Universities utterly destroyed

Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week
I doubt if 30% of todays college students even belong there. Used to be a thing called college material and most of todays college kids don't qualify. In the end, it all seems to be a part of the liberal scam to enrich their biggest constituency at the expense of the taxpayer.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week

I am always amused that older generations forget what it was like when they were that age. Your elders probably thought the same thing about you when you graduated.

Has accomplished more in life than you ever will at a young age.
Have you seen the illiterate morons graduating today based on Affirmative Action
Funny they think their “ fake degrees “ will lead to real jobs lol
These “punks and pukes” have zero work ethic, zero skills and think the real world will placate to them ??
A real job ?? They won’t last a week

I am always amused that older generations forget what it was like when they were that age. Your elders probably thought the same thing about you when you graduated.

Has accomplished more in life than you ever will at a young age.

Accomplished more for the CCP and President Xi.
Look at the numbers. When the Boomers reached college age, colleges and universities would have been swamped with the NORMAL flow of new applicants; no surprise there. But the VIetnam war dramatically increased the percentage of male HS grads who sought to go to college in order to delay or avoid military service. The schools simply exploded with these higher numbers of students. New buildings popped up, buildings were re-purposed into classrooms, etc., etc.

I think you are a little confused. Let's take a look at that, shall we. Less than 15% of men in 1967 had Bachelor's degrees, as opposed to nearly 35% today.


The main reason why people need bachelor degrees is because the market demands them. In my field, you can't get a good job without a college degree now.

But then the Boom petered out, and the colleges were confronted with classrooms and dorms that needed filling. Standards were lowered. Affirmative Action expanded under various rubrics. Bullshit courses and bullshit majors were added, to accommodate the tens of thousands of students who were not - in the vernacular of the time - "college material."

Again, the real problem with pre-1960's education was not that they were "college Material". Guys like Trump and Bush Jr. got Ivy League degrees, and they are dumber than stumps. College pre-1960's was just another privilege the rich had over the rest of us.

Traditionally, college was intended to educate the top 25% of HS grads, and let's face it: college prepares the leaders of tomorrow, 60% of HS grads cannot be "leaders." It is bullshit.

Yes, as I said, non-leader positions require at least a bachelor's now. Case in point, as I said, in my field (Purchasing), even entry level jobs require a college degree. I've known buyers with 20 years experience who weren't considered for jobs because they went right to work after HS and never got a degree.

The pity is that most of these fukkers accumulated huge debts in the pursuit of these nearly-worthless sheepskins, and now are lucky to find a job that will support them, let alone pay back those loans in a reasonable time.

No, the real problem is that before, college was paid for by the state, and now that burden has been transferred to the student.

I graduated from UIC back in 1985. Back then tuition was only $1500 a year, which one could pay by working a minimum wage job for 10 hours a week. (The Army actually paid my tuition, but that's another story) The State funded the universities, not the students. Today, tuition costs $17,000 a year, and students are carrying that all on their own.

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