Universities utterly destroyed


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
Next they will demand AA in the “ hard sciences”, so the programs will be dumbed down to 8 th grade levels
Maybe one will design your new bridge ??
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
The ugly “ horse face , failed bartender” that talks like she is on “laughing gas”
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today ...
Not everyone. Don't overreact. I will say that the above sentiment should be kept in mind when people are hysterically screaming to exclude international students from American universities. By and large, these students don't go to all the trouble of applying and getting here so they can party and look for 'entitlement grades.' They work hard, and often stay on after graduation, greatly adding to the quality and technical acumen of the American workforce (maybe stop crying about work visas as well?). Just the sort of infusion that keeps America strong, and why American universities remain far and away the best in the world.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
That's a fact. They're as dumb as posts when they graduate anymore and have been for at least two or three decades now. And it seems to be getting worse as time goes on.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today ...
Not everyone. Don't overreact. I will say that the above sentiment should be kept in mind when people are hysterically screaming to exclude international students from American universities. By and large, these students don't go to all the trouble of applying and getting here so they can party and look for 'entitlement grades.' They work hard, and often stay on after graduation, greatly adding to the quality and technical acumen of the American workforce (maybe stop crying about work visas as well?). Just the sort of infusion that keeps America strong, and why American universities remain far and away the best in the world.
How would you know they're the best? Of that claim I would be highly sceptical and very doubful. I will tell you one thing, look into any classroom in the sciences and engineering buildings and you'll see a very large proportion of asians. Hiwever when you check out the classes in libtarded class rooms and lecture halls you'll find your American students becoming expert on gay art history and useless crap like that.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today ...
Not everyone. Don't overreact. I will say that the above sentiment should be kept in mind when people are hysterically screaming to exclude international students from American universities. By and large, these students don't go to all the trouble of applying and getting here so they can party and look for 'entitlement grades.' They work hard, and often stay on after graduation, greatly adding to the quality and technical acumen of the American workforce (maybe stop crying about work visas as well?). Just the sort of infusion that keeps America strong, and why American universities remain far and away the best in the world.
How would you know they're the best? ...
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
That's a fact. They're as dumb as posts when they graduate anymore and have been for at least two or three decades now. And it seems to be getting worse as time goes on.
Plenty of smart, hard-working, level-headed people graduate from universities today.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
Have I seen them? You bet your ass, every American has seen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez(Sandy growing up on the Island, and thats Long Island, not Puerto Rico thank you)was graduated from Boston University "Cum Laude" with a degree in economics and international relations. She was laughed out of a class of fifth grade civics students, every one of whom knew more of economics and the United States then the impossibly stupid Cortez did, and they graduated the buck toothed cretin cum laude!
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
Have I seen them? You bet your ass, every American has seen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez(Sandy growing up on the Island, and thats Long Island, not Puerto Rico thank you)was graduated from Boston University "Cum Laude" with a degree in economics and international relations. She was laughed out of a class of fifth grade civics students, every one of whom knew more of economics and the United States then the impossibly stupid Cortez did, and they graduated the buck toothed cretin cum laude!
She must have made a few professors ‘cum loudly’ to get through.
It boils down to a couple of things, one, the takeover of Academe by draft-dodging Leftists, but let's put that one aside for now.

Look at the numbers. When the Boomers reached college age, colleges and universities would have been swamped with the NORMAL flow of new applicants; no surprise there. But the VIetnam war dramatically increased the percentage of male HS grads who sought to go to college in order to delay or avoid military service. The schools simply exploded with these higher numbers of students. New buildings popped up, buildings were re-purposed into classrooms, etc., etc.

Also, prior to the late 60's "good" colleges took pride in their academic attrition rates. It was actually a mark of pride to say that only some percentage (half or less) of those who first enrolled would graduate. At Harvard the claim was 2/3 would crap out before graduation day. But Vietnam changed all that. The professors and teachers were horrified at the thought that they might give a student a failing grade, causing him to be expelled, drafted, then KILLED IN VIETNAM! Horrors! So academic attrition reduced from, say 50% to something like 15%. Grading became much looser, and there were numerous ways to prevent bad grades from showing up on your transcripts.

But then the Boom petered out, and the colleges were confronted with classrooms and dorms that needed filling. Standards were lowered. Affirmative Action expanded under various rubrics. Bullshit courses and bullshit majors were added, to accommodate the tens of thousands of students who were not - in the vernacular of the time - "college material."

Traditionally, college was intended to educate the top 25% of HS grads, and let's face it: college prepares the leaders of tomorrow, 60% of HS grads cannot be "leaders." It is bullshit.

So it is no wonder that hundreds of thousands of college degrees are held by people who had no business going to college in the first place. OF COURSE their major was some bullshit subject that no sane employer would value, and OF COURSE they would not manifest great intelligence or perseverence when they hit the job market.

The pity is that most of these fukkers accumulated huge debts in the pursuit of these nearly-worthless sheepskins, and now are lucky to find a job that will support them, let alone pay back those loans in a reasonable time.

When I was growing up the mention of a young person obtaining a college degree was an occasion of joy and admiration. Employers valued ANY degree, because it was presumed that it took intelligence and hard work to get that degree. After Vietnam, not so much.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today ...
Not everyone. Don't overreact. I will say that the above sentiment should be kept in mind when people are hysterically screaming to exclude international students from American universities. By and large, these students don't go to all the trouble of applying and getting here so they can party and look for 'entitlement grades.' They work hard, and often stay on after graduation, greatly adding to the quality and technical acumen of the American workforce (maybe stop crying about work visas as well?). Just the sort of infusion that keeps America strong, and why American universities remain far and away the best in the world.

many !!

You seem like a moderate?
You soon will have to choice which side in the trench
The thugs cannot pass any classes - so they “ dumb down “ every once fine School
All these “ screaming chicks with big mouths “ and fake degrees
Future bartender !!
Asian, Indian and Jewish kids go to learn and become professionals
They don’t attend college to cause mayhem and violence
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
Are you crazy? She has cooties.
Even the ivy leagues has been reduced to complete garbage
All you need on your resume for acceptance:
White men are evil
USA is a racist nation
Cops are baddddd
Stalin gooooodddd
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week

And have you seen the caliber of some folks who have been made "professors" at these universities?

I often see them on C-SPAN and better understand now why many students are full of crazy ideas.

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