Unless i am gravely mistaken this shutdown is based on LOCAL decisions not federal.

Every state/city has reacted differently and with different timing to this mess.

For instance here in KC we have been shutdown for almost a month but a majority of the state was open for business until recently when our govenor finally followed suit.

So while the Feds have issued their so called guidelines they have exercised no authority that I know of to force compliance on a national level.

If your state/city has you locked down and you feel it is unnecessary it seems to me your beef is with them, not Trump.

Am I wrong?
You are correct.
dOnald tRump is far to wishy-washy to to commit to a national lockdown.
It is the State and Local Governments who are making the hard decisions.

Trump is busy playing “Cheerleader”
I think the States should be taking the lead on the response since the states are the ones who will be enforcing the rules
You are the United States for a reason, so this is how it is supposed to work. The Feds can provide resources, opinions and advice, but as a Canadian, my personal opinion is your imperfect union is a better system than a centrally controlled system.

We've seen the politics for 3 years, MSM played it during this virus, including as they followed the impeachment. Odd timing for both the virus and impeachment to intersect, that's for sure.

You said it all right there 'UNITED STATES" not a rogue states and the suggestion to shutdown should have originated at the Federal level instead of piece meal. We just might have hit the peak weeks ago.

Many red state governor's called him daily to ask his advice and he should have advised to shut down.
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Obviously you know that without that Trump has NO AUTHORITY over the states.
By what authority did Trump "close down Florida" then.

No it was not an official mandate...but He made it happen...as he should have for the entire nation...weeks ago.
He didn't close Florida. He voiced an opinion. The same opinion some other states heeded and some didn't.
Without invoking martial law he has no official authority over states.

But of course you already know this because you asshats sue him all the time when he does something you don't like.

Hell Florida isn't really shut down maybe some businesses that closed on their own and some beaches but Lowes was packed today and you can come an go as usual except for some beaches.
And if we did, you'd be calling Trump a dictator
He probably would have gotten pushback from both the right and left...it's a bitter pill to swallow.

But an actual leader would have taken the heat...and been shown to be right.

I was initially FURIOUS with Cuomo...wrongly it turns out

I live in one of the first of the California counties to issue a stay at home order. I was immensely relieved. Even more so when Gorgeous Governor Newsom followed suit. California and New York set an example for Trump to follow. He tripped on his tie on the way out the door.
I live in one of the first of the California counties to issue a stay at home order. I was immensely relieved. Even more so when Gorgeous Governor Newsom followed suit. California and New York set an example for Trump to follow. He tripped on his tie on the way out the door.
Of course the libs in California don't cherish freedom.
Every state/city has reacted differently and with different timing to this mess.

For instance here in KC we have been shutdown for almost a month but a majority of the state was open for business until recently when our govenor finally followed suit.

So while the Feds have issued their so called guidelines they have exercised no authority that I know of to force compliance on a national level.

If your state/city has you locked down and you feel it is unnecessary it seems to me your beef is with them, not Trump.

Am I wrong?
Nope, you are right.
The lack of a uniform, proactive apolitical response is why Trump is not getting high marks on this. His learning curve is even steeper than the fatality curve. This is not a good time for a president to have had no real grasp of basic middle-school biology.

Middle school biology would tell you to let the virus run its course.
It’s based on from condo boards to governors making declarations that mostly are not contained within their charters.
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Every state/city has reacted differently and with different timing to this mess.

For instance here in KC we have been shutdown for almost a month but a majority of the state was open for business until recently when our govenor finally followed suit.

So while the Feds have issued their so called guidelines they have exercised no authority that I know of to force compliance on a national level.

If your state/city has you locked down and you feel it is unnecessary it seems to me your beef is with them, not Trump.

Am I wrong?
You are correct.
dOnald tRump is far to wishy-washy to to commit to a national lockdown.

Pssssttttt....here's a little secret.

The entire country is not the hell hole of New York.

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