Universal Basic Income: Biden's Best Bet?

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Almost everyone's aware of Alaska's Permanent Fund:

"...The program began in 1976 after the discovery of oil on Alaska’s North Slope.

"The then-governor, a renegade Republican named Jay Hammond, concluded that this windfall was too good to just give to the oil companies.

"So he devised the program to share the revenue with Alaska residents...."

"OK, here’s the idea for President-elect Biden:

"Bring 20 of the Trumpiest-looking Alaskans to a press conference.

"Unveil a plan whereby every man, woman, and child gets a $1,000 check every month from the government.

"Finance it with taxes on large wealth, fossil fuels, financial transactions, and intellectual property resulting from taxpayer-funded public research.

"Invite the Alaskans to describe the joy of getting their checks: no middleman, no means tests, no government forms to fill out—just free money as everyone’s share of the American commons.

"Dare Mitch McConnell to oppose it."

A Big, Simple, Winning Issue for Biden

The "American commons" are the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of society. In a time when the privileged few expand their vast fortunes despite a global pandemic and recession, it seems fitting to socialize the profits and privatize the losses.

Does anyone believe "Delaware Joe" will turn on his corporate benefactors?
What if someone doesnt want to work, but still wants the basic income? Why should other people work then?

They want to give free college, but why go to college if you get a basic income, sounds like a waste of time to get educated for nothing.....
Greed is good for some; we have a Commerce Clause; some people may not want be Poor under our form of Capitalism.
A lot of people don’t want to be fat or ugly. Yet here you are. Do we run a nation on your not wanting to be what you are?
Almost everyone's aware of Alaska's Permanent Fund:

"...The program began in 1976 after the discovery of oil on Alaska’s North Slope.

"The then-governor, a renegade Republican named Jay Hammond, concluded that this windfall was too good to just give to the oil companies.

"So he devised the program to share the revenue with Alaska residents...."

"OK, here’s the idea for President-elect Biden:

"Bring 20 of the Trumpiest-looking Alaskans to a press conference.

"Unveil a plan whereby every man, woman, and child gets a $1,000 check every month from the government.

"Finance it with taxes on large wealth, fossil fuels, financial transactions, and intellectual property resulting from taxpayer-funded public research.

"Invite the Alaskans to describe the joy of getting their checks: no middleman, no means tests, no government forms to fill out—just free money as everyone’s share of the American commons.

"Dare Mitch McConnell to oppose it."

A Big, Simple, Winning Issue for Biden

The "American commons" are the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of society. In a time when the privileged few expand their vast fortunes despite a global pandemic and recession, it seems fitting to socialize the profits and privatize the losses.

Does anyone believe "Delaware Joe" will turn on his corporate benefactors?
Just a quick question. What resources are the other 49 states going to provide for this windfall of cash?

Do the fly over states get to raise the prices of farm and ranch products to distribute among their citizens? Can we then not pay the city people because they had nothing to do with that? Is it then on the cities in these states to prove they are providing something of value to the farmers and ranchers so they get some of the money? And if they can prove they are providing some value how much should we tax them for it?

It’s almost as if you put no effort at all into this program other than your greed for money you didn’t earn.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could be accomplished by executive order.

Automatic stabilization of our economy now!
What law would you be talking about here? You don’t have to get a job. You can at will yourself to not work and beg on street corners. Why should we give you a minimum income for your minimal effort?
Not gonna happen. Ds will more than likely lose the house in 2022. Nothing's going through the senate.
You're assuming Republicans win both Georgia Senate seats?
I think you are probably correct about '22 Dems, especially if Biden doesn't prosecute Trump to the full extent of the law.

No. Dems will go down in 2022. They already failed because of their fake witch hunts.
Government will have much more power once everyone is working for the state.
But what happens to those who dont want to work, and just be a doper or welfare queen?
Eventually, I suspect they'll be forced to join the military. In any case, those dependent on UBI will be thralls of the state. Which is the point.
So basically we will be back to slavery. Only now it will be to the government.
Government will have much more power once everyone is working for the state.
But what happens to those who dont want to work, and just be a doper or welfare queen?
Eventually, I suspect they'll be forced to join the military. In any case, those dependent on UBI will be thralls of the state. Which is the point.
So basically we will be back to slavery. Only now it will be to the government.

That's the essence of socialism.
Government will have much more power once everyone is working for the state.
But what happens to those who dont want to work, and just be a doper or welfare queen?
Eventually, I suspect they'll be forced to join the military. In any case, those dependent on UBI will be thralls of the state. Which is the point.
So basically we will be back to slavery. Only now it will be to the government.

