’s Not At All Likely. Among unaffiliateds, 29% feel it’s a stolen election; 45% do not.

Eighty percent (80%) of voters who do not believe Trump should concede yet think it’s Very Likely Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win. Fifteen percent (15%) of those who want Trump to concede agree.

The position that republicans have to oppose everything democratic no matter what will become more untenable as time goes on. Some sort of accommodation will have to be made or we are done as a nation. The right has gone as far right as they can go short of actively seeking the overthrow of the federal government. There is nowhere else to go except back towards the middle.
Now polls are good?


Rasmussen had Trump winning by3% (they were the only poll to do that). He lost by more than that
Insane trumptwits
Nice comment. I like how you used evidence and rationality to make your "argument".

I am surprised so many self identified liberals agree that his election has been hijacked
and not suprised that there are still zombies like you out and marking themselves as
absolute morons and witless deplorables clinging to a massive lie and now an all out cover up.

A smart person cuts their losses when they have a losing hand. An idiot goes all in when there is
no hope of winning.
Unity: A third of Democrats agree with Republicans that Trump’s reelection was stolen -poll

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.
Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s a remarkable number. Huge, in fact.

Three quarters of Republicans think that, which should be no surprise to anyone. I’ve seen other polls suggesting the number was even higher.

The news, though, is that nearly a third of Democrats think the election was stolen. And why shouldn’t they? Bernie Sanders got his nominations stolen from the Democrats, both in 2016 and 2020, with enough records to show it.

All the more likely then that Democrats would conspire to steal the election from President Trump, based on what Democratic voters have experienced of their own party. So while the media repeats over and over that there was no such thing as fraud, not even a sizable chunk of the Democrats are buying it.

Which is very bad news for Joe Biden, who, as PJMedia’s Matt Margolis notes. will now have an asterisk next to his name. He argues that President Bush had similar with the 2000 debacles and it didn’t help him any.

But even moreso, it raises the possibility that President Trump, should he win his court and recounting cases, has a strong possibility of unifying the country should he win and be seated into his second term. Biden has the inertia-support of about half the electorate, which obviously includes lukewarms who just want to move on. Now a sizable chunk has signalled unwillingness to accept his presidency as legitimate. Democrats and Republicans agree, Biden stole the election from Trump.

It certainly explains why Biden is trying to sweet talk the electorate with his nonsense unity talk. His real game is to talk voters into believing he actually won the election.
There will be no asterisk next to Biden's presidency because the election was not "stolen" and Dems don't believe that it was "stolen". Trump lost by 6 million votes, and that is not theft. The Dems that I have discussed this with have acknowledged that George Bush won and there is no asterisk. Where do you get this nonsense? That Rassmussen poll is a republican poll, is and has been inaccurate and one-sided. If trump were awarded the election that he is trying to disrupt (he has lost all 28 court cases so far), there is no way he would unify the country since it is his fault that the country is so divided thanks to his divisive behavior. He thrives on chaos and has said that he likes chaos and I believe him. It is easier to grift people when there is chaos and he has certainly been successful. Biden's unity talk is not "nonsense". It is heart-felt and should be given a chance by one and all to save our Democracy from the autocracy we were facing, for our country's sake.
Now polls are good?


Rasmussen had Trump winning by3% (they were the only poll to do that). He lost by more than that
Actually Trump won by a wide margin but because of a massive vote stealing campaign by leftist criminals
that news will stay buried until all this corruption is taken care of.

I think the only person powerful enough to organize and pull of such an electronic coup is the Big O himself.
But would authorities have the balls to prosecute? I would doubt that. Little criminals go to jail.
The biggest criminals seldom are held accountable.
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Now polls are good? RASMUSSEN?
Rasmussen had Trump winning by3% (they were the only poll to do that). He lost by more than that
Actually Trump won by a wide margin but because of a massive vote stealing campaign by leftist criminals
that news will stay buried all this corruption is taken care of.

I think the only person powerful enough to organize and pull of such an electronic coup is the Big O himself.
But would authorities have the balls to prosecute? I would doubt that. Little criminals go to jail.
The biggest criminals seldom are held accountable.

Thank you.
there is no way he would unify the country since it is his fault that the country is so divided thanks to his divisive behavior.
I thought only children thought this way: It's his fault. He made me do it. Etc.

To be fair you are by far not the only leftist to claim the insanity on the left was the fault of Trump
because he drove them to such tantrum throwing extremes.

Still as adults it's the left's responsibility to admit that during the Trump years when the economy was
thriving, we were at peace with the world and so many social gains were made at home the left threw a collective screaming, kicking, rolling on the floor, four year long fit.
And when the Supreme Court orders a Biden win nullified due to unprecedented fraud and vote theft
the biggest most dangerous tantrums are yet to come.
Unity: A third of Democrats agree with Republicans that Trump’s reelection was stolen -poll

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.
Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s a remarkable number. Huge, in fact.

Three quarters of Republicans think that, which should be no surprise to anyone. I’ve seen other polls suggesting the number was even higher.

The news, though, is that nearly a third of Democrats think the election was stolen. And why shouldn’t they? Bernie Sanders got his nominations stolen from the Democrats, both in 2016 and 2020, with enough records to show it.

All the more likely then that Democrats would conspire to steal the election from President Trump, based on what Democratic voters have experienced of their own party. So while the media repeats over and over that there was no such thing as fraud, not even a sizable chunk of the Democrats are buying it.

Which is very bad news for Joe Biden, who, as PJMedia’s Matt Margolis notes. will now have an asterisk next to his name. He argues that President Bush had similar with the 2000 debacles and it didn’t help him any.

But even moreso, it raises the possibility that President Trump, should he win his court and recounting cases, has a strong possibility of unifying the country should he win and be seated into his second term. Biden has the inertia-support of about half the electorate, which obviously includes lukewarms who just want to move on. Now a sizable chunk has signalled unwillingness to accept his presidency as legitimate. Democrats and Republicans agree, Biden stole the election from Trump.

It certainly explains why Biden is trying to sweet talk the electorate with his nonsense unity talk. His real game is to talk voters into believing he actually won the election.
I could have told you this would be the case. The 2000 election BS is what turned me off of democrats. People aren’t stupid. ( though democrats think they are).
Biden's unity talk is not "nonsense". It is heart-felt and should be given a chance by one and all to save our Democracy from the autocracy we were facing, for our country's sake.
I'm sure Biden's call to all come together and hug our differences out, after he "won" (and the SCOTUS will have something to say about that) was as heartfelt as Joe's claims that he knew nothing about his son's make
believe jobs (speaking of grifters) in Ukraine, China and even Latvia (Latvia Flagged ‘Suspicious’ Hunter Biden Payments in 2016 - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens),

It's so easy to be magnanimous after you think you have stolen the presidency. You are as credulous
as a six year old.
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I could have told you this would be the case. The 2000 election BS is what turned me off of democrats. People aren’t stupid. ( though democrats think they are).
Oddly it hads the opposite effect on me.

Seeing the voter disenfranchisement, the "Brooks Brothers riot" during the recount, and the eventual SCOTUS picking the President kinda soured me to Republicans.

What Bush and Cheney and the GOP Congress did following cemented that.

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