Univ Of Alaska Hangs Painting Of Captain America Actor Holding Decapitated Head Of President Trump


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
As an devout American patriot who loves his country, I find this utterly dispicable. It's totally anti-American. The left, especially anti-Trumper Chris Evans, has become unhinged since we elected our glorious bold leader, Donald J. Trump. This radical professor and the radical Alaska university officials who approved the hanging of this anti-American garbage should be reprimanded or fired.


You are fucking sick. Just as bad as the people that joked about Obama being murdered and shit.
Imagine if it had been Obama in that painting.

Top news story, marches, careers destroyed, you name it.

Maybe I am just young, but it seems to only get worse.
If someone had that drawing of Captain America holding O's decapitated head, we'd get 3 years of racism BS from the media.
Hopefully the Alumni Association has some pull with donations. No money until the prof is sent packing. Failing that, we survived crosses in urine before.
OMG that's disgusting. A young Hillary at this naked man's feet!!!!!

The nerve. I'm outrageded.

Seriously, a Heavy Metal artist he's not. And Herr Trumphs head does not belong in Heavy Metal art.
As an devout American patriot who loves his country, I find this utterly dispicable. It's totally anti-American. The left, especially anti-Trumper Chris Evans, has become unhinged since we elected our glorious bold leader, Donald J. Trump. This radical professor and the radical Alaska university officials who approved the hanging of this anti-American garbage should be reprimanded or fired.

Typical. If these waste of oxygen were around in the 1950's they would of hung Ike in effigy.
Alaska is going through budget battles just now.

The Democrat House wants to spend, spend, spend. The Republican Senate is looking for ways to cut that will have a positive nod from the general population.

They just found one!
Really, folks, such outrage. Keep in mind, this is an ART professor. Not a very good one, seemingly, but they are all a little different.
The society had been founded in 1958 by an earnest and capable entrepreneur named Robert Welch, a candy man, who brought together little clusters of American conservatives, most of them businessmen. He demanded two undistracted days in exchange for his willingness to give his seminar on the Communist menace to the United States, which he believed was more thoroughgoing and far-reaching than anyone else in America could have conceived. His influence was near-hypnotic, and his ideas wild. He said Dwight D. Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy,” and that the government of the United States was “under operational control of the Communist party.” It was, he said in the summer of 1961, “50-70 percent” Communist-controlled.

Goldwater, the John Birch Society, and Me - Commentary Magazine

Yes, there are always radical fringe elements on the right or left. We had the John Birch Society claiming that Eisenhower was a communist in the late fifties and early sixties.
You are fucking sick. Just as bad as the people that joked about Obama being murdered and shit.
Imagine if it had been Obama in that painting.

Top news story, marches, careers destroyed, you name it.

Maybe I am just young, but it seems to only get worse.
It is.

All I get out of it is a resounding "meh"

Looks like something thought up during an acid trip while flipping between an Avengers's movie and MSNBC.
Hopefully the Alumni Association has some pull with donations. No money until the prof is sent packing. Failing that, we survived crosses in urine before.
I don't know why any conservative would donate money to a university. I have never given a cent to my alma mata.

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