Oh boy all those little trolls are gonna be calling the original poster a “Russian sympathizer” big-time. I bet their blood is boiling right now they’re whining so much lolz
“russian sympathizers”
“Jew sympathizer
Black sympathizer”
Do some of the anti-Russians realize how hypocritical and bigoted they sound.????
As for Russias invasion of Ukraine. Reminds of America’s invasion of Iraq a bit. I don’t agree with Russian invading Ukraine. And It’s not America’s fault. Russia made that decision. Like America made a decision to invade Iraq.
As for this idea of a scenario of America invading Canada being similar to Russia invading Ukraine … it’s not at all similar. Ukraine was once a part of the Soviet Union. Most of the people in Ukraine are of Russian ethnic background. This goes back centuries. America on the other hand is an idea a country filled with different ethnicities. There are many differences between America compared to Ukraine and Russia.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine was due in part to political ideologies, but there is certainly more to the picture. America is not threatened by Mexico or Canada. Not at all. On the other hand, the idea of Ukraine joining NATO is somewhat of a threat to Russia. So that played a role as well. Also, some percentage of Ukrainian people wants to be a part of Russia. That’s not really the case with Mexican or Canadian folks wanting to join America
One thing we know from this conversation is the radical left is completely insane. They bring no arguments to the table other than calling people Russian sympathizers or Putin lovers for having a different view. It’s unfortunate and hilarious at the same time.