That's the essence of socialism.
Well yeah, and that’s the goal of the democrat party.
Hard to believe there are people stupid enough to feel a free $1000/month would solve their financial problems or anyone's financial problems. They can't seem to see anything beyond their fricken nose.
Hard to believe there are people stupid enough to feel a free $1000/month would solve their financial problems or anyone's financial problems. They can't seem to see anything beyond their fricken nose.
They’re so fucking stupid they think they will get that check without effecting everyone else and the economy will stay the same. It’s exactly what every communist/ socialist country has thought before. Right up until it all crashes down and they didn’t get the riches for nothing they thought they would, look no further than Venezuela for how universal income has worked.
Hard to believe there are people stupid enough to feel a free $1000/month would solve their financial problems or anyone's financial problems. They can't seem to see anything beyond their fricken nose.
They’re so fucking stupid they think they will get that check without effecting everyone else and the economy will stay the same. It’s exactly what every communist/ socialist country has thought before. Right up until it all crashes down and they didn’t get the riches for nothing they thought they would, look no further than Venezuela for how universal income has worked.

This topic seems to come up every so often, and one day it may happen, especially with a Biden/Harris admin. What they don't seem to realize is we'll get hyper-inflation and that $1000 would be better used as toilet paper.
Hard to believe there are people stupid enough to feel a free $1000/month would solve their financial problems or anyone's financial problems. They can't seem to see anything beyond their fricken nose.
They’re so fucking stupid they think they will get that check without effecting everyone else and the economy will stay the same. It’s exactly what every communist/ socialist country has thought before. Right up until it all crashes down and they didn’t get the riches for nothing they thought they would, look no further than Venezuela for how universal income has worked.

This topic seems to come up every so often, and one day it may happen, especially with a Biden/Harris admin. What they don't seem to realize is we'll get hyper-inflation and that $1000 would be better used as toilet paper.
If it does happen it won’t be any different than the previous attempts. These socialist dream of free money and a carefree life without any effort. They always end up rooting through the trash for food and wiping their asses with a stick.
What ratio of employees can a given employer afford to disemploy before it affects productivity?
There is no ratio as every business is a different entity. Think.

A person earning fifteen dollars an hour generates around nine times the federal income tax a person on the current federal minimum wage does now.
It is entirely relevant. Knowing that is a requirement for any business to understand how to optimize to make a profit. Government won't lose federal income tax revenue if employers cut less than a nine to one ratio of employees due to the minimum wage increase.

Conversely, business has a good excuse to ask for a tax break to handle the increase since the multiplier effect should be showing results by following tax season.
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Almost everyone's aware of Alaska's Permanent Fund:

"...The program began in 1976 after the discovery of oil on Alaska’s North Slope.

"The then-governor, a renegade Republican named Jay Hammond, concluded that this windfall was too good to just give to the oil companies.

"So he devised the program to share the revenue with Alaska residents...."

"OK, here’s the idea for President-elect Biden:

"Bring 20 of the Trumpiest-looking Alaskans to a press conference.

"Unveil a plan whereby every man, woman, and child gets a $1,000 check every month from the government.

"Finance it with taxes on large wealth, fossil fuels, financial transactions, and intellectual property resulting from taxpayer-funded public research.

"Invite the Alaskans to describe the joy of getting their checks: no middleman, no means tests, no government forms to fill out—just free money as everyone’s share of the American commons.

"Dare Mitch McConnell to oppose it."

A Big, Simple, Winning Issue for Biden

The "American commons" are the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of society. In a time when the privileged few expand their vast fortunes despite a global pandemic and recession, it seems fitting to socialize the profits and privatize the losses.

Does anyone believe "Delaware Joe" will turn on his corporate benefactors?
There have already been proposals along these lines from Democrats like Kamala Harris.

Personally I think they are a great idea. This is America, the richest, best country in the world. We should have no one living in poverty here.

we dont have anyone living in poverty by world standards,,,

we dont have anyone living in poverty by world standards,,,

I've lived under a bridge for months at a time but never inside a bridge. Amassing all the small truths about various aspects and parts of society can never reveal the big truths about the social order itself; a single human being sheltering beneath a metro rail line is one among 66,000 people in LA county currently experiencing homeless, a 12.7% increase from last year's point-in-time count. (June 2020). The MAGA-virus is likely to increase those numbers substantially next winter.

We should have no homeless problem in our first world economy. The right wing has nothing but ad hominems not any fine capital solutions at lower cost but still want to be taken seriously about Capitalism outside of Socialism threads.
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